George William Smith, the way I calculate it, is my 1st cousin three times removed. He was the son of great-great-granduncle Thomas Smith. His name is made mentioned in gg-granduncle Thomas’ Last Will and Testament. (You can see my discussion in Parts 349s and 350s.)
This next Indenture from the Grenada Registers of Records and downloaded from Item 7 of the microfilm [1563330] is the assignment of a Power of Attorney to cousin George William by one, Sarah Bremner. The date of the Power of Attorney is 20 November 1878 and it was entered to the Registers 13 December 1878.
Sorry to say there is no evident clue as to the origins or ancestral genealogy of ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Here are the two Pages, 452 and 453, as downloaded from the microfilm.
And my transcription –
I have made a decision at this point in time that I will now shift years in my work in my Indenture Transcription Project. I do believe that there may be a very small chance that there could be a hint or a clue to the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith in the documentation. But the Indentures at this point of time are approximately 35 years after his passing.
I will be working on and updating my Matrixes of the microfilms of Records that I have covered thus far. In turn I will then determine at what year to continue with Indentures that are entered to the Grenada Registers of Records.
Stay tuned.
Here are the two Pages, 452 and 453, as downloaded from the microfilm.
And my transcription –
Entered 13th December 1878
To all to whom these presents shall come I Sarah Bremner at present
in the Island of Grenada Spinster Send Greeting Whereas I am about to
to leave the said Island and am desirous of investing George William Smith
of the Town of Saint George in the said Island Accountant with the Powers
and authorities hereinafter contained Now these presents Witness that I the
said Sarah Bemner do hereby nominate constitute and appoint and in my
place and stead put and depute the said George William Smith as my
Attorney for me and in my name to obtain from the person or persons
authorized to grant the same a Lease of a certain Lot of land and premises
known as Lot No 112 of the lands known as Church Lands in the Town
and Island aforesaid And to execute the same And also for me and in
my name to enter upon and take possession of all my lands and
Messuages to which I am now or may hereafter become entitled in the
said Island and for me and in my name to bargain sell and transfer
unto any person or persona all or any portion of my said lands and
Messuages in the said Island at such price for such sum or sums of
money and upon such terms and conditions as my said attorney shall
think expedient And for me and in my name and as my act and
deed to sign seal execute and deliver such deed or deed instrument or
instruments as my said Attorney shall deem requisite or expedient for con-
veying and transferring or otherwise effectually and satisfactorily assuring
the said lands and messuages unto the purchase or purchases thereof or
as he or they may direct And also by the said deed or deeds instrument
or instruments to make and enter into or concur in all or any usual and
reasonable covenants and stipulations in relation to the title or enjoyment
and further assurance of the said premises or any part thereof And also
for me and in my name to give sufficient receipts and discharges for
the purchase money of the said lands and messuages And I hereby
declare that such receipts shall effectually discharge the persons or person
paying the same And I also empower my said Attorney to pay from the
moneys to arise from the sale of transfer of the said lands and messuages
any costs or charges which may be requisite for completing my title thereto
And generally in the premises to do perform execute and accomplish all
such acts deed matters and things whatsoever as my said Attorney shall
judge see or think fit and necessary to be done in the premises as
fully and effectually as I the said Sarah Bremner might or could do
were I personally present And I the said Sarah Bremner do ratify and
hereby promise to allow ratify confirm and hold for good effectual and
valid in law all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully do or
cause to be done in and about the premises by virtue of these
presents In Witness whereof I the said Sarah Bremner have hereunto set
my hand and seal this twentieth day of November in the year one
thousand eight hundred and seventy eight.
Sarah Bremner (LS)Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
E.G. Julien A.H. GuthrieGrenada Acknowledged before me by Sarah Bremner the party executing the
within Deed Poll or Power of Attorney as and for her free and voluntary Act
and Deed this twentieth day of November in the Year of our lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy eight.
Ian Mitchell Regr.
I have made a decision at this point in time that I will now shift years in my work in my Indenture Transcription Project. I do believe that there may be a very small chance that there could be a hint or a clue to the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith in the documentation. But the Indentures at this point of time are approximately 35 years after his passing.
I will be working on and updating my Matrixes of the microfilms of Records that I have covered thus far. In turn I will then determine at what year to continue with Indentures that are entered to the Grenada Registers of Records.
Stay tuned.
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