Today I shift gears in my search for the genealogy and origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith. My transcription work now moves back in time to the year 1812. This next Indenture was entered to the Grenada Registers of Records 21 August 1812 and it appears to be a contract of a sale of a property between Elizabeth Smith and Francis Olton.
(The inserted image is of a circa 1910 postcard of Hospital Hill, St. George, Grenada.)
There is no indication of any direct or indirect relationship to ggg-grandfather James shy of the location, the Town of Saint George and the surname Smith. The earliest document that I have encountered referencing ggg-grandfather James is the 1814 Baptism Registration of his daughter, gg-grandaunt Eley Smith. Her recorded birth date, per the Registration is 17 March 1812. (I presented this work in Part 87s almost a year ago.) There may be a connection between ggg-grandfather James and Elizabeth Smith but there is no immediate or obvious proof.
The image is downloaded from Item 2 of the microfilm [1563379].
My transcription. As always I have tried to transcribe the Document line by line by better cross-referencing. At times the word-wrapping is somewhat askew. I don’t think the Writer or Scribe in 1812 was thinking of our 2010 online capabilities and/or limitations.
And to continue. Enjoy,
My transcription. As always I have tried to transcribe the Document line by line by better cross-referencing. At times the word-wrapping is somewhat askew. I don’t think the Writer or Scribe in 1812 was thinking of our 2010 online capabilities and/or limitations.
Entered August 21, 1812Exd
Know all Men by these presents That I Elizabeth Smith free
Woman of Colour of the Island of Grenada for and in Consideration of the Sum of One hundred and ninety eight Pounds
Current Money to me in hand well and truly paid by Francis Olton of the Island aforesaid at or before the Sealing
and delivery of these presents the receipt of which said Sum I do hereby acknowledge have granted Bargained Aliened
Released Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents Do grant Bargain Alien release Convey and Confirm unto the said
Francis Olton his Heirs and A∫signs a Certain Wooden Dwelling house admeasuring twenty two feet in length and thirteen
feet in breadth Erected on a Lot of Land the Right and Title of the said Francis Olton situate or being in that part of the
Town of St. George called Upper Montserratt abutted and bounded as follows on the East by Lands of Robert Ford on the West
by Lands of the said Francis Olton on the South by Lucas Street and on the North by Hospital Hill and howsoever
otherwise bounded and all Priviledges advantages profits and Hereditaments to the said Dwelling house belonging
or in anywise accepted reputed taken or Known as part or member thereof and the Reversion and Reversions
Remainder and Remainders rents receipts I∫sues and Profits thereof To Have and To Hold unto the said Francis Olton
his Heirs and A∫signs to the only proper use and behoof of the said Francis Olton his Heirs and
A∫signs to Warrant and forever defend the Sale of the said Dwelling House against the Claim or Claims of all Persons
by from or under her or them In Wirness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twentieth day of
July in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twelve
Elizabeth her X mark Smith (LS)
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of}
Jam Begg – Francois Courmes}
Received in the day of the date of the within Bill of Sale and from the therein named Francis Olton the
Sum of One hundred and ninety eight Pounds Current Money being the full Consideration Money therein mentioned
Sale by him to me paid I say received
Elizabeth her X mark Smith (LS)Witness
Sam Begg Francois CourmesBe it remembered that on the day of the date of the within Bill of Sale quiet and Peaceable
Po∫se∫sion livery and Seizen of the within mentioned Premises was had and delivered to the within named Francis
Olton in Our presence whose Names are hereunto Subscribed
Sam Begg Francois CourmesGrenada
Before the honorable Henry Bridgwater Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ofJudicature of the said IslandPersonally appeared Samuel Begg of the said Island Writing Clerk who being duly Sworn maketh
Oath and Saith that he was present and did See Elizabeth Smith the party named in the foregoing Bill of Sale Receipt
and Memorandum duly Execute (by putting her mark) Seal and deliver the same and that the marks of the X Set
opposite to the Seals of the said Bill of Sale and receipt purporting to be “Elizabeth Smith her mark” are of the making
and marking of the said Elizabeth Smith and that the names Sam Begg and Francois Courmes Set and Subscribed
as Witne∫ses to the due execution of the said Bill of Sale receipt and memorandum are of the Hand writing of the said
Francois Courmes and of this Deponent
Sworn this 20th day of August 1812}
Hy Bridgwater}
Sam Begg
And to continue. Enjoy,
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