My next transcription in my search and research for the origin and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith is a two-part Document from the Grenada Registers of Records. It is dated the 18th of May in the 54th year of the reign of King George III.

The image of King George III is a wax portrait sculpted by Donna Weaver of Kentucky.
All-things-being equal there does not appear to be any reference to ggg-grandfather James Smith. The Smiths included in this Document are Archibald, John, James the Elder and James the Younger. These Smith, I believe are of the family I have termed “Smiths of Jordan Hill”. You can possibly identify three of them; Archibald, James the Elder, and James the Younger at my Descendant Chart “Smiths of Jordanhill, Scotland”. The person John Smith may be a new unique name in my research of the association.
I have not closed the door to the possibility that ggg-grandfather James may be in same way connected to this Smith family. There are a number of avenues and now this new John Smith another. Give or take, the two of the three sons listed, of James/John Smith, James Smith, Junior and William Smith may be possible lines that may be of concern to the origin of ggg-grandfather James.
A possible and logical matching of the Smiths of this Document to the Smiths of Jordanhill may be as follows:
Here are the images of the two Pages 156 and 157 as downloaded from Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My Transcription –
And now on to B.
A possible and logical matching of the Smiths of this Document to the Smiths of Jordanhill may be as follows:
- James/John Smith of the Chart could be John Smith, of the Indenture,
- James Smith, Junior of the Chart could be James Smith the Elder, of the Indenture,
- Archibald Smith; 1749-1821 of the Chart could be Archibald Smith, of the Indenture, and
- James Smith, 1782-1862 of the Chart could be James Smith the Younger, of the Indenture.
Here are the images of the two Pages 156 and 157 as downloaded from Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My Transcription –
Entered 20th June 1814
This indenture made the eighteenth day of March in this
fifty four year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of the united
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King defender of the faith and in the year our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and fourteen Between Henry Charles Litchfield of Lincolns
Inn in the County of Middlesex Esquire John Brickwood of Croydon in the County of Surrey
Esquire and Aaron Graham of Great Queen Street Lincolns Inn Fields in the said County of
Middlesex Esquire of the one part and Archibald Smith, John Smith James Smith the Elder
Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith the Younger and Andrew Rankin
of the City of Glasgow North Britain and John Lindsay of the island of Grenada Merchants
and Partners of the other part Witne∫seth that for and in Consideration of five shillings of
Lawful money of Great Britain to the said Henry Charles Litchfield John Brickwood and
Aaron Graham in the hand paid by the said Archibald Smith John Smith James
Smith the Elder Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith the younger
Andrew Ranken and John Lindsay at or before the ensealing and delivery of these
presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they thesaid Henry Charles Litchfield
John Brickwood and Aaron Graham Have and each and every of them Hath
bargained and Sold and by these presents Do and each and every of them Doth bargain
and Sell unto the said Archibald Smith John Smith James Smith the Elder Adam Crooks
John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith the younger Andrew Ranken and John
Lindsay All that Lot or parcel of Land and land covered with water situate on the East
Side of that part of the harbor of St. George in the Island of Grenada called or Known by the
name and description of the Carnage and bounded by a line drawn South Sixty five
degrees East from the Boundary of the Harbour at the distance of fifty three feet and a
half from Pill No. 12 ending at the high Road twenty three feet to the Northward
of the Brick Pillar from thence by the said high Road to the Artillery Ground on the East by the
Said Artillery Ground and on the South by the Sea Containing one acre two
Hoods and eight perches or howsoever otherwise the said Lot or parcel of land and land
Covered with water are is or ought to be bounded abutted or described And also always
Waters Water courses emoluments advantages appurtenances whatsoever to the said
Lot or parcel of land and the land covered with water and hereditaments belonging or in
any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders
yearly and other rents i∫sues and profits of the same in any way part thereof To have
and To hold thesaid Lot or parcel of land and land covered with Water hereditaments
and all other the premises hereinbefore bargained and sold or expre∫sed and intended
So to be with their appurtenances unto the said Archibald Smith John Smith James
Smith the elder Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith the younger
Alan Andrew Ranken and the John Lindsay their executors administrators and Aʃsigns from
the day next before the day of the date of these presents for and during and unto the full end
and term of one whole year from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and
Ended Yielding and Paying therefore unto the said Henry Charles Litchfield
John Brickwood and Aaron Graham their heirs and a∫signs the rent of one pepper
Corn at the end of the said term (if the Same shall be Lawfully demanded) To the intent
and Purpose that by virtue of these presents and of the Statute for transferring use unto
Po∫se∫sion the said Archibald Smith John Smith James Smith the Elder Adam Crooks
John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith the younger Andrew Ranken and John
Lindsay made be in the actual po∫se∫sion of thesaid premises hereby bargained and and
Sold and be thereby enabled to accept and take a Grant and Release of the reversion and
Inheritance of the Same premises to them the said Archibald Smith John Smith James
Smith the Elder Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith the younger
Andrew Ranken and John Lindsay their heirs and A∫signs in such manner and form
as shall be thereof mentioned expre∫sed and declared in and by an Indenture already
prepared and intended to bear date the day next after the day of the date of these presents
and to be made between the Same persons as are parties to these presents In witne∫s
whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto Set their hands and Seals the
day and Year first above written./.
H.C. Litchfiled (LS) Jno Brickwood (LS) A Graham (LS)
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Edw Routree 5 New Bank Buildings London
And now on to B.
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