I continue my Transcription Project. This time in the search for the origins and genealogy of ggg-grandfather James Smith I am working on the transcription of a 9 October 1810 Indenture entered to the Grenada Registers of Records 29 January 1816.
There are four Smiths noted in this Record: Alexander; James; John; and James Junior. As far as my research has taken me thus far I would venture to say that even though there are two James Smiths, there does not appear to be a relative connection to ggg-grandfather James.
This group of Smiths may be of the same Smiths of Jordanhill, Scotland. All-things-being-equal these four Smiths may and can be paired with individuals indicated in my Smiths of Jordanhill, Scotland Descendant Chart.
The discussion of the Indenture concerns, I believe, the sale/transfer of properties in the Parish of Saint Andrew. The transactions are between one Ferdinand De Creeft and Alexander Smith et al. The inserted map is a highlighted area of the Parish of Saint Andrew and the possible locations of the named plantations and estates. The map is a segment I captured with the software SnagIt from Gavin Smith’s 1801 publication, Map of the Island of Grenada.
The three images are Pages 257 through 259 downloaded from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My transcription -
My next Posting will be a second part and another Indenture following and associated with this Record.
The discussion of the Indenture concerns, I believe, the sale/transfer of properties in the Parish of Saint Andrew. The transactions are between one Ferdinand De Creeft and Alexander Smith et al. The inserted map is a highlighted area of the Parish of Saint Andrew and the possible locations of the named plantations and estates. The map is a segment I captured with the software SnagIt from Gavin Smith’s 1801 publication, Map of the Island of Grenada.
The three images are Pages 257 through 259 downloaded from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My transcription -
Entered 29th January 1816
This Indenture made this ninth day of October in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten Between Ferdinand
De Creeft of the parish of Saint Andrew in the Island of Grenada Planter
of the first part and Archibald Smith James Smith John Smith
Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith ^Junior Andrew Ranken
and John Lindsay now or late of that part of the united Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland called Scotland Merchants of the Second part
Witne∫seth that for and in Consideration of ten shillings of Current
Money of the Island of Grenada to the said Ferdinand De Creeft in hand
Well and truly paid at or before the Sealing and delivery of these presents
the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged _____ the said Ferdinand De
Creeft Hath bargained and Sold and by these presents Doth bargain
and Sell unto the said Archibald Smith James Smith John Smith
Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junior Andrew
Ranken and John Lindsay their and each of their executors administrators
and a∫signs all that Sugar plantation ^or Estate of him the said Ferdinand De Creeft
called Columbia Situate lying and being in the parish of Saint Andrew
in the said Island of Grenada containing forty eight quarres of Land
French Ameasurement or thereabouts be the Same more or le∫s and
abutted and bounded as follows that is to Say on the East by the Estate or
plantation called Balthazar on the West by the Estate or plantation called
Lomelin? in the North by the Estates or plantations called Mirabeau and Retreat
and on the South by the Estate or plantation called La Force or howsoever otherwise
the same may be abutted and bounded and also all those fifty Negro and other
Slaves now being upon or belonging to the said Estate or plantation called
Colombia and also all those Sixteen Negro and other Slaves of him the
said Ferdinand de Creeft and all whose several names are mentioned
in a certain Schelde or List annexed to a Certain Indenture of Release
already prepared and annexed to this Indenture intending to bear date the day
next after the day of the date of these presents and made or mentioned to
be made by and between the said Ferdinand De Creeft and Renaude
De Creeft his Wife of the one part and the said Archibald Smith James
Smith John Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James
Smith Junior Andrew Ranken and John Lindsay of the other part (and
which said list or Schedule is mentioned and Referred to in the said
Indenture of Release) and all the i∫sue and increase of the females of the said
Slaves and of each of them And also all that other Coffee and Cocoa Estate or
plantation of him the said Ferdinand De Creeft called Pyrrh_____ Situate
lying and being in the parish of Saint Andrew containing by estimations
twenty quarrees French Admeasurements or thereabout be the same more
or le∫s and abutted and bounded as follows that is to Say on the East by the Estate or
plantation called Munuerorlin? on the West by Chateaux and ungranted
lands on the North by lands of Preudhomme and Molierier? and on the
South by lands formerly Rochards or howsoever otherwise the Same maybe
abutted and bounded and all and every the live and dead stock utensils and
implements of Plantership on each of the said plantations being in to the
Same belonging and also all dwelling houses outhouses Negro houses boiling houses
Mills Sugar Works Coffee Boucans edifices and building whatsoever of every
description on the said two plantations and each or either of them standing or being
or thereto belonging and all Cocoa and other trees thereon growing and all ways paths
pa∫sages waters water course profits Commodities advantages tenements
hereditaments and appurtenance whatsoever to each of the said plantations or
Estates and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith
or with either of them now or at any time had held used occupied or enjoyed
accepted reputed deemed taken or Known as part parcel or member if them
either of them or of any part thereof and the Reversion and Reversions
Remainder and Remainders yearly and other Rents i∫sues and profits of each
and every part parcel and member thereof To have and to hold the said
two plantations or Estates and all and Singular the Negro and other Slaves So
mentioned in the said Schedule buildings plantation utensils implements
and all and Singular other the hereditaments and premises and each and
every of them hereby bargained and Sold or intended So to be with their each and every
of their appurtenance unto the said Archibald Smith James Smith John
Smith Adam Crooks ^John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junior Andrew Ranken
and John Lindsay their and each of their heirs executors and administrators and
a∫signs from the day next before the day of the date of these presents for and
during and until the full and term of one whole year from thence next
ensuing and fully to be complete and ended Yielding and paying
therefore the Right? force pepper Corn at the end of the said term if the Same shall
be lawfully demanded to the intent that by virtue of these presents and by
force of the Statue made for transferring uses into po∫se∫sion the said Archibald
Smith James Smith John Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn
James Smith Junior Andrew Ranken and John Lindsay may be in
the actual po∫se∫sion of all and Singular the said premises hereby bargained
and Sold with their each every of their appurtenances and may be thereby
enabled to accept and take a Grant and Release of the Reversion and inheritance
thereof unto and to the use of them the said Archibald Smith James Smith
John Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junior
Andrew Ranken and John Lindsay their heirs and a∫signs for ever
In witne∫s whereof the Respective parties to these presents have
hereunto set their hands and affixed their Seals the day and year first
above written
Ferd De Creeft (LS)
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of R Wise.
My next Posting will be a second part and another Indenture following and associated with this Record.
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