Overcast in Tampa and considering making Shrimp Fra Diavolo for supper. Thanks for the suggestions.
Thought I would quickly hammer out the next Document in my Indenture Research Project in the search for the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. And sometimes I am lucky… that is, in the discovery of some piece of family and ancestry history.
In this case it appears that ggg-grandfather James is in the process of selling, (the Document is dated 10 May 1821), a piece of property in the Town of Saint George to one Catherine Miller and her infant son William Miller. The lot of land in process of being sold adjoins, on the east to property owned by ggg-grandmother Mary Ann Doret. The inserted image of the map, at approximately the red oval is the location of the property in Saint George mentioned.
The next Indenture of the Grenada Registers of Records is downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563379].
The following are the images of Pages 136 and 137.
My transcription –
The next Indenture appears to be a following contract to this Indenture.
The following are the images of Pages 136 and 137.
My transcription –
Entered 26 May 1824This Indenture made the tenth day of May in the second year of the
reign of Our Lord George the Fourth by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland King Defender of the faith _____? and in the year of Our Lord One
thousand eight hundred and twenty one Between James Smith of the
parish of Saint George in the Island of Grenada Mill Carpenter of the One part and
Catherine Baillie of the Town of Saint George thesaid Island Spinster and
William Miller her son an Infant of the age of two years or thereabouts
Witnesseth that thesaid James Smith in Consideration of five shillings
current money of Grenada to him in hand paid by thesaid Catherine Baillie
and William Miller at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged and for other good Causes and Considerations him
hereunto ^specially moving? Hath Bargained and Sold and by these presents Doth bargain
and sell unto thesaid Catherine Baillie and William Miller their Executors
administrators and a∫signs All that Lot piece or parcel of land and the me∫suages
or tenements and buildings thereon erected Hereditaments and premises with
the appurtenances containing in front twenty seven feet and in depth thirty
feet bounded on the north by Gore Street and On the West by Halifax On the
South by lands lately of Robert Napier and on the East by lands of Mary Ann
Doret or however otherwise the same maybe abutted bounded known distinguished
or described or therewith with any part thereof usually had held used occupied
accepted reputed deemed taken ^or known as part parcel or member thereof or of any part thereof
and all ways Paths Pa∫sages Waters Water courses Easements Commodities
advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging and appertaining And the reversion
and reversions remainder and remainders Rents I∫sues and profits of all and
singular thesaid premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appute
nances To have and To hold thesaid Lot Piece or parcel of land and the me∫suages
tenements and Buildings thereon erected hereditaments and all and singular
other the premises hereby bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with their
and every of their appurtenances unto the said Catherine Baillie and William
Miller their Executors administrators and a∫signs from the day next before the day
of these presents for the term ^or time of One whole year ======== then next ensuing
and fully to be complete and ended Yielding and Paying therefor unto the said James
Smith his Heirs and a∫signs the rent of One pepper Corn on the last day of thesaid
term if it shall be lawfully demanded To the intent that by virtue of these presents
and by force of the statute for transferring uses into possession thesaid Catherine
Baillie and William Miller may be in the actual possession of thesaid Lot of land
and hereditaments hereby bargained and Sold and intended so to be with the
appurtenances and be thereby enabled? to accept and take a Grant and acclaim?
Of the reversion and inheritance of the same premises To such uses _____ ______
and for such and intents and purposes shall be the claim? thereof in or by a certain Indenture
of Release already prepared (and to be executed after the execution of these presents the
said Indenture of Release being made or expre∫sed or intended to be made between thesaid
James Smith of the first part Catherine Baillie and William Miller of the second
part and William Miller of the third part In Witne∫s whereof thesaid parties to
these presents have hereto set their hands and seals the day and year just? above
before written.
James (LS) SmithSigned Sealed and Delivered in the presence of - Mem – The Letter “St G”? in the fourth
line of the first page and the word “the” in the sixth line of the second page being previously
scratched through
Thom BontensGrenada Acknowledge before me by James Smith the party executing the within
Indenture as and for his free and voluntary act and Deed this twenty second day of
May in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty One –
Owsley Rowley D Reg
The next Indenture appears to be a following contract to this Indenture.
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