
I have been struggling with the issue of “no-ads” appearing on my websites and blog. And you ask “This is a problem?” It is when you are constantly bombarded with “Error” messages. I don’t want the ads but I do not want see the unattractive splash of “Error” messages. It is only happening on my PC and via my Windows 7 operation system. My thought is that it is a function of the new Google Chrome upgrade.
But no matter what, I still, and somewhat at a turtle’s pace, am continuing with my Indenture Project and the search for the origins and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
This next Indenture from the Grenada Registers of Records appears to be the follow up to the one that I previously posted and transcribed in Part 430s. It appears that this is the finalization of the contract of the sale of land between ggg-grandfather James and William Lyon.
In Part 430s the amount so mentioned for the transaction and lease was 5 Shillings and One Pepper Corn. And now, in the subsequent Document the amount is concluded at £1600.0.0.
Here are the images of the Pages 58 through and including 61 from Item 7 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My transcription –
This Indenture gives me some insight to the 1816 through 1821 business dealings of ggg-grandfather James as well as that I know that he did have, at one time property in the Parish of Saint Andrew. Unless I missed something it does not provide and additional clue as to his origins or genealogy.
And so I continue to search.
Here are the images of the Pages 58 through and including 61 from Item 7 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My transcription –
Grenada }
24 May 1816 }
This Indenture of Release madethe twentifourth day of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred
and sixteen and in the fifty sixth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord George
the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland King Defender of the faith and so forth Between James Smith of the
parish of Saint George in the Island of Grenada aforesaid Mill Carpenter of the
One part and William Lyon of the parish of Saint Andrew in the Island Grenada
aforesaid Mason of the other part Whereas thesaid James Smith hath verbally
and by written agreement consented to sell the plantation hereafter named
specified and expre∫sed And Whereas William Lyon in like manner hath
contracted with thesaid James Smith for the absolute purchase of thesaid plan
tation hereinafter described and mentioned to be hereby granted and released
with the appurtenances for the price or sum of one thousand six hundred
pounds Current money of the said Island Grenada Now this Indenture
Witne∫seth that for and in consideration of the sum of One thousand six hundred
pounds Current money of Grenada to him thesaid James Smith in hand well
and duly by thesaid William Lyon at or before the sealing and delivery of these
presents (the receipt and payment of which said sum thesaid James Smith
doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom and of and from every part
thereof Doth acquit release and discharge thesaid William Lyon his Heirs
Executors and administrators for ever by these presents ) Doth grant bargain
sell alien release and Confirm unto thesaid William Lyon in his actual
possession or in being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made by the
said James Smith for the term of One whole year in Consideration of five
shillings of like Current money to him paid by thesaid William Lyon and
By one Indenture bearing date the day next of as the day fifth day by?
and by force of the Statute ^for transferring uses unto possession made and _____ all that plantation comprised? _____
commonly called or known by the name of Pleasant Hill situate lying and being
in the parish of Saint Andrew in the aforesaid Island of Grenada containing
Eleven acres English Statute measure or thereabouts abutting and bounded?
Next thereinafter is mentioned That is to say To the East by the Road? clearing?
From Peterins Land to the Mountains as the name is at present existing To the
West by the Retreat Estate To the North by lands now belonging to the Heirs of
Canteloup de Bourdiere deceased and to the South by Cherry Hill Estate Or
howsoever otherwise thesaid plantation or parcel of Land or any part or parcel or
thereof is abutted and bounded and by whatsoever other name or names descrip
tion or descriptions the same is or has been called known by distinguished or
described And also all Me∫suages Tenements Edifices Erections and buildings
erected built standing or being or to be erected built standing or being on the
same plantation or parcel of land And also all Ways paths passages Lights
Easements Waters Watercourses Woods Underwoods privileges Profits Commodities
Emoluments advantages hereditaments rights members and appurtenances
whatsoever to the same plantation or parcel of land Me∫suages Tenements and
premises belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith most Commonly held
occupied and possessed or enjoyed or accepted reputed deemed taken or known as part
parcel or member of the same premises And the reversions and reversions
remainder and remainders yearly and other rents i∫sues and profits thereof
And also all the Estate Right title interest use trust possession property Claim
change and demand whatsoever of him thesaid James Smith either at
Law or in Equity fin to or out of thesaid Plantation or parcel of land Me∫suages
tenements hereditaments and premises mentioned or intended to be hereby
granted and released And also all deeds evidences Writing muniments receipts
and plans in anywise relating to the same plantation or parcel of land which
now are in the custody of thesaid James Smith or which he can or may come by
without suit either at Law or in Equity To have and To hold thesaid plantation
or parcel of land me∫suages tenements and all and singular other heredita
ments and premises mentioned or intended to be hereby granted and released with
their and every of their appurtenances unto thesaid William Lyon his Heirs and
a∫signs to the only proper use of thesaid William Lyon his Heirs and a∫signs forever
and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever And thesaid James Smith
doth hereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant promise
grant and agree to and with thesaid William Lyon his Heirs and a∫signs by these
presents in manner following that is to say that for and notwithstanding any
act matter or thing whatsoever by him thesaid James Smith or any person or
persons whomsoever heretofore done Committed or wittingly or willingly suffered
to the Contrary he thesaid James Smith at the time of the sealing and delivery
of these presents is and doth stand? lawfully rightfully and absolutely seized in
his demesne of fee of and in the same Plantation or Parcel of land Me∫suages
Tenements hereditaments and premises mentioned _____ _____
to be hereby granted and released of a food? sure? lawful absolute and indefeasible
Estate of inheritance in fee simple to him thesaid James Smith and his Heirs
without anyone reversion remainder trust limitation Power of revocation in use
or uses or other matter Restrict? or things whatsoever to alter change change
revoke make void before encumber or determine the same unto that thesaid
James Smith for and notwithstanding any such act deed matter or thing
as foresaid has in himself good right full power and absolute authority to
grant and convey thesaid plantation or parcel of land Me∫suages tenements
hereditaments and premises with their appurtenances unto and to the use
of thesaid William Lyon his Heirs and a∫signs And also that he thesaid
William Lyon his Heirs and a∫signs shall and may from time to time and at
all times hereafter lawfully peaceably and quietly have lived occupy possess and
enjoy thesaid plantation or parcel of land Me∫suages tenements hereditaments
and premises and receive and take the rents i∫sues and profits thereof to and for
his own use and benefit and the use and benefit of his Heirs and a∫signs in there
the lawful let Suit trouble denial eviction or interruption of formerly thesaid
James Smith or his Heirs or a∫signs or of from or by any other person or persons
whomsoever And that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and
discharges or otherwise by thesaid James Smith his Heirs Executors or administrators
well and sufficiently saved defended kept harmle∫s and indemnified of from and
against all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales
leases Mortgages Jointures Dowers uses trusts Wills ^Entails Statutes Recognizances ______ Extents Executions and of and _____ and against all & singular for? other? Estates Titles trailles?
Charges and incumbrances whatsoever had made done committed occasioned
or suffered by thesaid James Smith or his Heirs and a∫signs or by any other
person or persons whomsoever And Moreover that thesaid James Smith and
his Heirs and all others having or lawfully claiming or which shall or may have
or lawfully claim any Estate Right title use Trust or interest at Law or in
Equity of into or out of the same plantation or parcel of land Me∫suages tenements
hereditaments and premises mentioned or intended to be hereby granted and
released or any part thereof shall and will from time to time and at all times here-
after upon or in reasonable request and at the proper Costs and charges in the
Law of thesaid William Lyon his Heirs or a∫signs do make acknowledge levy
suffer and execute or cause or procure to be done made acknowledged levied suffered
and executed all and every such further and reasonable acts and deeds things devices
conveyances and assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further better more
perfect and absolute granting conveying and assuring thesaid plantation or parcel of
land me∫suages tenements hereditaments and premises and every part thereof with
the appurtenances unto and to the use of the said William Lyon his Heirs and A∫signs
as by thesaid William Lyon his Heirs or a∫signs or his or their Counsel learned in
the Law shall be reasonably advised devised or required In Witne∫s whereof
the part first above named his Hand and Seal to these presents has set the
day and year first above written
James (LS) Smith
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Lon Vonweiller
Received on the day of the date of the present Indenture from the
within named William Lyon the sum of One thousand six hundred pounds Currency?
being the full Consideration money therein mentioned to be paid by hereto _____
I say £1600 Currcy
James SmithWitne∫s
Before His Honor Jeffery Hart Bent Esquire ChiefJustice of His Majestys Supreme Court of Judicaturefor the Island of Grenada and its dependenciesPersonally came and appeared Laurence Vonweiller of the Town of Saint
George Writing Clerk the only subscribing Witne∫s to the annexed deeds of Lease
and Release Who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God deposeth
and saith that he was personally present and id see James Smith the
person executing the same sign and deliver and as his free and voluntary Act
and deed declare thesaid deed and also sign the receipt thereto annexed for the con
sideration money thereof And this Deponent further saith that the name
LO Vonweiller sett and subscribed as Witne∫s to the due execution on thesaid deeds
was set and subscribed at the request and in the presence of thesaid James
Smith and is the own and proper handwriting of him this deponent
Laurence VonweillerSworn before me this }
28th April 1821 }
Jeffery Hart Bent Chief Justice
This Indenture gives me some insight to the 1816 through 1821 business dealings of ggg-grandfather James as well as that I know that he did have, at one time property in the Parish of Saint Andrew. Unless I missed something it does not provide and additional clue as to his origins or genealogy.
And so I continue to search.
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