In the due course of my search and research, I'm certainly learning of the genealogy and inter-connections of the other Smiths who may have been involved in the history of the Island of Grenada.

(Lincoln's Inn, by Thomas Shepherd, 1830, from Wikimedia Commons)
This Indenture does however include Richard Oliver Smith and his deceased father William Smith. It also, from my understanding and research, includes the possible name of Richard Oliver Smith’s existent, or to be father-in-law Edmund Broderip the Younger. (See my Richard Oliver Descendant Chart.)
This next Indenture, pages 345 and 346, from the Grenada Registers of Records, appears to be a prelude contract to a further and continued transaction document. I will be following up with the subsequent Contract.
Here are the downloaded images of the two pages as acquired from Item 7 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
And my transcription –
Thank you for the comments and questions. Stay-tuned for the next Posting.
Here are the downloaded images of the two pages as acquired from Item 7 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
And my transcription –
Entered 9th January 1822This Indenture made the twelfth day of August in the fifty
ninth year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of
God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender
of the faith and in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
nineteen Between Richard Oliver Smith of Wells in the County of
Somerset Esquire of the One part and Robert Langley Appleyard of
Lincoln Inn in the County of Middlesex Gentleman and Edmund Broderip
the younger of Wells aforesaid Gentleman of the other part Witne∫seth that
for and in Consideration of the sum of five shillings of good and lawful money
of Great Britain to thesaid Richard Oliver Smith in hand now paid by the
said Robert Langley Appleyard and Edmund Broderip the younger the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged He thesaid Richard Oliver Smith Hath
demised granted bargained and sold and by these presents Doth demise grant
bargain and sell unto thesaid Robert Langley Appleyard and Edmund Broderip
the younger their executors and administrators all that plantation or Estate
called Revolution Hall Estate situate lying and being in the parish of Saint
John in the Island of Grenada in the West Indies late of or belonging to William
Smith Esquire deceased And also all that piece or parcel of land bought by the
said William Smith of and from Me∫s Herbert? and also all that Coffee
plantation and Hereditaments bought by thesaid William Smith of and
from Madame Bertrand situate lying and being in thesaid Island of Grenada
And also all Me∫suages Lands Outhouses Boiling Houses Curing houses Mills
Edifices and buildings standing and being upon thesaid plantations and heredit
aments respectively ================================================
========================================================== And all
gardens Orchards Lands Meadows pastures feedings ways paths emoluments
hereditaments and appurtenances to thesaid plantations and hereditaments
belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith used occupied or enjoyed and
the rents i∫sues and profits of thesaid premises and of every part thereof To
have and to hold the said plantations lands and other hereditaments
intended to be hereby bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with
their and every of their appurtenances unto thesaid Robert Langley Appleyard
and Edmund Broderip the younger their executors and administrators from
the day nextbefore the day of the date of these presents for by and during and
unto the full end and term of One whole year from thence next ensuring and
fully to be complete and ended Yielding and Paying therefore at the ex-
piration of thesaid term unto thesaid Richard Oliver Smith or his Heirs
the rent of One penny if the same shall be lawfully demanded To the
intent that by virtue of these presents and by force of the statute made for
transferring uses into possession They thesaid Robert Langley Appleyard
and Edmund Broderip the younger may be in the actual possession of all
and singular thesaid plantation Lands and Hereditaments with their
Appurtenance and be thereby enabled to accept and take a Grant and
Release of the reversion and inheritance thereof unto and to the use of them thesaid
Robert Langley Appleyard and Edmund Broderip the younger and their Heirs and
assigns upon such trust and to and for such intents and purposes as in such grant
and release shall be expre∫sed and declared to ______ _____ and Concerning the same
In Witne∫s whereof thesaid parties to these presents have hereunto set their
hands and seals the day and year first above written.
R.O. (LS) SmithSigned sealed and Delivered by the within named Richard Oliver Smith in the
presence of
Wm William } _____
J L Lovell } Wells
Thank you for the comments and questions. Stay-tuned for the next Posting.
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