Today I decided to take just a small respite from my work on my Transcription Project. The actual work is relevant to the search of the genealogy and origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. I am trying to determine from where and when he did “appear” on the Island of Grenada. For all intents and purposes ggg-grandfather James could have been born in Grenada… There is no immediate or actual discovered proof as to his origins.
The effort of my Transcription Project is to review as many Indentures, Contracts, and Documents from the Grenada Registers of Records which include, at least once, the surname Smith. I have limited, within reason, my search to the mid-to-late 1700s to the mid-1800s. I am hoping that in my review I may stumble across a hint, clue, lead, intimation, suggestion, idea, etc., which may lead me to that “Eureka” moment and assist me to discover the earlier generations of my Smith ancestors.
In the process of my search I am working with those Indentures, Contracts, and Documents from the Grenada Registers of Records that have been collected on microfilm by the Family History Library. As I work with each microfilm, which does represent a period of time, I have created Matrixes which record each unique Smith that I encounter and have included in a specific Posting in A Genealogy Hunt. These Matrixes can be seen listed under the Analyses tab in the Menu at the top of each page.
In a further effort, I have created a new Matrix which summarizes each unique individual named Smith as he or she may appear in a Document, and in my related Posting, from a specific microfilm. (See the write up on Grenada Family History as presented by The National Archives.)
I am currently working to provide an online and clear Matrix. If you would like a copy of the Matrix please contact me. If you any questions, comments, ideas please feel free to contact me.
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