My wireless keyboard partially died today, without warning, as I was logging into one of my bank accounts. Needless to say I keyed my password in too many times, without knowing that it was not working, and my access was immediately disabled by the bank system. It was strange as it appeared that only the alpha keys seemed to be working and not any of the numeric keys. I didn’t think there was a difference in “computerese”.
Anyway I immediately received an invite to “Chat-online” from a bank service representative, which I accepted. My purpose, this morning was to review my accounts. And then the issues sort began a’ happening.
For the purpose of security I was asked a number of questions which I couldn’t answer because I do all my banking online, and I would have to get into my account online in order to get the answers. (The banks are gung-ho to eliminate service charges if one moves over to electronic banking in the stead of paper.) Please understand I have been using personal electronic banking since its inception. And of course I couldn't answer any of the questions and so the representative had to ask more questions which of course I still couldn't answer because all the information is online. And I couldn't get in online because I disabled myself. You can imagine the beginnings of my frustration.
I do my banking more or less in a paperless mode. All the papers that the bank sends me are filed away in boxes not in any particular order. The ease of online banking is that I can access, when I am able, all pertinent information directly online. So how was I to get the information while I am chatting online to the service rep when I can't get in to my disabled account?
Anyway, after at least about 12 or so security questions, and a quick change of keyboard batteries, we finally were able to address the access issue. I did what I had to do and I'm back up and running.
This is the peak of electronic frustration! But I will NOT give up electronic banking…
I do my banking more or less in a paperless mode. All the papers that the bank sends me are filed away in boxes not in any particular order. The ease of online banking is that I can access, when I am able, all pertinent information directly online. So how was I to get the information while I am chatting online to the service rep when I can't get in to my disabled account?
Anyway, after at least about 12 or so security questions, and a quick change of keyboard batteries, we finally were able to address the access issue. I did what I had to do and I'm back up and running.
This is the peak of electronic frustration! But I will NOT give up electronic banking…
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