Today’s Indenture, one in the line of documents from the Grenada Registers of Records that I am transcribing in order to find that hint or clue of the origins and relative genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith, is the last one in Item 7 of the microfilm FHL [1563379]. This by all means is not the last Indenture of this Register and associated microfilm… just the last Smith-related one of Item 7. I reach another goal.
Sorry to say that I cannot in all honesty account that I can read or see any suggestion or evidence that the Smiths in this Indenture are connected to ggg-grandfather James. I will just keep searching.
This new Indenture appears to follow the sequence of and in partnership with the events of my previous transcriptions. The most recent one is found in my Post at Part 460s.
There are a couple of word-titles that piqued my interest.
The two words are used throughout this and other Indentures that I have transcribed. They are “Esquire” and “Gentleman” and their equivalent plurals. These two words are generally, at times, attached to the names of men included in the documents. I asked myself a couple of questions… “Self… In the order of hierarchy or class structure, which supersedes which? Does an “Esquire” have a higher role in the societal class structure than “Gentleman”, or is it the other way around?”
From the Gooch of London website I was able to find this simple listing.
And from Peter Coss’ The Origins of the English Gentry, Cambridge University Press, Page 2
I asked these questions as I was curious as to why, on Page 377, Richard Oliver Smith is originally identified as “late of the Stuarts Grove Brompton in the County of Sussex Gentleman of Middlesex”. The words, “Sussex Gentleman of” are then crossed out and then the writing continues “but now of Covington in the County of Somerset Esquire”. Okay, he may have moved… but did his social status increase?
Here are the images of the Pages 377 through and including 386.
And my transcription –
Item 7 to bed… Now on to Item 8 and more Smith-related Documents.
From the Gooch of London website I was able to find this simple listing.
Social Division and Class Structure
Social scale rank order: Monarch, Nobles and Gentry, Yeomen, Merchants, and Professions, Husbandmen and Labourers, Vagrants
Nobles (peers) rank order: Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Baron
Gentlemen rank order: Baronet, Knight, Esquire, 'Mere' gentlemen.
The Social Structure of Elizabethan times (late 16th C)
And from Peter Coss’ The Origins of the English Gentry, Cambridge University Press, Page 2
Later sixteenth- and seventeenth-century commentators preferred to write of the peerage as the nobilitas major and the knights, esquires and gentlemen (to be joined after 1611 by the baronets) as the nobilitas minor. In common parlance, however, ‘gentry’, once synonymous with nobility, came to be used of the lesser nobility. Once interchangeable, these terms became complementary: ‘nobility’ and ‘gentry’. 4
4 See, in particular, M.J. Sayer, English Nobility: The Gentry, the Heralds and the Continental
Context (Norwich, 1979), pp. 3–5, and J.C. Becket, The Aristocracy in England 1660–1914
(Oxford, 1986), pp. 18–20.
I asked these questions as I was curious as to why, on Page 377, Richard Oliver Smith is originally identified as “late of the Stuarts Grove Brompton in the County of Sussex Gentleman of Middlesex”. The words, “Sussex Gentleman of” are then crossed out and then the writing continues “but now of Covington in the County of Somerset Esquire”. Okay, he may have moved… but did his social status increase?
Here are the images of the Pages 377 through and including 386.
And my transcription –
Entered 9th January 1822This Indenture made the seventh day of September in the first
year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Fourth by the Grace of God of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the faith
and in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty
Between Richard Oliver late of the City of London but now of Weymouth
in the County of Dorset Esquire of the first part Richard Oliver Smith
late of the Stuarts Grove Brompton in the County ofSussex Gentleman of
Middlesex but now of Covington in the County of Somerset Esquire of the second
part Edmund Broderip the elder of Wells in the County of Somerset
Gentleman of the third part and Edmund Broderip the younger of Wells aforesaid
Gentleman and Thomas Strangways Horner of Wells Park in the
County of Somerset Esquire of the fourth part Whereas by Indentures of Lease and
Release or Mortgage bearing date respectively the twentieth and twenty first days of
June which was in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and ten the
said Release or Mortgage made or expre∫sed to be made between thesaid Richard Oliver
Smith and Harriet his then Wife of the first part Sarah Dean William Lewis
and Mary his Wife and Grace Smith all therein described of the second part
George Brassey therein described of the third part and the said Richard Oliver of
the fourth part After reciting as therein is recited It is Witne∫sed that in pur-
suance of an Agreement therein recited and for barring and extinguishing all Estates
tail and all remainders and reversions thereupon expectant or depending of and
in the plantations Negroes Slaves and other hereditaments expre∫sed to be
thereby granted and released and for conveying and assuring the inheritance thereof
in fee simple discharged of all Dower and thirds and all other Claims and
demands of thesaid Harriett the Wife of thesaid Richard Oliver Smith unto and
to the use of the said Richard Oliver his Heirs and A∫signs and also for
securing unto thesaid Richard Oliver his Executors administrators and
assigns payment of the sum of Nine thousand pounds sterling money of
Great Britain with interest at the time and in manner therein
mentioned and of Five shillings to thesaid Richard Oliver Smith paid by
the said Richard Oliver the said Richard Oliver Smith and Harriett his
Wife did grant bargain sell release and Confirm unto the said Richard
Oliver and to his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns All that
plantation or Estate called Revolution Hall ^Estate situate lying and being in
the parish of Saint John in the Island of Grenada late of or belonging to
William Smith deceased therein mentioned and described and also all
that piece or parcel of land bought by thesaid William Smith of and from
Mi∫s Herbert and also all that Coffee plantation and Hereditaments
bought by the said William Smith of and from Madame Bertrand
situate lying and being in the parish of Saint John in thesaid Island
of Grenada And also all Me∫suages lands Outhouses boiling houses Curing houses
Edifices and buildings standing and being upon the said plantations and
hereditaments respectively and also all and singular the Negroes and
other Slaves mentioned in the Second Schedule thereunder written
upon or belonging to and which should thereafter during the Continu
ance of the Security thereby made be upon or belong to the said plantation
and hereditaments respectively and the i∫sue Offspring and increase of such
Negroes and Slaves and all Mules Cattle and live stock then being upon and
belonging to or which should thereafter during the Continuance of the
security thereby made be upon or belong to the said plantation and here-
ditaments respectively And also all Mills Stills Coppers and plantation
implements and utensils and dead stock then upon or belonging to
and which should thereafter during the Continuance of the Security
thereby made be purchased for or be upon or belong to the same plantations
And hereditaments respectively or any part thereof and also all
Gardens Orchards Leans Meadows Pastures feedings Ways paths
Emoluments Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said
Plantation and Hereditaments belonging or in any wise appertaining
To hold the said Plantation Negroes Hereditaments and all other
the premises as expre∫sed to be Hereby granted with their Appurtenances
unto and to the use of the said Richard Oliver his Heirs Executors
Administrators and A∫signs respectively forever according to the
nature and quality of the same premises respectively subject neverthe
le∫s to the proviso and Agreement there^inafter contained for
redemption of the said premises that is to say provided always
and it is thereby agreed and declared between and by the said
Richard Oliver Smith and Richard Oliver that if the said
Richard Oliver Smith his Heirs Executors Administrators or
A∫signs should and did well and truly pay or cause to be paid
unto the said Richard Oliver his Executors administrators or
assigns the Sum of Nine thousand pounds of lawful Money of Great
Britain at the time therein mentioned together with Interest for
the name as is herein mentioned and ^ also all such other Sum or Sums
of Money as the said Richard Oliver his executors administrators or
A∫signs should or might thereafter buyout pay or advance for the
purchasing or providing Negroes Cattle or Stores for working and
improving thesaid Plantations and Estates over these of them or for
the repairing or making good any damages that might be done
thereto as therein is mentioned together with all Interest for the name
respectively at the rate and to be computed and paid as therein is
mentioned then and in such case thesaid Richard Oliver his Heirs
executors administrators or a∫signs should and would at any time
then after at the request Costs and Charges in the Law of the said
Richard Oliver Smith his Heirs or A∫sings release convey and
a∫sure all and singular thesaid plantations Negroes Hereditaments
and Premises expre∫sed to be thereby granted and released with their
and every of their rights members and appurtenances and all the Estate
right (and interest of thesaid Richard Oliver his Heirs Executors
Administrators or A∫signs in or to the same unto and to the use of the said
Richard Oliver Smith his Heirs Executors Administrators and A∫signs
or as he or they should direct or appoint And whereas by
Indentures of Lease and Release and Settlement bearing date respectively
the twelfth and thirteenth days of August in the Year of Our Lord One
Thousand eight hundred and nineteen and made or expre∫sed to be
made between the said Edmund Broderip the Elder of the first part
the said Richard Oliver Smith of the second part Mary Broderip of
Wells aforesaid Spinster one of the Daughters of thesaid Edmund
Broderip the Elder of the third part Robert Langley Appleyard of
Lincolns Inn in the County of Middlesex Gentleman and thesaid
Edmund Broderip the Younger of the fourth part (being the settlement
made on the said then intended and since ∫olemnized Marriage between
the said Richard Oliver Smith and Mary Broderip) After reciting amongst
other things thesaid hereinbefore recited Indenture of Mortgage the said
then intended Marriage between the said Richard Oliver Smith and
Mary Broderip and that on the treaty for thesaid Marriage the said
Edmund Broderip the elder agreed to give the Sum of five thousand
pounds as the portion of his said Daughter And that the said Richard
Oliver Smith did agree to settle this Sum of Seven thousand pounds as
further Provision for the said Mary Broderip in case she should survive
her said Husband and for the I∫sue of the said Marriage if any to be never
settledin manner therein respectivelyin manner therein respectively
mentioned that there was then due and owing to thesaid Richard
Oliver for principal on the said recited Security the Sum of four thousand
One hundred and five space pounds and no more and that the said Edmund Broderip the elder had of and immediately
to _____ the Sum of Four thousand and_____
one Hundred and five pounds to pay off and discharge the said principal
Sum so due to the said Richard Oliver on thesaid recited Security And
that it was proposed intended and agreed that the said Richard
Oliver should have joined and concurred with the said Richard Oliver
Smith in conveying and a∫suring the said plantations and Estates
and Premises unto and to the use of the said Robert Langley
Appleyard and Edmund Broderip the Younger their Heirs and
A∫signs Upon such trusts and to the intents and purposes
thereinafter expre∫sed and declared touching and concerning the
same but in as much as the said recited Indenture of Lease and
Release or Mortgage of the twentieth and twenty first days of June
One thousand eight hundred and ten were then in the Island
of Grenada and could not then be delivered up it was expedient
that the payment of the said Sum of Four thousand one hundred
and five pounds by the said Edmund Broderip to thesaid Richard
Oliver should be postponed until the said recited Indenture of
Mortgage should arrived in England and be ready to be delivered over
andata proper transfer thereof made by the said Richard Oliver to
the said Robert Langley Appleyard and Edmund Broderip the
Younger upon the several trusts thereinafter mentioned It is
then witne∫sed that in prospect and in consideration of the
said then intended Marriage and for other the Considerations
therein mentioned he the said Richard Oliver Smith did grant
bargain sell alien release a∫sign transfer at over and confirmed unto
the said Robert Langley Appleyard and Edmund Broderip the
Younger all and singular the said plantations or estates Me∫suages
Lands Outhouses and other Houses Edifices Negroes Slaves and
Other matters and things therein and hereinafter more particularly
mentioned and described To hold such part and parcel of the said
Plantations and Negroes and Hereditaments intended to be thereby
granted a∫signed and confirmed respectively as were of the nature of
freehold and every part thereof with the Appurtenances unto and to
the use of the said Robert Langley Appleyard and Edmund Broderip
the Younger And To hold such part and parts thereof as were of the
nature of Leasehold or of a le∫s Estate than Freehold unto the said
Robert Langley Appleyard and Edmund Broderip the Younger their
Heirs executors administrators and a∫signs for ever subject neverthe
le∫s to the several charges and incumbrances thereinbefore mentioned
expre∫sed and declaredneverthele∫s to for and upon the several trusts
and intents and purposes and subject to the several provisoes decla
rations and agreements as are thereinafter mentioned expre∫sed
and declared touching and concerning the same And the said
Edmund Broderip the elder did thereby covenant promise declare
and agree to and with the said Robert Langley Appleyard and
Edmund Broderip the Younger their executors administrators and
A∫signs that he the said Edmund Broderip the Elder should and
would when and as soon as the said recited Indentures of Lease and
Release and Mortgage of the twentieth and twenty first days of June
One thousand eight hundred and ten should be brought to England
and a transfer thereof made to the said Robert Langley Appleyard
and Edmund Broderip the younger upon the trusts therein
expre∫sed and declared touching and concerning the same well
and truly advance and payon suchon such transfer the Sum of Four
thousand one hundred and five pounds part of the said Sum of Five
thousand pounds to the said Richard Oliver his Executors administra
tors or a∫signs in discharge of the said Debt so due to the said Richard
Oliver And whereas since the date and execution of the said
Indenture of Settlement the said Robert Langley Appleyard having
declined to Act as a Trustee of and under the said ^_____ Indenture of
Settlement the said Thomas Strangways Homer was by virtue of and
under the Power and Authority thereinandfor that purpose contain
ed duly appointed a Trustee in the place and stead of the said Robert
Langely Appleyard and all the said trust hereditaments and premises
have been duly conveyed to and are now vested in the said
Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Stangways Homer
upon the trusts of the said Settlement And whereas there is
now due and owing unto the said Richard Oliver on the said
recited Indenture of Mortgage the principal Sum of Four thousand
One Hundred and five pounds only all Interest for the same heaving
been fully paid and satisfied up to the day of the date of these Presents
Which the said the said Richard Oliver doth hereby admit and
acknowledge And the said Edmund Broderip the elder hath been called
upon to pay and advance the Sum of Four thousand one Hundred and
five pounds (part of the said Sum of Five thousand pounds) to the said
Richard Oliver in discharge of the said Mortgage debt Now this
Indenture witne∫seth that for and in consideration of the Sum
of Four thousand one hundred and five pounds of good And lawful Money
of Great Britain current in England to the said Richard Oliver in
hand well and truly paid by the said Edmund Broderip also? before
the sealing and delivery of these presents in discharge and satisfaction of
the said Mortgage debt so due and owing to the said Richard Oliver
as aforesaid with the privity consent and approbation of the said
Richard Oliver Smith Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strang
ways homer testified by their severally being made Parties to and
executing these Presents the receipt of which and Sum of Four thousand
one hundred and five Pounds He the said Richard Oliver doth hereby
acknowledge and that the same is in full payment and satisfaction
of all money now due and owing to the said Richard Oliver on the said
recited Indenture of Mortgage and of and from the same and every part
thereof doth acquit release and discharge the said Edmund Broderip
and also the said Richard Oliver Smith and each of them their and
each of their Heirs executors and administrators for ever by these
presents And also for and in Consideration of the Sum of ten shillings to
each of them the said Richard Oliver and Richard Oliver Smith in
Hand paid by the said Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas
Strangways Homer at or before the sealing and delivery of these Presents
the receipts of which are hereby respectively acknowledged He the said
Richard Oliver at the request and by ^ the direction and appointment of the
said Richard Oliver Smith and with the consent and approbation of the
said Edmund Broderip the Elder testified by their severally being
made Parties to and executing of these presents Hath bargained sold
released and assigned And by these Presents Doth bargain sell release
and a∫sign unto the said Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas
Strangways Homer And the said Richard Oliver Smith Hath granted
bargained sold aliened released ratified and confirmed And by these
Presents Doth grant bargain sell alien release ratify and confirm unto
the said Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strangways
Homer (in their actual possession now being by virtue of a Bargain
and Sale to them thereof made by the said Richard Oliver in
incineration of five shillings by Indenture bearing date the day
next before the day of the date of these presents) for one year commencing
from the day next before the day of the date of the same Indenture
of Bargain and Sale and by force of the Statute made for transferring
(382) [This is a second Page 382]
uses into po∫se∫sion and to his Heirs executors administrators and
A∫signs All that the said Plantation or Estate called Revolution
Hall Estate situate lying and being in the parish of Saint John
in the Island of Grenada late afore belonging to William Smith
Esquire deceased And also all that piece or parcel of Land bought by
the said William Smith of and from Mi∫s Herbert And also all that
Coffee Plantation and hereditaments bought by the said William
Smith of and from Madame Bertrand situate lying and being in
the parish of Saint John in the said Island of Grenada And also all
Me∫suages lands outhouses boiling houses curing houses edifices and
buildings standing and being upon the said Plantation and
Hereditaments respectively And also all and singular the Negroes
and other Slaves upon or belonging to the said plantation and
Hereditaments respectively and the I∫sue Offspring and Increase of
such negroes and Slaves And all Mules Cattle and live Stock now
being upon or belonging to the said Plantations and hereditaments
respectively And also all Mills stills coppers and plantation implements
and Materials and dead Stock now upon or belonging to the same
Plantations and hereditaments or any part thereof And also all Gardens
Orchards lands Meadows Pastures feedings ways paths Emoluments
hereditaments and appurtenances to the said Plantation and
Hereditaments belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith used
occupied or enjoyed And the reversion and reversions remainder and
remainders yearly and other Rents i∫sues and profits of the said planta-
tions Hereditaments and Premises and of every part thereof And all the
Estate right title interest property claim and demand of them the
said Richard Oliver and Richard Oliver and each of them
of in to and out of the same Premises and every part thereof To have
and To hold the said Plantations Negroes Hereditaments and
all other the Premises expressed to be thereby granted and released with
their Appurtenances unto and to the use of the said Edmund Broderip
the Younger and Thomas Strangways Homer their Heirs Executors
administrators or a∫signs respectively for ever according to the nature
and quality of the same premi∫ses respectively neverthele∫s for to and
upon the several trusts ends intents and purposes in the said recited
Indenture of Settlement expre∫sed and declared of and concerning the
same And the said Richard Oliver doth hereby for himself his heirs
executors and administrators covenant promise and agree to and
with the said Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strangways
Homer their heirs executors administrators and A∫signs That he the
said Richard Oliver hath not made done committed or wittingly or
willfully suffered any act deed matter or thing whatsoever whereby
or by reason or means whereof the said several hereditaments and
Other the premises hereby released and a∫signed respectively or any part
thereof are is can shall or may be in any wise impeached changed or
incumbered in title right estate or otherwise howsoever And lastly
the said Richard Oliver Richard Oliver Smith Edmund Broderip the ===== Elder
Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strangways Homer do and
each of them doth Nominate constitute and appoint and in their and
each of their place and stead put William Michell and George Gun Monroe
both of the Island of Grenada Esquires jointly and severally to be their
and each of their true and lawful Attornies and Attorney for them and
each of them and in their and each of their names or name to appear
before the Secretary or Registrar of the said Island or his or their
respective lawful Deputy or Deputies or any other proper Officer of the said
Island and then and there to acknowledge these Presents and the said
Bargain and Sale for a Year to be respectively the acts and deeds of them
the said ^Richard Oliver Richard Oliver Smith Edmund Broderip the Elder Edmund
Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strangways Homer respectively and
the Names and Seals thereto subscribed and affixed to be the Hands writings
^and Seals of them the said Richard Oliver Richard Oliver Smith Edmund Broderip
the Elder Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strangways Homer
and further to do and perform all and every other Acts Matters or things
in the like Cases accustomed or which shall be nece∫sary for the making these
presents valid and effectual in the Law according to the true intent and
meaning hereof In witne∫s whereof the said Parties to these presents
have have hereunto set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year
first above Written.
Richd (LS) Oliver R.O. (LS) Smith Edmund (LS) BroderipSigned Sealed and delivered by the within named Richard Oliver in the
presence of
George Wollaston Bury St EdmtH. H. Tizard Noty Pub & Acting Town Clerk Weymouth DorsetSigned Sealed and delivered by the within named Richard Oliver Smith
and Edmund Broderip the Elder in the presence of
Thomas Short Servant to W. Melliar Wells SomersetReceived the day and year first within written of and
J. L. Lovell Solt Wells Somerset
from the within named Edmund Broderip the Sum of Four
thousand One hundred and five pounds being the consideration £4105
money within mentioned to be paid by him to me
Richd Oliver
George Wollaston Bury Edmt
H. H. Tizard Noty Pub & Acting Town Clerk Weymouth DorsetHenry
Henry Hayes Tizard of Weymouth in the County of Dorset Notary
Public and acting Town Clerk maketh Oath and saith that he this
Deponent and George Wollaston of Bury Saint Edmund Esquires
were present and did see Richard Oliver late of the City of London
but now of Weymouth in the County of Dorset Esquire sign his
Name to and afterwards in due form of Law seal and deliver as and
for and Act and Deed a certain Indenture or Transfer bearing date
the Seventh day of September One thousand eight Hundred and twenty
hereunto annexed and made between the said Richard Oliver
of the first part Richard Oliver
Smith Esquire of the second part Edmund Broderip the Elder
Gentleman of the third part and Edmund Broderip the younger
Gentleman and Thomas Strangways Horner Esquire of the fourth
part and that the name or signature “Richd Oliver” opposite to the
first Seal affixed to the said Indenture or Transfer as one of the persons
executing the same is of the proper hand writing of the said Richard
Oliver and that in testimony of the execution thereof by him this
Deponent and also the said “George Wollaston” did severally sign
their names to the attestation thereof by the said Richard Oliver
written on the back of the said Indenture or Transfer as thereby now appears
H. H. TizardSworn at Weymouth in the County
of Dorset the 9th day of September 1820
before me William Oakley Mayor,
To all to whom these presents shall come I William Oakley
Mayor of the Corporation of Weymouth in the County of Dorset in
pursuance of an Act of Parliament made and pa∫sed in the fifth
year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the second intituled
“An Act for the more easy recovery of Debts in his Majesty’s Plantations
“and Colonies in America” Do hereby Certify that on the day of the date
hereof personally came and appeared before me Henry Hayes Tizard the
Deponent named in the Affidavit hereunto annexed being a Person
well known and worthy of good Credit and by solemn Oath which the
said Deponent then took before me upon the Holy Evangelists of
Almighty God did solemnly and sincerely declare testify and depose to
be true the several matters and things mentioned and contained in
the said annexed Affidavit.
In Faith and Testimony whereof I the
said William Oakley have caused the Seal of
the Office of Mayoralty of the said Corporation
to be hereunto put and affixed and the
Indenture or Transfer mentioned and referred
to in and by the said Affidavit to be hereunto
also annexed Dated in the Borough of
Weymounth aforesaid the ninth day of SeptemberIn
In the Year One thousand eight hundred
and twenty.William OakleyOn the tenth day of November 1820 Richard Oliver Smith of
Co∫sington in the County of Somerset Esquire one of the Parties to the
within Indenture appeared personally before me and acknowledged
the same to be his Act and Deed and to have been by him executed
for the purposes therein mentioned.
Wm Melliar a Masr Exctr?Joseph Lovell Lovell of the Liberty of Saint Andrew in Wells in
in Chancery
the County of Somerset in the Kingdom of Great Britain Gentleman maketh
Oath and saith that he was present with Thomas Short of Wells aforesaid
Servant and did see Richard Oliver Smith late of Stuarts Grove
Brompton in the County of Middlesex but now of Cossington in the
County of Somerset and Edmund Broderip the Elder of Wells
aforesaid Gentleman severally sign seal and as are their respective Act
and Deed deliver a certain Indenture or Transfer of Security bearing date
the seventh day of September One thousand eight hundred and twenty
hereunto annexed and made between Richard Oliver late of the City of
London but then of Weymouth in the County of Dorset Esquire of the first
part the said Richard Oliver Smith of the second part the said Edmund
Broderip of the third part and Edmund Broderip the Younger of Wells Park in
the said Count Esquire of the fourth part and that the Names “R. O.
Smith” and “Edmund Broderip” severally set and subscribed to the said
Indenture or Transfer are of the several proper hands writing of the said
Richard Oliver Smith and Edmund Broderip And this Deponent
further saith that the Names “Thomas Short” and “J. L. Lovell” set and
subscribed to the said Indenture or Transfer as Witne∫ses to the execution
thereby by the said Richard Oliver Smith and Edmund Broderip are
of the several proper hands writing of the said Thomas Short and
this Deponent.
J. L. LovellI Stephen Davies Mayor of the City or Borough of Wells
in the County of Somerset in the Kingdom of Great Britain Do
hereby Certify that this day personally appeared before me
Joseph Lovell Lovell of the Liberty of Saint Andrew in wells in the
said County of Somerset Gentleman the Deponent named in the
aforegoing Affidavit being a Person well known and worthy of
good Credit and by solemn Oath which the said Deponentthen
took before me upon the holy Evangelists of Almighty God did
Solemnly and sincerely testify declare and depose to be true the several
matters and things mentioned and contained in the said Affidavit.
In Faith and Testimony whereofStephen Davies Mayor
I the said Mayor have caused the Seal of
the Office of Mayoralty of the said City
or Borough of Wells to be hereunto put and
affixed and the Indenture or Transfer
mentioned and referred to in and by the
said Affidavit to be hereunto also annexed
Dated in Wells aforesaid the Seventh
Day of November in the year of Our Lord
One thousand eight Hundred and twenty.
of the City of Wells 11th
November 1820
This is the Affidavit and Certificate referred to by my
Certificate hereunto annexed.
Edw TusonI Edward Tuson Notary Publick residing in the City
or Borough of Wells in the County of Somerset in the Kingdom of Great
Britain Do hereby certify that I was present and saw Joseph
Lovell Lovell of the Liberty of Saint Andrew in Wells aforesaid
Gentleman subscribe and duly make Oath to the Affidavit hereunto
affixed And that I also saw Stephen Davies Mayor of the City or Borough
of Wells aforesaid Sign the Certificate appearing underneath the
said Affidavit and Affix the Seal thereto Which said Seal is the
Seal of the Corporation of the City or Borough of Wells aforesaid
In Witne∫s whereof I have hereto set my Hand and Notarial Seal
the eleventh day of December in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand ]
eight hundred and twenty.
Edw Tuson Noty Pub (LS)
11th Novr 1820.
Item 7 to bed… Now on to Item 8 and more Smith-related Documents.
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