The Transcription Project continues, and this morning I have progressed into Item 12 of the Grenada Registers of Records of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
This next Indenture is all-things-being-equal pertinent to ggg-grandfather James Smith. This appears to be a sale/lease of property made in 1811 between Louis Rouget and Victor La Barrie to James Smith and John Devereaux Lumsden. The name James Smith fits. The Island – Grenada fits. And the occupation – Carpenter(s) fit. Further the contract appears specific to property once again in the Town of Saint George. The initial contract price 10 shillings. The one Year Lease – One Pepper Corn.
The images of Pages 26, 27, and 28 follow –
My transcription -
As a note of reference, this Louis Rouget may be the same as Louis Honore Rouget. See The Scottish Jurist, Page 285.
The next Indenture follows which appears to be the finalization of the 14 January 1811 of the transfer of property.
My transcription -
(26)Entered 4th January 1825
This Indenture made the fourteenth day of
January in the Year of Our Lord One thousand and eight
hundred and Eleven Between Louis Rouget and Victor
La Barrie of the Island of Grenada Gentlemen of the one part and
James Smith and John Devereaux Lumsden of the same Island
Carpenters of the other part Witne∫seth that for and in
consideration of ten shillings of current money of the Island
Aforesaid to the said Louis Rouget and Victor La Barrie
in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these pre
sents the receipt of which said sum is hereby acknowledged They
the said Louis Rouget and Victor La Barrie Have and each of them
Hath granted bargained and sold by these presents Do and
each of them Doth grant bargain and sell unto the said James
Smith and John Devereaux Lumsden their executors administrators
and a∫signs All that lot piece or parcel of land situate lying and
being on the east side of the Carenage of the Town of Saint George in
the said Island of Grenada and abutted and bounded as follows
that is to say, On the South by the land of George Burn On the
North by the Water Lot of Richard Wise On the East by the _____ High
way and On the West by the Sea or Water of the Carenage or howsoever other
wise the same is abutted bounded known or described together with _____
Me∫suage tenement and Buildings and all other erections standing
or being on the said lot piece or parcel of land and all ways paths
pa∫sages walls fences waters watercourses wharves woods piles statue?
easements conveniences privileges profits emoluments commodities
_____ and hereditaments with the appurtenances to the
said lot piece or parcel of land me∫suage and premises belonging
or otherwise hold po∫se∫sed or enjoyed or member thereof and the
reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents i∫sues
and profits of all and singular thesaid premises with the
appurtenances To have and To hold thesaid lot piece or
parcel of land me∫suage and premises with the appurtenances
unto thesaid James Smith and John Devereaux Lumsden their
executors administrators and a∫signs as tenets in common
and not as joint tenants from the day next before the day of the
date of these presents for the full end and term of One whole Year
from thence next ensuring and full to be complete and ended
Yielding and _____ therefrom the end of the said
term one pepper corm (if demanded) To the intent that by
virtue of these presents and by force of the Statute made for
transferring of _____ into po∫se∫sion thesaid James Smith
and John Devereaux Lumsden may be in the actual po∫se∫sion
of the several premises whereby bargained and sold with the
Appurtenances and be hereby enabled to
accept and take _____ and release of the reversion and
inheritance thereof to them and their heirs To the only _____
and behoof of the said James Smith and John Devereaux Lumsden
their heirs and a∫signs forever as Tenants in common and not _____
joint Tenants by Indenture bearing date the day next after the
day of the date of these presents In witne∫s whereof the _____
to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day
and Year first above written.
Louis (LS) Nouget Victor (LS) La BarrieSealed and Delivered, in the presence of
_____ Westmoreland Jn Lu∫san
Acknowledged before me by Victor La BarrieEsquire one of the parties executing the within Indenture ofBargain and Sale or Lease for a Year this seventh day ofJuly in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred andtwenty four.Owsley RowleyD. Reg.Grenada
Acknowledge before me Louis RougetEsquire One of the parties to the within Indenture of Bargain andSale or lease for a Year as and for his free and voluntary Act anddeed this seventh day of July in the Year of Our Lord One thousandeight hundred and twenty four.Owsley RowleyD. Reg.
As a note of reference, this Louis Rouget may be the same as Louis Honore Rouget. See The Scottish Jurist, Page 285.
The next Indenture follows which appears to be the finalization of the 14 January 1811 of the transfer of property.
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