And the search and research for the ancestry and origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith continues. Did you think that I had abandoned it? Never! Not until I find that iota of a clue or lead that will give me a basis of his birth and lineage connections.
Continuing my Transcription Project and following up to my posting, Part 479s, here is the next part of that work. Schedule A of the Document was included in my Part 479s transcription. Schedules B and C are included in this next work. This next work includes references to George Smith and a number of other Smiths, which I believe may be referenced in the Descendant Charts that I included in Parts 480s, 481s, 484s, 485s, and 486s.
All-things-being-equal, this Document does not provide any hint or clue of ggg-grandfather James Smith’s genealogy.
The images are of Pages 351 through and including 361 of the Grenada Registers of Records as downloaded from Item 10 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
Here is my transcription –
And now I carry on. Item 10 is complete. I move on to Item 12.
The top inserted images is from the 1939 Warner Bros. Cartoon, Sniffles and the Bookworm.
The images are of Pages 351 through and including 361 of the Grenada Registers of Records as downloaded from Item 10 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
Here is my transcription –
This Indenture made the fifth day of December in the Year
of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty four Between
John Gloster Garraway of Cadogan Place in the County of Middlesex
Esquire of the one part Hugh Duncan Baillie James Evan Baillie and
George Henry Ames all of the City of Bristol Merchants and Copartners
trading under the ffirm of “Evan Baillie Sons and Company”” Samuel
Smith George Smith John Smith Abel Smith Samuel George Smith
and George Robert Smith of the City of London Merchants and Copartners
trading under the ffirm of “Smith Payne and Smith” and Robert
Lang Nathaniel Snell Chauncy and Philip Monoux Lucas of the same
City Merchants and Copartners trading under the firm of “Lang
Chauncy and Lucas” of the Second Part and the said George Smith
Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie of the third part whereas
the said John Gloster Garraway as trustee to surviving partner of the
late firm of Garraway and Company is indebted to the said Hugh Duncan
Baillie James Evan Baillie and George Henry Ames in the Sum of Six
thousand One hundred and fifty two pounds sixteen shillings and three
pence as the Balance of an Account made up _____ settled and adjusted
between the said parties on the thirty first day of October last past
And the said John Gloster Garraway is also indebted to the said
Samuel Smith George Smith John Smith Abel Smith Samuel George
Smith and George Robert Smith in the Sum of One thousand two hundred
and thirty five pounds nineteen shillings and eight pence And ^to the
said Robert Lang Nathaniel Snell Chauncy and Philip Monoux
Lucas in the Sum of Four thousand two hundred and eighty seven
pounds eleven shillings and our pence on the Balance of Accounts
Made up settled and adjusted between the said last named
parties respectively on the same day And whereas the said John
Gloster Garraway in his own right and as the surviving partner of his
late Deceased Brother or otherwise is well and truly seized to him and his
heirs? in fee simple or is well and effectually insisted either at law or in
Equity to the absolute estates of inheritance or to an Estate equivalent thereto
of and in the Me∫suages and Premises situate in the Island of Grenada
in the West Indies hereinafter particularly described and to the Slaves
particularly mentioned and described in the list or particular thereof
annexed by way of Schedule to these presents and he hath proposed to
secure the payment of the said several Sums of Six thousand One
hundred and fifty two pounds sixteen shillings and three pence One
thousand two hundred and thirty five pounds nineteen shillings
and eight pence and ffour thousand two hundred and eighty seven pounds
seven shillings and four pence respectively to the parties to whom the
same Sum are respectively due and owing as aforesaid with interest on
each Sum after the rate of ffive pounds per cent per Annum by a
conveyance of the said Me∫suages premises and Slaves to the said George
Smith Philip Momoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie upon such
trusts for sale and other trusts and with such powers provisoes and
Agreements as are in that behalf hereinafter contained Now this
Indenture witne∫seth that as well as in Consideration of
the said three several Sums so due and owing from the said John
Gloster Garraway to the said Evan Baillie Sons and Company Smith
Payne and Smith and Lang Chauncy and Lucas aforesaid as
also in Consideration of the Sum of ffive shillings of lawful money of
Great Britain to the said John Gloster Garraway in hand well and
truly paid by the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James
Evan Baillie at or immediately before the sealing and delivery of
these presents the receipt whereof he the said John Gloster Garraway
doth hereby acknowledge He the said John Gloster Garraway at the
request and by the direction and Appointment of the said several
persons parties hereto of the several parts testified by their being respectively
made parties to and executing these presents Hath granted bargained
sol aliened released and Conveyed and also a∫signed and by these
presents Doth grant bargain sell alien release convey and also a∫sign
unto the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan
Baillie and their heirs executors administrators and A∫signs according
to the nature and quality of the same Hereditaments and Premises
respectively All these two Me∫suages adjoining each other situate in
the parish and Town of Saint George in the said Island of Grenada
now or lately albeit? and Occupied by the said late ffirm of Garraway
and Company as a Store for use together with all Houses Outhouses
edifices buildings ways paths pa∫sages Cellars Sollars Areas Vaults
Lofts? hights? Members ^privileges and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said
Me∫suages and and Premises or either of them belonging or in
any wise appertaining or therewith now or at any time heretofore and
Usually had held? used occupied or enjoyed And also all
and singular the several slaves mentioned and described in the
Schedule hereto annexed or under written being the last Registered
description thereof respectively according to the last returns made
pursuant to Act of Parliament and the increase and progeny since
the said return of the ffemales of the said Slaves and all the future
increase and progeny thereof respectively and all and singular the
said Me∫suages premises and Slaves or such part or parts thereof
respectively as are of the nature of real estate are now in the
po∫se∫sion of the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James
Evan Baillie by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to them thereof made
by the said John Gloster Garraway by Indenture bearing or intended
to bear date the day next before the day of the date of these presents for the
term of one whole Year commencing from the day next before the day of the
date of the same Indenture of Bargain and Sale and by force of the
statute for transferring uses in to po∫se∫sion and the reversion and
reversions remainder and remainders Yearly and other rents
i∫sues and profits of the said Me∫suages or Tenements Slaves
Hereditaments and Premises and of every part and parcel thereof
And all the estate right title interest inheritance use trust property
profit po∫se∫sion benefit advantage challenge claim and demand
whatsoever both at Law and in Equity or otherwise howsoever of him
the said John Gloster Garraway of in or to or out of the same Me∫suages
Premises and Slaves every or any part or parcel thereof together
with all Deeds Evidences and Writings whatsoever relating thereto
or to any part or parcel thereof now in ^the Custody or power of the said
John Gloster Garraway or which he can procure or obtain To
have and To hold the same Me∫suages ot Tenements Slaves
Hereditaments and all and singular other the premises hereby
released conveyed a∫signed or otherwise a∫sured or intended so to be
and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their
rights members and Appurtenances as to so much and such part
or parts thereof respectively as are of the nature of real estate unto
and to the use of the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and
James Evan Baillie their executors administrators and A∫signs
Neverthele∫s both as so the said real and personal estate upon the
trusts? and to and for the ends intents and proposes hereinafter mentioned
expre∫sed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say)
upon trust that the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and
James Evan Baillie or the survivors or survivor of them or the heris
executors and administrators or A∫signs of such survivor do and shall
at any time or times after the execution of these presents and without any
further a∫sent consent or concurrence of the said John Gloster
Garraway his heirs executors admorts and A∫signs absolutely sell and
Dispose of all and singular the said Me∫suages Slaves and
Hereditaments or any part or parts thereof thereby public auction
or Private Contract and either together or in parcels and in such manner
and form as the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan
Baillie or the survivors or survivor of them or their heirs executors admons
or A∫signs of such survivor in his or their discretion shall think proper
and upon trust that they the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and
James Evan Baillie and the survivors or survivor of them and the heirs
executors administrators and A∫signs of such Survivor do and shall
receive the Monies arising or to be produced from the Sale or Sales of the
said Me∫suages Hereditaments slaves and Premises or any Part
or Parts thereof as aforesaid and the rents Profits and Proceeds
thereof in the mean time and pay apply and dispose of the same in the
manner following (namely) Upon trust in the first place to pay
and discharge all such lo∫ses costs charges damages and expenses
as he or they shall or may pay bear be put to expend suffer or sustain
in about or concerning the Sale or Sales of the said Me∫suages
Hereditaments Slaves and Premises or otherwise in the performance
Management or execution of all or any of the trusts hereby in him and
them reposed and in the next place upon trust from time to time
to pay distribute and divide the whole of the residue of the Monies arising
from such Sale or Sales of the said Me∫suages Hereditaments
and Slaves and the rents profits and proceeds until such Sale
or Sales to and amongst the said Hugh Duncan Baillie James
Evan Baillie and George Henry Ames Samuel Smith George Smith
John Smith Abel Smith Samuel George Smith and George Robert
Smith and Robert Lang Nathaniel ^ Snell Chauncy and Philip Monoux Lucas or
their respective partners representatives or agents in and towards
the payment satisfaction and discharge of the said several Sums
of Six thousand One hundred and fifty-two pounds sixteen shillings
and three pence One thousand two hundred thirty-five pounds
nineteen shillings and eight pence and Four Thousand two space hundred
and eighty-seven pounds eleven shillings and four pence so due
and owing by the said John Gloster Garraway and his late Copartners
to them respectively as aforesaid together with any subsequent interest
thereon which may have already or shall hereafter become due after
the rate of five pounds per cent per annum and so much and such
part or parts of thesaid principal Sums and their interest as shall
then remain due and owing to them selectively and so that the said
Monies arising from such Sale or Sales as aforesaid and such
rents profits and proceeds may be divided amongst the said
parties rateably and in proportion to the amount due to each
party respectively as after said and upon further trust that they
^ thesaid George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie and the
Survivors and Survivor of them and the heirs executors administrators
and A∫signs of such survivor do and shall pay the overplus of the
said Monies if any unto the said John Gloster Garraway his
Executors administrators and A∫signs for his and their own
use and benefit And it hereby declared and agreed by and
between thesaid parties hereto that if the said John Gloster
Garraway his heirs executors administrators or a∫signs shall at any
time or times previous to and before the said George Smith Philip
Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie or the Survivors or Survivor
of them or the heirs executors administrators or a∫signs of such
Survivor shall have Contracted for Sale of the said Hereditaments
Slaves and Premises or any part thereof unto any Person or Persons
tender or cause to be tendered unto the said George Smith Philip
Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie or the Survivors or survivor
of them or the heirs executors or administrators of such Survivor the
said several Principal sums so due as aforesaid to the said Evan
Baillie Sons and Company Smith Payne and Smith and Lang
Chancy and Lucas together with all interest thereon or so much and
such part of the said principal Sums and interest for the same
as shall at the time of such tender be due and owing and also
all such costs charges and expences as the said George Smith
Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie or the Survivors or
Survivor of them or this heirs executors or Administrators shall or may
bear suffer sustain expend or be put on to in or about the execution
of the trusts hereby in him and them reposed then and in such case
the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie
and the Survivors and Survivor of them and the heirs executors
administrators and A∫signs of such Survivor shall and will
forbear to make Sale of the said Hereditaments Slaves and Premises
to any Person or Persons and shall and will at the request costs
and charges of the said John Gloster Garraway his heirs
executors admors or a∫signs well and effectually Convey and a∫sure
all their and his Estate right title and interest therein unto the
said John Gloster Garraway his heirs Executors administrators or
a∫signs according to the nature and quality of the said
Hereditaments and Premises or to such of them as shall Pay and
starts the said several Sums of Money and Interest and the
said Costs Charges and expenses as aforesaid free from all
incumbrances whatsoever made done or committed in the mean
time And it is hereby agreed and declared between
and by the parties to these presents that all such Contracts Agreements
Acts Deeds Conveyances or other A∫surances which may be entered into
made done and executed by the said George Smith Philip Monoux
Lucas and James Evan Baillie or the Survivor or Survivors of
them or the heirs Executors or Administrators of such Survivor
or by any or either of them by virtue of the trusts hereinbefore
declared shall or may be entered into made done and executed
without further consent of the said John Gloster Garraway
his heirs Executors Administrators or A∫signs and shall whether
the said John Gloster Garraway his heirs executors administrators or
A∫signs shall or shall not joined therein or A∫sent thereto to all
intents effects and purposes whatsoever be valid and effectual
and bind the said John Gloster Garraway his heirs Executors
administrators and a∫signs and all persons claiming or to claim
by from through under or in trust for him them or any or either of them
And it is hereby agreed and declared that the receipt or
receipts in writing of thesaid George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and
James Evan Baillie or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the heirs executors
or administrators of such Survivor or any Monies to be received on
Account of the said Sale or Sales or dispositions or otherwise payable
to them or him by virtue of these presents shall effectually discharged
the person or persons to whom the same shall be given from being
answerable or accountable for the misapplication or non-application
or from being in any wise pound or concerned see to the application
of the money mentioned or expre∫sed to have been received ^ in _____ by such receipts
or Receipts or from being bound or concerned to enquire into the nece∫sity
of any sale or Sales Dispositions or Disposition which may be made by
virtue of these presents or whether any such tender or notice as hereinbefore
stated may or may not have been given or to enquire whether the money
to be raised by such sale shall be wanted for the purposes aforesaid or
any of them And the said John Gloster Garraway Doth hereby for
himself his heirs Executors and ministers and A∫signs Covenant Promise
and Agree to and with the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas
and James Evan Baillie their heirs Executors Administrators and A∫signs
that he the said John Gloster Garraway his heirs or a∫signs or some or
one of them shall and will on demand thereof well and truly pay or
cause to be paid unto thesaid Hugh Duncan Baillie James Evan
Baillie and George Henry Ames their Executors Administrators or a∫signs
the said Sum of Six thousand one hundred and fifty two pounds
xxxxxx sixteen Shillings and three pence and to the said Samuel Smith George
Smith John Smith Abel Smith Samuel George Smith and George Robert
Smith their executors Administrators or A∫signs the said Sum of One
thousand two hundred and thirty-five pounds nineteen shillings
and eight pence And to the said Robert Lang Nathaniel Snell
Chauncy and Philip Monoux Lucas their Executors Administrators
or A∫signs the said Sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred and eighty
seven pounds eleven shillings and four pence with interest for the
same several Sums or selectively after the rate of five percent per annum
without any deduction or abatement whatsoever out of the same or any
part thereof for or in respect of any taxes charges rates a∫se∫sments
payments or impositions taxed charged rated a∫se∫sed or imposed
upon the said Hereditaments and premises hereinbefore released
or intended so to be or on the said three several Sums of Six thousand
one hundred and fifty two pounds sixteen shillings and three pence
One thousand two hundred and thirty-five pounds nineteen
shillings and eight pence and Four thousand two hundred
and eighty-seven pounds eleven shillings and four pence or any
Part thereof or upon the said Parties to allow same are
respectively due and owing their respective Executors Administrators
and A∫signs or any or either of them or any other Person or Persons
whomsoever for or on Account or in respect of the said Hereditaments and
Premises or the said several Principal Sums and interest or any part
thereof And further that he the said John Gloster Garraway
now hath in himself good right and full power and lawful and absolute
Authority to grant and release the said Me∫suages Hereditaments
Slaves and Premises hereinbefore released or intended so to be with
their Appurtenances and A∫signs in manner aforesaid
and according to the true intent and meaning of these presents And
that it shall and may be lawful to and for them the said George
Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie their heirs
Executors Administrators and A∫signs or selectively peaceably to
enter into and upon the said Hereditaments Slaves and Premises
hereinbefore granted released and Conveyed or intended so to be with
their Appurtenances and the same To have and hold occupy po∫se∫s and
enjoy Upon the trusts and for the intents and purposes hereinbefore
declared without any let suit trouble denial eviction interruption
claim or demand whatsoever of from or by the said John
Gloster Garraway or his heirs Executors or Administrators or of
from or by any other person or persons whomsoever And that
free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely acquitted exonerated
released and for ever discharged or otherwise by the said John
Gloster Garraway his heirs executors or Administrators well and
sufficiently saved harmle∫s and Indemnified or from and
against all and all manner of former and other gifts grants
Mortgages Bargains Sales Leases Releases Jointures Dowers right
and title of dowers uses trusts intails wills rents and arrears of rent
statute recognizances judgments and all other estates rights titles
troubles charges death and incumbrances whatsoever And
further that he the said John Gloster Garraway and his Heirs
executors and Administrators and all and every other persons
and person whomsoever having or claiming or who may or shall
have or claim any estate right title interest trust property claim
and demand whatsoever into or out of the said Me∫suages
Hereditaments Slaves and Premises hereinbefore granted released
or intended so to be or any of them or any part thereof shall and will
from time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable
request of the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James
Evan Baillie their heirs executors or administrators but at the proper
costs and charges of the said John Gloster Garraway his heirs
executors administrators or a∫signs make do acknowledge levy suffer
and secured or cause and procure to be made done acknowledged
levied suffered and executed all and every such further and other
Lawful and reasonable acts deeds things conveyances and
a∫surances in the law whatsoever for the further better more perfectly
and absolutely granting releasing and a∫suring of the said
Hereditaments Slaves and Premises hereinbefore released or otherwise
a∫sured or intended so to be with their Appurtenances unto thesaid
George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie their heirs
executors administrators and A∫signs in manner and upon the trusts
after said as by the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James
Evan Baillie the Survivors or Survivor of them or the executors or
administrators of such Survivor or his or their Counsel in the Law
shall be reasonably advised devised or required And thesaid
George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie Do
hereby for themselves severally and respectively and for their several
and respective heirs executors and administrators covenant promise
and agree to and with each other and also to and with the said John
Gloster Garraway their heirs executors and Administrators and each
and every of them in manner following (that is to say) That they the said
George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie and the
Survivors and Survivor of them and the heirs executors and
administrators of such Survivor shall and will from time to time
when and as often as any monies estate or effects shall come to their or
any or either of their hands by virtue of these presents after deducting
and retain all such costs and charges damages and demands
as after said well and truly shared divided and pay the residue of
the same monies to and among the said Hugh Duncan Baillie
James Evan Baillie and George Henry Ames Samuel Smith George
Smith John Smith Abel Smith Samuel George Smith and George
Robert Smith and Robert Lang Nathaniel Snell Chauncy and Philip
Monoux Lucas their respective executors administrators and a∫signs
in rateable proportions and according to the trusts and to the provisoes
hereinbefore declared limited and expre∫sed concerning the same And
Also that all monies collected and received by them for and on account
of the said estate or estate shall be paid in the joint names of them
the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie
into the Banking house of Me∫srs Smith and Co. until the same shall be
divided agreeably to the same trusts but is agreed that the amount
which shall remain in their hands undivided shall not exceed at any
one time the Sum of One hundred pounds Provided always
And it is hereby declared and agreed that neither of them thesaid
George Smith Philip and new Lucas and James Evan Baillie
or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the heirs executors or administrators
of such Survivor shall be liable or Accountable for any more
money or effects then they shall respectively receive nor for any lo∫s
or damage which may happen in the execution of the trusts of
these presents set the same shall arise by their own willful act neglect
or default nor shall the one of them be answerable or accountable for the
Other or others of them nor for the act neglect or default of the
other or others of them signing or joining in giving receipts for the
sake of conformity notwithstanding the said parties hereto have
and each and every of them Hath authorized and empowered
and by these presents Do and she and every of them Doth
Authorize and empower Andrew Houstoun David McEwen
and Matthew Davies all of the said Island of Grenada Esquires or
either of them to appear before all Proper Officers and Persons in the
said Island of Grenada and to knowledge the Original sealing
and delivery of these presents by them thesaid parties hereto
respectively and each of them and also by the said John Gloster
Garraway of the Indenture of Lease executed by him on the Day
before the date of these presents and the hands and seals of them
and each of them their two respectively and to consent and procure
that these presents and the said Lease for a Year be immediately
enrolled registered and recorded in Proper Offices and Places
within the said Island of Grenada according to the laws
Customs usages and practice of the same Island in order to
give full force and effect and validity thereto In witne∫s whereof the
said parties to these presents have here unto set their hands and
seals the day and Year first above written.
The Schedule to which the foregoing Indenture refers
A List of Slaves belonging to or in the lawful po∫se∫sion of J. G. of R.Garraway in the Town of Saint George Proprietors.
No Names Colour Country Supposed Age Marks Males 2 Chelsea Black African 27 Years None 3 Derry Ditto Ditto 24 Ditto Ditto 6 Edward Ditto Creole 16 Ditto Ditto 7 John Friday Ditto Ditto 13 Ditto Ditto Females 13 Fanny Black African 42 Years None 20 Jane Ditto Creole 10 Ditto Ditto
A List of Slaves belonging to or in the Lawful Po∫se∫sion of RobertGarraway in the Town of Saint George as Attorney of J.G. Garraway Proprietor
No Names Colour Country Supposed Age Marks Males 1 Cudjoe Black African 36 Years Country marks on both temples 2 Harry Cabre Creole 41 Do None
J. G. (LS) Garraway
CWhereas the within named John Gloster Garraway is also
indebted to the within named George Smith John Smith who are
Merchants and Copartners of the City of London trading under the
firm of Edward and Rene? Payne and Company in the Sum of Two
Thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight pounds twelve
shillings and eleven pence on the balance of an Account made up
settled and adjusted between them on the thirty-first day of October last
And whereas previous to the execution of the within Indenture
by either of the parties thereto it was understood declared and Agreed
by and between all said parties to the within Indenture that thesaid
George Smith John Smith as such Copartners as last mentioned there
Executors Administrators and A∫signs should be entitled as Creditors
of the said John Gloster Garraway to the Amount of Two thousand
nine hundred and eighty-six pounds twelve shillings and eleven pence
the full benefit of the Trusts of the within Indenture jointly with the said
several persons parties thereto of the second part and should be paid
pari passu with them and precisely as though their names and
descriptions as such Copartners and the Amount of their debt as
above stated he had been inserted in the within Indenture and they had
been made parties hereto of the second part As witne∫s the hands of
the parties on the day of the date of the within Indenture
J. G. GarrawayThe Original Indenture and the Memorandum endorsed on
this skin were respectively Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within
named….. John Gloster Garraway in the presence of
Thomas may Arthur Townsend Clerks to Mr. Vizard
England towit Arthur Townsend Clerk to William
Vizard of Lincoln Inn Fields in the County of Middlesex Gentleman
maketh Oath and saith that he was present and did see the
Indenture of Lease for a Year hereunto annexed and marked with the
letter (A) and bearing date fourth day of December instant duly
signed sealed and as his act and deed delivered by therein named
John Gloster Garraway and that the said John Gloster Garraway so
signed sealed and delivered the same in the presence of Thomas
May another Clerk to the said William Vizard and of this Deponent
and that the name "JG Garraway" set and subscribed at the foot of
the said Indenture as a party executing the same and that the names
"Thomas May" and "Arthur Townsend" respectively set and subscribed to
the Attestation thereupon indorsed as witne∫ses to the due execution
thereof by the said John Gloster Garraway are of the respective proper
hands writing of them the said John Gloster Garraway Thomas may
and this Deponent and this Deponent further saith that he was also
present and did see the Indenture of Release and Conveyance also
hereunto annexed marked with the letter (B) and bearing date the fifth
day of this present December and a Memorandum indorsed upon the
first kin of the said Indenture of Release and Conveyance marked
with the letter (C) inspected lease signed and as to the said Deed sealed
and as his Act and deed delivered by the said John Gloster
Garraway and that the said John Gloster Garraway so signed
Sealed and delivered the same in the Presence of the said
Thomas May and this Deponent and that the name "J. G. Garraway"
set and subscribed at the foot of the said Indenture of Release
and Conveyance marked (B) as the party executing same are
both the proper and writing of the said John Gloster Garraway
and that the names "Arthur Townsend" and "Thomas May"
respectfully set and subscribed at the foot of the Attestation indorsed
in the said last mentioned Indenture are of the respective Proper
hands writing of thesaid Thomas May and this Deponent
Sworn at the Mansion House in the City of the}
London this 7th day of December 1822 Before me }
Arthur TownsendW. HeygateMayor
To all to whom these Presents shall come I William
Heygate Lord Mayor of the City of London In pursuance of an Act
of Parliament made and pa∫sed in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late
Majesty King George the Second Instituted an Act for the more easy
recovery of Debts in his Majesty’s Plantations and Colonies in America Do
hereby certify that on the day of the date hereof personally came and
appeared before me Arthur Townsend the Deponent named in the
Affidavit hereunto annexed being a person well known and worthy of
good Credit and by solemn Oath the said Deponent then took
for me upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Did solemnly and
and sincerely declare testify and depose to be true the several matters and
things mentioned and Contained in thesaid annexed affidavit.
(L S)
In faith and Testimony whereof I thesaid Lord Mayor have caused the Sealof the Office of Mayoralty of the ^ said City ofLondon to be here unto put and affixedand the Indenture of Lease for a Yearmarked A Indenture of Release andConveyance marked B and Memorandummarked C indorsed on the said Indenturemarked B mentioned and referred to in andby the said Affidavit to be here unto alsoannexed Dated in London the seventh dayof December in the Year of Our Lord Onethousand eight hundred and twentytwo.Windale
And now I carry on. Item 10 is complete. I move on to Item 12.
The top inserted images is from the 1939 Warner Bros. Cartoon, Sniffles and the Bookworm.
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