Continuing my Transcription Project, and the search for the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith, the next Indenture was entered 4 January 1825 to the Grenada Registers of Records. It is an Indenture of lease and is between Matthew Davies and ggg-grandfather James Smith, Mill Carpenter.
And I do not see, read, or transcribe, any immediate clue as to ggg-grandfather James’ ancestry.
From Item 12 of microfilm [1563379] here are the images of Pages 33, 34, and 35. As you can see, the first set of images had to be “cleaned” and adjusted to make them more legible. The process takes some time using image management software to “peal away” the crud and the blackened areas as downloaded.
The original images –
The “cleaned” images –
My transcription –
Now on to the next Document.
The original images –
The “cleaned” images –
My transcription –
Entered 4th January 1825This Indenture of Lease made the first day
of November in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred
and twenty One and in the Second Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign
Lord George the Fourth by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth
Between Matthew Davies of the Town of Saint George in the
Island of Grenada Merchant of the one part and James Smith
of the Parish of Saint George in the same Island and Mill Carpenter
of the other part Witne∫seth that for and in Consideration of
Five shillings Current and lawful money of Grenada to the said
Matthew Davies in hand well and truly paid by the said James
Smith at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents
the receipt whereof is here acknowledged He the said Matthew
Davies Hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents
Doth grant bargain and sell unto the said James Smith his
heirs executors and administrators All that Lot Part Piece or
Parcel of land situate lying and being in the Town of Saint George
in the Island of Grenada aforesaid being abutted and bounded
follw? To the South by Young Street containing in front and in a line
with the said Street twenty three feet and half a foot of french measure
On the East by lands and Tenements of the Heirs of Joseph Flandenet? and
Honoré Philip running on the line of division eighty six feet like
measure up to De Pradines Street On the West by Lands belonging
to Beaulieu Estate running from the front of the said Lot seventy
eight feet like measure parallel to the East boundary up to the said
De Pradines Street ___________________________________________
howsoever otherwise the same is bounded known or described And
also all Dwelling house, Outhouses and buildings there on erected
or built, standing or being And also all ways, paths, pa∫sages lights
easements, Profits, commodities advantages emoluments heredita
ments and premises rights, members and Appurtenances thereto
belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith most commonly
held, used, occupied, po∫se∫sed or enjoyed, or reputed deemed to be
or known as part parcel or member of the said premises and the
reversion and reversions remainder and remainders Yearly and
other rents i∫sues and profits thereof And also all the estate right
Title, interest, use, trust, po∫se∫sion, property claim challenge and
demand whatsoever of him the said Matthew Davies his heirs or
a∫signs of in to or out if the said Lot of Land and premises mentioned
or intended so to be hereby bargained and sold And also all deeds
evidences, writings muniments, scripts and liens in any wise
releasing the same which now are in the Custody of the said
Matthew Davies or which he can or may come by without Suit either
at Law or in Equity To have and To hold the said Lot of Land
and premises mentioned or intended to be hereby bargained and
sold with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said
James Smith, his heirs, executors, administrators and a∫signs
from the day next before the day of the date hereof for during and
unto the full end and term of One whole Year from hence next ensuing
and fully to be Complete and ended Yielding and Paying
therefor unto the said Matthew Davies his heirs or a∫signs the rent
of One Pepper Corn only if the same be lawfully demanded at the
expiration of the said term To the intent and Purport
that by virtue of these presents and by force of the Statute for
transferring uses into po∫se∫sion made and provided He the
said James Smith may be in the actual po∫se∫sion of the
said Lot of Land and all singular the Hereditaments and
premises mentioned or intended to be hereby bargained and sold
and thereby be enabled to accept and take a Grant and Release
of the freehold version and inheritance of the said premises
unto and to the only use and behoof of him the said James
Smith his heirs and a∫signs in and by a certain Indenture
of Release already prepared dated the day next after the day
of the date of these presents and made or mentioned to be made
between the same parties as are to these presents In witne∫s
whereof the party first above named his hand and seal to these
presents hath set the day and Year as first above written.
Matt Davies (LS)Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the presence of
Laurence VonweillerGrenada
Acknowledged before me by MatthewDavies Esquire the party executing the within Indenture ofBargain
Bargain and Sale or Lease for a Year this thirteenth
day of December in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred
and twenty four.
Owsley RowleyD. Reg.
Now on to the next Document.
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