And I now am sitting here with a smile as large as that of a Cheshire Cat. No, I cannot report that I have found a clue to ggg-grandfather James Smith origins and ancestry… BUT, I can report that I have just finished the supposed last page of the Smith-related Indentures of the Grenada Registers of Records from the microfilm FHL [1563379].
This does not mean that the search or the work has ended. It just means that I can now move on to the next set of records maintained on the next microfilm. The search for the roots of ggg-grandfather James continues.
This next Indenture is the supposed completion of the property transaction between Matthew Davies and ggg-grandfather James Smith. The first part is worked on in Part 510s.
Here are the downloaded and cleaned images of Item 12, pages 35 through and including 39.
My transcription –
Stay-tuned for the announcement of the next microfilm and the associated Grenada Registers of Records.(35)Grenada
This Indenture of Release made the
Second Day of November in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight
hundred and twenty One and in the Second Year of the Reign of Our
Sovereign Lord George the Fourth by the Grace of God, of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith
and so forth Between Matthew Davies of the Town of Saint
George in the Island of Grenada Merchant of the one part and
James Smith of the Parish of Saint George in the same Island
Mill Carpenter of the other part Witne∫seth that whereas the
said Matthew Davies is in po∫se∫sion and Proprietor of a certain
Lot of Land and Buildings thereon situate lying and being in
the Town of Saint George of the said Island of Grenada by writing
a Deed of Conveyance granted to him by James Boucher _____
Marshal General dated the Second day of July last for and in Consider
ation of a Sum of One hundred and fifteen pounds Currency therein
acknowledged to have been paid to him And is willing to dispose?
of the same by Sale to the said James Smith And whereas
the said James Smith had consented to purchase the same for the
Considerations hereafter expre∫sed and reciprocally agreed upon
Now know Ye that the said Matthew Davies for and
in Consideration of the Sum of Five hundred pounds Cur
rent and lawful money of Grenada to him the said Matthew
by the said James Smith in hand well and truly paid
at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents (the receipt
and payment of which said sum the said Matthew Davies
doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom and if and
from every part thereof doth acquit release and discharge the said
James Smith, his heirs, executors and administrators for ever by
these presents) Doth grant, bargain, sell alien release and con
firm unto the said James Smith in his actual po∫se∫sion now here
by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made by the said
Matthew Davies for the term of One whole Year
in Consideration of five shillings like current money of Grenada to him
paid by the said James Smith, in and by an Indenture bearing date
the day next before the day of the date hereof and by force of the Statute
for transferring uses into po∫se∫sion made and provided All
that Lot piece or parcel of Land, described in the ^aforesaid Deed or Con
veyance in part recited, as followeth to say situate lying or being
in the Town of Saint George aforesaid abutted and bounded as
followeth To the South by Young Street Containing in front and in
a line with the said Street twenty three fee and half a foot of french
measure. To the East by Lands and Tenements of the Heirs of Joseph
Flandinet and Honeré Philip running on the line of division eight six
feet measure _____ De Pradines Street. To the West by Lands belonging to
Beaulieu Estate running from the front of the said Lot seventy eight
feet like measure paralel to the East boundary up to the said
De Pradines Street __________________________________________ or
howsoever otherwise the said Lot, piece or parcel of Land, is abutted
and bounded , known or described And also all Dwelling houses
and Outhouses erections or buildings thereon erected or built, stand
ing or being And also all ways, paths, pa∫sages, lights, easements,
priviledges, profits, commodities, emoluments, advantages, hereditaments
rights, members or appurtenances whatsoever to the said Lot or
parcel of and Me∫suages Tenements and premises belonging or in
anywise appertaining or therewith most commonly held, used,
occupied, po∫se∫sed or enjoyed or accepter, reputed, deemed, taken
or known as part parcel or member of the said premises and
the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders, Yearly
and other rents, i∫sues and profits thereof and also all the estate
right title, interest, use, trust, po∫se∫sion, property, claim, challenges
and demand whatsoever of him the said Matthew Davies or either
at Law or in Equity of in, to or out of the said Lot of Land, Me∫suages,
Tenements, Hereditaments and premises mentioned or intended
to be hereby granted and release, And also all deeds, evidences,
writings, muniments, escripts and plans in anywise releasing to the
said Lot of Land and Premises, which now are in the hands of the
Matthew Davies or which he can or may come by without suit either
at Law or in Equity; To have and To hold the said Lot of Land
Me∫suages, tenements and all and singular Herdita
ments and premises menetioned or intended to be hereby
granted and released with their and every of the Appurtenances
unto the said James Smith his heirs and A∫signs, to the only proper
use and behoof of the said James Smith his heirs and a∫signs for ever
And to and for no other use intent or purpose of whatsoever And
the said Matthew Davies ^doth for himself, his heirs, executors, and
administrators covenant, promise grant and agree to and
with the said James Smith his heirs and a∫signs by these
presents in manner following, that is to say that for and
notwithstanding any act, matter or thing whatsoever by him the said
Matthew Davies or any other person or persons whosoever heretofore made,
done, committed, or wittingly or willingly suffered to the contrary he the said
Matthew Davies at the time of the sealing and delivery of these presents
is and doth stand lawfully, rightfully and absolutely seized in _____
demene as of free of and in the same lot of land, me∫suages, tenements,
hereditaments and premises mentioned or intended so to be hereby
granted and released of a food sure, lawful, absolute and indefeasible
right of inheritance to him thesaid Matthew Davies his heirs and a∫signs
without any reversion, remainder, trust, limitation, power, or provi
cation, use or uses or other matter, _____ or thing whatsoever to
alter, change, charge, revoke, make, void, le∫sen, encumber or
determine the same And that he the said Matthew Davies for and
notwithstanding any such act, deed, matter or thing as foresaid
has in himself full right, full power and absolute authority to grant
convey and confirm, the said lot of land, me∫suages tenements here
ditaments and premises with their Appurtenances unto and to the
sue of the said James Smith his heirs and a∫signs And also that
he the said James Smith his heirs and a∫signs shall and may
from time to time and at all times hereafter, lawfully, peaceably
and quietly have hold, occupy, po∫se∫s and enjoy the said lot or land,
me∫suages, tenements, hereditaments and premises, and receive
and take the rents, i∫sues and profits thereof to and for his own use
and benefit, and the use and benefit of his heirs and a∫signs _____
and the lawful let?, suit, trouble, denial, eviction, or interruption of
from or by him the said Matthew Davies, or of from or by any other
person or persons whomsoever And that free and clear or freely and
Clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged or other
wise by the said Matthew Davies his heirs, executors, administrators
or a∫signs and sufficiently, saved, kept harmle∫s and
indemnified of from and against all and all manner of former, and
other, gifts, grants, bargains, sales, leases, mortgages, jointures, dowers
uses, trusts, will, entails, statutes, recognizances, judgments, extents,
executions, and of from and against all and singular other estates,
troubles, charges and Incumbrances, whatsoever, had, made,
done, committed, occasioned or suffered by the said Matthew Davies
or by any other person or persons whosoever on his behalf And
moreover, that the said Matthew Davies and his heirs and all
others, having or lawfully claiming, or who shall or may have or lease?
fully claim, any estate, right, title, use, trust or interest at Law or in
Equity, of, in, to or out of the same lot, of land, me∫suages, tenements
hereditaments and premises mentioned or intended to be hereby
granted and released or any part thereof shall and will from
time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request
and at the proper costs and charges in the Law of the said James
Smith his heirs or a∫signs, do, make, acknowledge, ley, suffer and
execute, or cause or procure to be made, done, acknowledged,
levied, suffered and executed, all and every such further and reasonable
acts, deeds, things, devices, conveyances and a∫surances in the Law
whatsoever for the further, better more perfect and absolute, granting
conveying and a∫suring the said lot of land, me∫suages, tenements,
hereditaments and premises and every part thereof with the
appurtenances unto and to the use of the said James Smith his
heirs and a∫sings, as by the said James Smith his heirs or a∫signs, or
by his or their Counsel learned in the Law shall be reasonably advised
devised or required In witne∫s whereof the party first above
named his hand and seal to these presents hath set the day and
Year first above written.
Matt. Davies (LS)Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of _____
_____ on his behalf _____ page _____ being first interlined?
Laurence Vonweiller
Received on the day of the within Indenture of and
From the therein named James Smith the Sum of Five hun
dred pounds Current money of Grenada being the full Consideration
money therein mentioned to be by him paid to me, I say received, _____ _____
Matt. DaviesWitn∫s hereto
Laurence VonweillerGrenada
Acknowledged before my by Matthew DaviesEsquire the party executing the within Indenture of Release as andfor his free and voluntary Act and deed this thirteenth day of Decemberin the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twentyfour.Owsley RowleyD. Reg.
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