Yesterday I received an e-mail quite to my surprise, and enthusiasm from Yann. Yann and I are connected by sisters; our great-grandmothers Catherine Marie Antoinette (née July) Abraham and Marie Eugénie Berthe (née July) Clergeau Rénier.
The e-mail is information regarding the ancestors of our ggg-grandmother Catherine Rosalie (née Dubuc) July. GGG-Grandmother Catherine Rosalie was the above-mentioned, great-grandmother Catherine's and great-grandaunt Marie's grandmother.
Thank you Thierry for your sharing the information with us. Per Yann "nous avons un nouveau cousin (Thierry -) qui semble être de la branche Philippe Dubuc.” Translated: "We have a new cousin (Thierry -) who appears to be of the Philippe Dubuc Family Tree."
Philippe Dubuc is our five-times great-grandfather. Wow! Also included are the names of possible six-times great-grandparents Bertrand and Jeanne Dubuc, as well as our five-times great grandmother Marguerite (née Prieur) Dubuc, the wife of five-times great-grandfather Philippe Dubuc. And by the way, an additional nine possible relatives are included.
I have created a new Dubuc Descendant Chart. As always this new Descendant Chart will be Always Under Construction. All the new and possible relatives, all 13 entries, are included on the Chart in red.
The new Dubuc Descendant Chart will be included under the pulldown tab "Smith" at the top of the page. This Chart can be used in conjunction with the July Descendant Chart II.
Included with the genealogy of the Dubuc Family are some copies an images of registration documents. This is a treasure find. Thank you, Yann and Thierry. More transcribing and translating the come.
If you have any questions, comments or ideas please do not hesitate to contact me. Also all possible data, information, and leads are most welcome.
I have created a new Dubuc Descendant Chart. As always this new Descendant Chart will be Always Under Construction. All the new and possible relatives, all 13 entries, are included on the Chart in red.
The new Dubuc Descendant Chart will be included under the pulldown tab "Smith" at the top of the page. This Chart can be used in conjunction with the July Descendant Chart II.
Included with the genealogy of the Dubuc Family are some copies an images of registration documents. This is a treasure find. Thank you, Yann and Thierry. More transcribing and translating the come.
If you have any questions, comments or ideas please do not hesitate to contact me. Also all possible data, information, and leads are most welcome.
I possess the de BUC genealogy (600-ca. 1450) about this family originating from Lille,which established in Brabant, Flanders and in Norman England later on.
To Anonymous. I would very much like to see the piece of work and collection that you have concerning the "de Buc genealogy (600-ca. 1450). Would it be possible that we have a conversation? How would I be able to get a hold of a copy? You can contact me directly either by the header at the top of the page or directly to my gmail account jsmith58@gmail.com. Regards, Jim
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