The rainy season is most definitely here. The forecast for above my house, the one that GPS somehow believes is 4266 instead of the real number of 4216, is “Thunderstorm, Heavy Rain, Fog, and Mist”. Well, my head and the Pack all know it is dark and wet, and we've got all four.
The above image is Childe Hassam's 1890 wonderful "Rainstorm, Union Square."
It is so wet that the electric company just called and excused themselves today from installing the new surge protector which goes on the surge protector which is already on the house. Make sense? Of course not. I wonder if the powers that be upstairs enjoy watching the tiny peons on this planet scurry around trying to outsmart the force of Mother Nature.
Tinker in her enthusiasm, yesterday decided that my left middle finger was a part of her 10am treat. Five bandages later that finger still hurts... and Tinker just wants to sit in my lap to avoid the tremors of the portending thunderstorm.
Marketing firms today sometimes drive me around the bend. When I arrived home from my volunteer work at the local Family History Center there was a package waiting for me, addressed to J.K.L. Smith. I opened the package I let out some choice words. With mouth open I extracted a box of Enfamil. That is baby formula. Hell, who do they think I am?
Somehow I have been targeted to increase the population of this planet, in the throes of connubial bliss. I think not. And the package of Enfamil has the audacity to read; “I am not a baby – I am a newborn.” Say what?
This JKLS does not at this young age have any intention of adding to the population statistics. And the damn thing is some marketing strategist has got my JKLS on their list and keeps sending me information on the how-tos and where-fores of conception and motherhood. Damn, must have been the lightning hit on this house!!!
Well back to my research and search for the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. I wonder if he's up there somewhere just sitting on some cloud having a good time.
Marketing firms today sometimes drive me around the bend. When I arrived home from my volunteer work at the local Family History Center there was a package waiting for me, addressed to J.K.L. Smith. I opened the package I let out some choice words. With mouth open I extracted a box of Enfamil. That is baby formula. Hell, who do they think I am?
Somehow I have been targeted to increase the population of this planet, in the throes of connubial bliss. I think not. And the package of Enfamil has the audacity to read; “I am not a baby – I am a newborn.” Say what?
This JKLS does not at this young age have any intention of adding to the population statistics. And the damn thing is some marketing strategist has got my JKLS on their list and keeps sending me information on the how-tos and where-fores of conception and motherhood. Damn, must have been the lightning hit on this house!!!
Well back to my research and search for the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. I wonder if he's up there somewhere just sitting on some cloud having a good time.
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