It is going to be just one of those days that I seem to be following The Pack, just circling, chasing my tail and getting nowhere. That’s what it feels like. I always wonder if when Bella or Radar circle in the tail-chase, are they actually chasing their missing or phantom tail. And that’s what I sort of feel like at this point in my research and search for the ancestry and genealogy of my ggg-grandfather James Smith… and now my ggg-grandmother Mary Ann (née Doret). Are they my phantom links?
It is also one of those days when the blahs seem to take over. Head-wise whenever I feel a case of the blahs I check on my Biorhythms. Right now my three rhythms are at opposite ends of the continuum. My Physical rhythm is two-days shy of reaching the lowest point, while my Emotional and Intellectual ones are hitting their positive peaks.
Does this make sense? Hell it might to some people, but it sort is a soothing agent for me. It is readings as the ones I get today that give me a perfect excuse to say “well I really do not need to exercise today cause my Physical Biorhythm tells me that I may hurt myself if I over-exert my body”. Can’t tell you about the positive peaks… but they seem to be screaming at me “Smith, get some bloody work and research done… and stop acting like a fool!”
If you are even interested in checking out your Biorhythms you can see a calculation for the day at Façade.com. And what has this to do with genealogy and my ancestry research? Not a damn thing. It just gives me that little jolt of incentive to get started on my work.
If you are even interested in checking out your Biorhythms you can see a calculation for the day at Façade.com. And what has this to do with genealogy and my ancestry research? Not a damn thing. It just gives me that little jolt of incentive to get started on my work.
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