The work of this researcher and ancestry compiler is never done. I was asked the other day, what I would do if and when I did find the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith?
My simple response… If I start with myself and go back 13 generations, while accounting for only my immediate blood line, I would have to discover 16,382 immediate relatives. And this doesn’t include the collateral connections, that is, my brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and cousins, and so on. One would think that I have something, aka my genealogy search obsession, to keep me a bit preoccupied…
Last night I discovered the Death Registration for JK's gg-grandfather William George McCullogh. He passed away in Montreal on 23 February 1932. His memorial service, all-things-being-equal, was at Trinity Memorial Anglican Church, the above inserted image, on Sherbrooke Street West in Montreal, Quebec.
According to the Death Registration entry he was 79 years old. There is a notable discrepancy as to his actual age based on various recordings enumerated.
Based on the current documentary information and data, one can see that one cannot always depend upon only one legitimate source of information to provide the actual facts. All-things-being-equal I would need to find gg-grandfather William George McCullogh’s Birth Registration as entered in Ireland to determine his actual and registered birth date.
Here is the image of the 1932 Death Registration as provided by the Drouin Collection of the Quebec Vital and Church Records, 1621 – 1967.
My Transcription –
1911 Canada Census (Census Date = 12 June 1911) – Month and Year of Birth – October 1860 – Age at last Birthday – 50 years
Age at death – 71 years, 4 months, and 5 days.
1901 Canada Census (Census Date = 17 April, 1911) – Date, Month and Year of Birth – 18 October 1858 – Age at last Birthday – 42 years
Age at death – 73 years, 4 months, and 5 days.
1891 Canada Census (Census Date = 17 April 1891) – Age – 30 years
Age at death – 70 years, 10 months, and 6 days.
Based on the current documentary information and data, one can see that one cannot always depend upon only one legitimate source of information to provide the actual facts. All-things-being-equal I would need to find gg-grandfather William George McCullogh’s Birth Registration as entered in Ireland to determine his actual and registered birth date.
Here is the image of the 1932 Death Registration as provided by the Drouin Collection of the Quebec Vital and Church Records, 1621 – 1967.
My Transcription –
Feb. 25
William George McCullogh, City
of Montreal, Province of Quebec,
lumber merchant, husband of
Julia Aldridge, died on the
Twenty-Third day of February
aged seventy-nine years, and
was cremated in Mt. Royal
Crematorium on the Twenty-
fifth day of The same month
and year A. D. Nineteen
hundred and Thirty-Two.
Witnesses < W. McCullogh
< H. M. McCullogh
John M Almond
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