As I begin this day, I figured that I had better get my Daily Posting off and out to A Genealogy Hunt… but not before my bowl of gruel, of oats, apples, and cinnamon. And in my chair, or I think it is my chair, I sit precariously on the edge with two other occupants; Bella and Radar. You get the picture. Their 12- and 16-pound bodies are warm, but alas, they do take up space.
Today’s transcription work is the 5th part of the 1800 Indenture entered to the Grenada Registers of Records on 2 April 1801… Page 27 through and including Page 31. But be forewarned, the annexed Schedules, A and B, as referred to in the body of this Indenture appear to be an additional 41 pages. This is, all in all, a part of my search and research for the origins and ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. All-things-being-equal there is nothing that I can note, at this time, as it regards to the Smith Family that, or who, really does stand out as a connection or origin association with or to ggg-grandfather James.
And here goes. Here are the images of Pages 21 through and including 26, from Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563378]. Oh and by the way, there are a number of additional other surnames included, especially of those persons who seem to be Clerks and Witnesses to this long, long contract, that I have not included in the Tags and Labels.
My transcription, even my attempt at the German language part.
Next on the docket; Schedules A and B.
My transcription, even my attempt at the German language part.
Consenting thereto) and that they severally executed the same for the Uses
and Purposes therein mentioned.
H Matson Mayor
To all to whom these Presence shall come I Harvey Christian Combe Esquire Lord Mayor of the City of London Do hereby Certify that on the day of the date here of Personally came and appeared before me Alexander Scott in the annexed Indenture of release named and acknowledged that the said Indenture of Release and the Indenture of Lease thereby referred to to be his free and voluntary Act and Deed and that he executed the same for the Uses and an Purposes therein mentioned
(L S) In Faith and Testimony whereof I the said Lord Mayor have caused the Office of Mayoralty of the said City of London to be here unto put and affixed Dated in London this twenty-fourth day of July in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred
WindaleTo all to whom these Presents shall come I Thomas Mandall Esquire Mayor of the Borough of Doncaster in the County of York in the Kingdom of Great Britain Do hereby Certify that on the day of the date hereof Personally came and Appeared Before me Ann Wordsworth in the annexed Indenture of Release named and acknowledged the said Indenture of Release and the Indenture of Lease thereby referred to be her free and Voluntary Act and Deed And that she executed the same for the Uses and Purposes therein mentioned
(L S) In Testimony whereof I the said Mayor have caused the Seal of the Office of Mayoralty of the said Borough to be here unto put and affixed Dated at Doncaster aforesaid the Twenty Eighth day of August in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred.
Thos. Mandall Mayor
Joseph Robinson of Wadworth in the County of York Servant with Ann Wordsworth of the same place Widow maketh Oath that he was present and did see Ann Verelst duly Sign Seal and as her Act and Deed deliver the respective Indentures of Lease and Release hereunto annexed and that the Name "Ann Verelst" thereto set and subscribed against the Seals of the said respective Indentures as one of the Parties executing the same is of the proper Hand Writing of thesaid Ann Verelst And saith that the names "James Hall Joseph Robinson" wrote in the back of the said respective Indentures of Lease and Release as Subscribing Witne∫ses to the due Execution thereof by the said Ann Verelst are of the respective proper Hands Writing of this Deponent and the said James Hall who subscribe his Name in this Deponent's presents.
Joseph Robinson
Sworn at Doncaster in the said County of York in the Kingdom of Great Britain this 28th day of August One thousand Eight hundred Before me
Thos Mandall Mayor
Thomas Mandall Esquire Mayor of the Borough of Doncaster in the County of York in the Kingdom of Great Britain Do hereby Certify that Joseph Robinson named in the above written Affidavit Personally came before me this said Mayor and was duly Sworn to the Truth of the said Affidavit Doncaster aforesaid the Twenty Eighth day of August One thousand Eight Hundred In Testimony whereof I the said Mayor have hereunto subscribed my Name and called the Seal of the Office of Mayoralty of the said Borough to be hereunto put and affixed the day and Year above written
Thos Mandall Mayor (L S)28
To all to whom these Presents shall come I Henry Matson Esquire Mayor of the Town and Port of Sandwich in the County of Kent in the Kingdom of Great Britain Do hereby Certify that on the Day of the date here of Personally came and appeared before me Kent Baronet and Dame Mary his Wife in the annexed Indenture of Release named and severally acknowledged the said Indenture of Release and the Indenture of Lease thereby referred to to be their free and voluntary Acts and Deeds (the said Dame Mary having being first examined separate and apart from her said Husband and freely and voluntarily consenting thereto) and that they eventually executed the same for the Uses and Purposes therein mentioned
(L S) In Faith and Testimony whereof I the said Mayor have caused the Seal of the Office of Mayoralty to be said Town and Port of Sandwich to be here unto put and affixed Dated at Sandwich aforesaid the Sixth day of September in the Year of our Lord One thousand and eight hundred
H. Matson Mayor
London to wit
Robert Lanning Clerk to Me∫sr Ward Dennetts and Greaves of Henrietta Street in the Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middlesex and Kingdom of Great Britain Gentleman maketh Oath and saith that he was present and did see William Lushington Alexander Scott James law and Marthé Cornett Victoire de St. Cyr Scott by Robert Smith her Attorney duly Sign Seal and as their several and respective Acts and Deeds deliver the Indenture of Bargain and Sale or Lease for a Year here unto annexed marked A and that the Names or signatures "W. Lushington James Law Alexr Scott Marthé Cornett Victoire de St. Cyr Scott by her Attorney Robt Smith" there unto set and subscribed as four of the Parties executing the same are of the respective proper hands writing of thesaid William Lushington Alexander Scott James Law and Robert Smith And this Deponent further saith that the Names or Signatures "James Smith Robert Lanning" thereunto set and subscribed as the Witne∫ses attesting the Execution thereof by the said Alexander Scott are of the respective proper hands writing of James Smith of Basinghall Street in the City of London Gentleman and of him this Deponent And that the Names or Signatures "William Brown Robert Lanning" thereunto set and subscribed as the Witne∫ses attesting the Execution thereof by the said William Lushington and James Law and Robert Smith as such Attorney as aforesaid are of the respective proper hands writing of William Brown Clerk to the said Me∫sr Ward Dennetts and Greaves and of him this Deponent And this Deponent further saith that he was likewise present and did see William Smith and Alexander Scott Marthé Cornett Victoire de St. Cyr Scott Mary and Scott Emma Scott Joseph Pierre Alexandre Quarrie de Chilers and Frances his Wife by Robert Smith their Attorney William Bygoe Scott by Robert Ingram his Attorney and William Lushington and James log duly signed seal and as their several and respective Acts and Deeds deliver the Indentures of Release or Conveyance hereunto annexed and marked with the Letter B and that the Names or Signatures "William Smith Alexr Scott Marthé Cornett Victoire de St. Cyr Scott by her Attorney Robt Smith Mary Ann Scott by her Attorney Robt Smith, Scott by her Attorney Robt Smith J.P.A.Q de Chilers by his Atty Robt Smith Frances De Chilers by her Attorney Robt Smith Robert Bigoe Scott by his Attorney Robert Ingram W. Lushington James Law ten of the Parties executing the same are of the respective proper Hands writing of thesaid William Smith Alexander Scott Robert Smith Robert Ingram William
Lushington and James Law And this Deponent further saith that the Names or Signatures "James Smith Robert Lanning" thereunto set and subscribed as the Witne∫ses attesting the Execution thereof by the said Alexander Scott are of the respective proper hands writing of the said James Smith and of him this Deponent And that the Names or Signatures "Geo Theakston Robert Lanning" there unto set and subscribed as the Witne∫ses attesting the Execution thereof by the said William Smith are of the respective proper hands writing of George Theakston of Christ Church in the County of Surry Gentleman and of him this Deponent And that the Names or Signatures "William Brown Robert Lanning" there unto set and subscribed as the Witne∫ses attesting the Execution thereof by the said Robert Smith as such Attorney as aforesaid and William Lushington and James Law are of the respective proper hands writing of thesaid William Brown and of him this Deponent And that the Names or Signatures "William Brown Robert Lanning" thereunto set and subscribed as the Witne∫ses attesting the Execution thereof by the said Robert Ingram as such Attorney as aforesaid are of the respective proper hands writing of thesaid William Brown and of him this Deponent
Robert Lanning
sworn at the Guild Hall London this fifth day of February 1801 Before me
Willm Staines Mayor
To all to whom these Presents shall come We Mary and Scott Spinster Emma Scott Spinster Joseph Pierre Alexandre Quarré de Chelers and Frances is Wife all of Wolfenbuttel in the Duchy of Brunswick in Lower Saxony Send Greeting Whereas Michael Scott late of the Island of Grenada in the West Indies Esquire deceased Did in his life time duly made and published his last Will and Testament in Writing bearing date the thirteenth day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one whereby (amongst other things) he bequeathed to each of his two Sons Alexander Scott and Robert Bygoe Scott and to each of his three Daughters as the said Mary Ann Scott Emma Scott and Francis de Chelers (then Frances Scott Spinster) the sum of Four Thousand Pounds Sterling Money of Great Britain a Piece to be paid to us respectively at our respective Ages of Twenty-one Years by four annual Installments of One thousand Pounds each and he directed that in the mean time and until the whole should be paid thesaid Legacies should bear Interest at the rate of six Pounds per Centum per Annum And the said Testator did thereby charge the said several Legacies upon all of his real Estates and did subject the same to the Payment thereof And Whereas the said Michael Scott was in his life time and at the time of his Death indebted unto William Lushington and James law of the City of London Merchants and Partners in a large sum of Money secured by Mortgage of all and every his said Tail Estates in the said Island of Grenada consisting of certain Plantations or Estate called Boulogne and Madeys and Belvidere said Mortgage has been since a∫signed to and is now vested in the said James law alone And Whereas for raising Money towards paying off the said Mortgage this said Alexander Scott the elder surviving And Heir at Law and Also Devisee in Tail named in the said Will of the said Michael Scott Did in and by certain Articles of Agreement bearing date the thirtieth day of May One thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven and made between Charles Ashwell of the first part the said Alexander Scott of the second part the said James Law of the third part Patrick Crawford Bruce of the fourth part and the said William Lushington William Lushington the younger and John Mavor of the fifth part contract
And agree with the said James Law to sell and convey to him the said Estates called Madeys and Belvidere free from all Incumbrances at or for the sum of Forty-four thousand five hundred Pounds which said Sum it was agreed should be retained by him in discharge of so much of his Mortgage Debt and Interest and that the said Legacies or Portions of Four thousand Pounds each bequeathed to us said Mary Ann Scott Emma Scott and Frances de Chelers (then Frances Scott Spinster) and to the said Robert Bygoe Scott together with certain other Charges and Incumbrances therein mentioned and there after mutually agreed-upon ∫hould remain and be charged upon the Boulogne Estate which said Estate it was also agreed should be conveyed to and vested in the said James Law Upon Trust and by way of Security and Indemnity again such remaining Debt and Interest Portions Charges and Incumbrances And Whereas we the said Mary Ann Scott, Scott and Frances de Chelers and also the said Robert Bygoe Scott I respectively attain the Age of Twenty-one Years and together with the ∫aid Joseph Pierre Alexandre Quarré de Chelers have severally agreed to discharge the said Estate called Madeys and Belvidere from the said Legacies and to postpone the Payment thereof from and out of the said other Estate called the Boulogne Estate until after the discharge of the said Debt due to the said James Law as aforesaid And Whereas the said Estates called Madeys and Belvidere are in Pursuance of the said Agreement about to be conveyed unto or in Trust for the said James Law in and by certain Indentures of Lease and Release already prepared the Release being of ten parts and made or mentioned to be made between Sir Charles Kent Baronet and Dame Mary Kent and Ann Verelst of the first part Ann Wordsworth of the second part the said Sir Charles Kent and Dame Mary Kent and Ann Verelst of the third part The Reverend William Smith of the fourth part said Alexander Scott of the fifth part Marthé Marie Victoire Cornette de Saint Cyr Scott Widow of the sixth part as the said Mary Ann Scott Emma Scott Joseph Pierre Alexandre Quarré de Chelers and Frances his Wife and the said Robert Bygoe Scott of the seventh part the said William Lushington of the Eighth part said James Law of the ninth part and Townley Ward of the tenth part Now no year that We the said Mary Ann Scott Emma Scott Joseph Pierre Alexandre Quarré de Chelers and Frances his Wife in Consideration of the Premises Have and each and every of us Hath made ordained authorize constituted and appointed And by these Presents Do and each and every of us they ordained authorize constitute and appoint Robert Smith of Basinghall Street in the City of London Gentleman our and each and every of our true and lawful Attorney for us and in our names and places and Stead and as and for our and each and every of our Act and Deed or Acts and Deeds to sign seal deliver and execute the said Indenture of Release already prepared And also for us and in our Names Places and Stead's and to and for our use and benefit to ask demand sue for recover and receive of and from the Executors and Heir at of the said Michael Scott deceased and all and every other Person and Persons whom it shall or may concern The said several Legacies or Sums of Four thousand Pounds a Piece so given and bequeath to us by the said Will of the said Michael Scott deceased as aforesaid or any of them or any part thereof respectively and all Interest due and to grow due thereon and also all and every other Sum and Sums of Money whatsoever which now are or at any time or times hereafter shall or may become due or payable to us or any of us under and by virtue of the said Will And upon Non-Payment thereof or of any of them or of any part thereof respectively for us and in our Names Places and Steads to take and use all such legal and equitable Ways and Means by Action Suit Arrest Attachment or otherwise for enforcing and obtaining Payment thereof as may be
Nece∫sary or proper And upon payment or said of the said Legacies or Portions and Sum or Sums of Money or any of them or any part thereof respectively for us and in our Names or otherwise give sign and execute good and sufficient Receipts Acquaintances Releases and Discharges for the same And generally to do and perform and execute all such further and other lawful and reasonable Acts Deeds Matters and things for the better executing performing and discharging all and every the Powers and Authorities hereby given or intended to be given us to our said Attorney shall seem meet _____ the said Mary Ann Scott Emma Scott Joseph Pierre Alexandre Quarré de Chelers and Frances Wife giving and by these Presents granting unto our said Attorney power and each of our full and whole Power and Authority to do and Act touching or concerning all or any of the Premises aforesaid as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purposes as we ourselves might or could do if Personally present We hereby ratifying allowing and confirming and agreed to ratify allow and confirm all and whatsoever our said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done in or about the Premises after said by virtue of these Presents In Witne∫s whereof We the said Mary Ann Scott Emma Scott Joseph Pierre Alexandre Quarré de Chelers and Frances his Wife have here unto set our Hands and Seals the twenty-seventh day of November in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred.
Sealed and delivered (being first duly stamped) in the presence of
Ferdinand Christian Gothlieb Scholz alsKeiferlichen geSwaren und inmatreouletter Notarie (L S) (L S)Mary Ann Scott (L S)Emma Scott (L S)Frances Louisa Scott de Chelers (L S)Frederick Wilhelm Müller als Feuge (L S)Quarré de Chelers (L S)Heinrich Conrad Otto als Fegge (L S)
Und wier Zurn Zuift poliezeÿ department verorneti Derichtor und eis ∫ed ∫ara wikundin und de Zeñge hied urich, suie der die obign vollmacht Schriebne Ferdinant Christian Gottlieb Schola Lesidigter und immalrusykutter iffentbther Notarius in hu∫eger Stadt ift und Seinger unte ∫ehrift voller glaube Deÿ Zume∫en Seÿ urkune Lich ded Für∫lt Poliseÿ Departement Zu∫iegel, und Leti geZettir ∫rGrtrr unter ∫chrieft
Wolfenbutel 11 Decb 1800(L S) C.V. Hodenberg drozt und Polisëy Director
To all to whom these Presents shall come I Sir William Staines Night Lord Mayor of the City of London In Pursuance of the Act of Parliament made and pa∫sed in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second Intitled an Act for the more easy recovery of Debts in his Majesty's Plantations and Colonies in America Do hereby Certify that on the day of the date hereof Personally came and appeared before me Robert Lanning the Deponent named in the Affidavit hereunto annexed being a Person well known and worthy of good Credit and by solemn Oath which thesaid Deponent then took up before me upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Did solemnly and sincerely declare testify and depose to be true the several matters and things mentioned and contained in thesaid annexed Affidavit
(L S)
In Faith and Testimony whereof I the said Lord Mayor have caused the Seal of the Office of Mayoralty of the said City of London to be here unto put and affixed and the Indentures of Lease and Release marked A and B mentioned and referred to in and by the said Affidavit to be here unto also annexed Dated in London the fifth day of February in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred
Next on the docket; Schedules A and B.
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