And the search continues. This search for the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith's origins and genealogy can certainly appear to become frustrating and superfluous. It seems that there appears to be no resolution or end in sight. I am looking for the minor crack in the door way.
The next Document from the Grenada Registers of Records is one written 24 November 1802 between Gavin Smith of Grenada, the Surveyor and Patrick Kewley, a Merchant and his, I think, sister-in-law Elizabeth Kewley, both of Liverpool.
My transcription -
Entered 27th November 1802This Indenture made the Twenty fourth day Le November in the Year One thousand eight hundred and two Between Gavin Smith of the Island of Grenada Surveyor of the one Part and Patrick Kewley of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster Merchant surviving partner of John Kewley late of the same place Merchant deceased and Elizabeth Kewley of Liverpool aforesaid Widow and the acting Executrix of the said John Kewley deceased acting herein by William Kewley of the Island of Grenada Merchant their constituted Attorney in this behalf of the other Part Witne∫seth that the said Gavin Smith in consideration of ten Shillings to him in hand paid by the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for other good Causes and Considerations him thereunto especially moving Hath bargained and sold and by these Presents Doth Bargain and sell unto the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley their Executors Administrators and A∫signs All that Lot Piece or Parcel of Land situate lying and being in the Town of St. George in the Island aforesaid of Grenada containing forty five feet in front to Halifax Street and sixty five feet in front to Hilsborough Street or thereabouts be the same more or le∫s abutting or bounded as next hereinafter is mentioned that is to say To the Eastward by Hallifax Street To the Westward by Land now or late of George English To the Northward by Cheapside Street and to the Southward by the Lands now or late of Nicholas Jacques Saint Aubin and Rosalie his Wife or howsoever the same is abutting and bounded together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings _____ Yards Gardens Lands Lands ways waters watercourses privileges profits easements Commodities advantages Emoluments Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Lot Piece or Parcel of Land belonging or appertaining or with the same used and enjoyed or accepted reputed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof or as belonging to the same or any part thereof and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders yearly and Rents I∫sues and Profits thereof and of every part and Parcel thereof To Have and To Hold the said Lot Piece or parcel of Land Hereditaments and Premises hereinbefore mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances unto thesaid Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley their Executors Administrators and A∫signs from the day next before the day of the date of these Presents for and during and unto the full End and Term of one whole Year from thence next ensuing and fully to be completed and ended Yielding and Paying therefore unto thesaid Gavin Smith his Heirs and A∫signs the yearly Rent of one shilling of the same shall be lawfully demanded To the Intent and Purpose that by virtue of these Presents and of the
Statute for transferring uses into po∫se∫sion thesaid Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley may be in His actual po∫se∫sion of the Premises and be thereby enabled to take and accept a Grant and Release of the Freehold Reversion and Inheritance of the same Premises and of every part and parcel thereof to them and their Heirs and A∫signs by another Indenture intended to bear date the next day after the day of the date hereof In Witne∫s whereof thesaid Parties to these Presents their Hands and Seals have hereunto subscribed and set the say and Year first above written.
Gavin ( L S ) Smith
Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of
Owsley Rowley
Grenada Acknowledged before me by Gavin Smith the party Executing the within Indenture of Bargain and Sale or Lease for a Year as and for his free and voluntary Act and Deed this twenty seventh day of November One thousand eight hundred and two
G.H. HorsleyDep Register
Next stop, next Indenture.
Hello from Australia :) A little trivia for you. Owsley Rowley, Colonial Secretary of Grenada, is my great-great-great-great grandfather. It's a long way from Grenada to Australia, but here we are. A long story. And we still eat West Indian food! 'Man-dram'--the much-loved dish of British West Indian planters, remains a family obsession, the recipe handed down through the generations. And while we are proud Australians, we support the West Indian cricket team. It was Owsley's son, George, who came to Australia with his wife Jane, the daughter of James Glassen, a Grenadian planter. The Glassens came to Grenada from British Guyana. I wish you all the very best in your search. Kindest regards, Owsley's 4x great-grand-daughter.
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