Just diverting a wee bit from my obsession of genealogy and the search and research for the origins and ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith…

Last night’s supper was an experiment, (and that is not necessarily something different in this house)… I decided I had a hankering for some Paella. And do you think I had the time to make a true-blue Paella? Hell, no! I only decided this at about 3:00 pm and we were slated to eat about 6ish.
With two pans; my Paella pan and a frying pan on the stove top I placed onion, garlic, and chili pepper in olive oil in the Paella pan. Five minutes later I added some saffron threads, chopped parsley and chicken broth. Brought to a boil, then simmered for 20 minutes.
In the frying pan, in some oil, I threw in some chopped-up chicken breast, which had marinated in olive oil, paprika, oregano, salt and pepper for about 30 minutes or so. Five minutes later, I added chopped green and red bell peppers, and of course some chorizo. Attempting to correspond with the rice time countdown, I then added in some shrimp.
Rice on plate topped with chicken, chorizo and shrimp proved a very delectable, simple, quick and easy Paella. Dang was it good!
Back to my search and research.
The next Document is a follow-up Contract to Part 640s between Gavin Smith, the Surveyor of Grenada and Patrick Kewley and his sister-in-law, Elizabeth. Make sure to take note that the surname "Kewley" is spelled two different ways throughout this Indenture - Kewley versus Kewly.
Here are the images of the Pages 182 through and including 184 from the Grenada Registers of Records. I downloaded them from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
And my transcription.
Well no connection apparent to ggg-grandfather James Smith. And so I continue my search and research...and definitely I enjoyed the easy Paella.
Back to my search and research.
The next Document is a follow-up Contract to Part 640s between Gavin Smith, the Surveyor of Grenada and Patrick Kewley and his sister-in-law, Elizabeth. Make sure to take note that the surname "Kewley" is spelled two different ways throughout this Indenture - Kewley versus Kewly.
Here are the images of the Pages 182 through and including 184 from the Grenada Registers of Records. I downloaded them from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
And my transcription.
Entered 27th November 1802
This Indenture made the twenty fifth day of November in the forty third Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth and in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and two Between Gavin Smith of the Island of Grenada Surveyor of the one Part and Patrick Kewley of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster Merchant Surviving Partner of John Kewley late of the same Place Merchant deceased and Elizabeth Kewley of Liverpool aforesaid Widow and sole Acting Executrix named in the Will of thesaid John Kewley deceased by William Kewley of the Island of Grenada Merchant their Attorney duly constituted in this behalf of the other Part Whereas by certain Indentures of Lease and Release the Lease bearing date the day before and the Release bearing even date with these Presents and made or expre∫sed to be made between the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley by their said Attorney of the one Part and the said Gavin Smith of the other Part in consideration of the sums of One thousand five hundred Pounds of Current Money of the said Island of Grenada by the said Gavin Smith paid to the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewly and in consideration of the further sum of one thousand five hundred Pounds of like Current Money to be secured in manner therein and hereinafter mentioned thesaid Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley by their said Attorney William Kewley did grant release and confirm unto the said Gavin Smith his Heirs and A∫signs the Hereditaments hereinafter more particularly mentioned and described with the Appurtenances To hold the same unto and to the use of thesaid Gavin Smithhis Heirs and A∫signs for ever Not this Indenture Witnesseth that for the better and more effectually securing the said sum of one thousand five hundred Pounds with lawful Interest in the manner hereinafter mentioned and in further Consideration of the sum of ten ∫hillings of Current Money of the said Island by the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley to the said Gavin Smith in hand well and truly paid at or immediately before the Sealing and delivery of these Presents the receipt whereof is hereby respectively acknowledged He the said Gavin Smith Hath granted bargained sold released and confirmed and by these Presents Doth grant bargain sell release and confirm unto thesaid Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley (in their or actual Po∫se∫sion now being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to them thereof made in consideration of five shillings by Indenture bearing date the day next before the date of the date of these Presents for the Term of one whole Year commencing from the day next before the day of the date of the same Indenture of Bargain and Sale) and their Heirs All that Lot Piece or Parcel of Land situate lying and being in the Town of Saint George in the said Island of Grenada containing _____________________________________________ or there about be the same more or le∫s) abutting and bounded as next hereinafter is mentioned (that
Is to say) For the Eastward by Hallifax Street To the Westward by Land now or late of George English To the Northward by Cheapside Street and to the Southward by the Lands now or late of Nicolas Jacques Saint Aubin and Rosalie his Wife or howsoever the same is abutting and bounded Together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Barns Ways Paths pa∫sages Waters Watercourses Lights Easements Emoluments Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same Hereditaments and Premises belonging or in any wise appertaining And all the Estate right Title Interest po∫sibility property Claim and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of him the said Gavin Smith of in to out of from and upon the Hereditaments and Premises hereby intended to be hereby granted and released with the Appurtenances and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Yearly and other Rents I∫sues and Profits thereof and and of every part thereof To have and to hold thesaid Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Hereditaments unto the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley their Heirs and A∫signs To the only proper use and behoof of the said Patrick Kewley their Heirs and A∫signs for ever Subject neverthele∫s to a Proviso or Condition for redemption hereinafter contained (that is to say) Provided always and it is hereby agreed between and by the said Parties to these Presents that if the said Gavin Smith his Heirs Executors or Administrators or any of them do and shall at the Parish of Saint George’s in the said Island of Grenada well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto thesaid Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley their Executors Administrators or A∫signs the sum of One thousand five hundred Pounds of Current Money of the said Island of Grenada on the fifteenth day of March next ensuing the date hereof together with lawful Interest for the same without making any deduction or abatement thereout whatsoever for or by reason of any Taxes charges A∫se∫sments or impositions taxed charges a∫se∫sed or imposed or to be taxed charged a∫se∫sed or imposed by authority of the Legislature of the said Island or otherwise howsoever upon the said Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Hereditaments and Premises hereinbefore mentioned to be hereby as entered? and released or upon the said sum of One thousand five hundred Pounds and Interest hereby intended to be secured or any part thereof or on the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley their or either of their Executors Administrators or A∫signs in respect thereof them and immediately after such Payment made as aforesaid They thesaid Patrick Kewly and Elizabeth Kewly their Heirs or A∫signs _____ and will upon the request and at the Costs and Charges of the said Gavin Smith his Heirs or A∫signs convey and a∫sure thesaid Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted and released with the Appurtenances unto and to the use of the said Gavin Smith his Heirs and A∫signs or unto such other Person or Persons as he or they shall direct or appoint freed and discharged of and from all incumbrances made or committed by them the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewley their Heirs or A∫signs in the mean time And thesaid Gavin Smith for himself his Heirs Executors and Adminis trators doth covenant promise and agree with and to thesaid Patrick Kewly and Elizabeth Kewly their Executors Administrators and A∫signs that he the said Gavin Smith shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Patrick Kewly and Elizabeth Kewly their Executors Administrators or A∫signs thesaid sum of one thousand and five hundred Pounds with Interest for the same at the time and in manner above limited for Payment thereof according to the true intent and meaning of the above written Proviso And thesaid Gavin Smith doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Adminis- trators covenant promise and agree with and to the said Patrick Kewly and Elizabeth Kewly their Heirs and A∫signs that he the said Gavin Smith now at the time of the sealing and delivery of these Presents is lawfully seized of the Hereditaments and Premises herein before granted and released with
The Appurtenances of an indefeazable Estate of Inheritance in fee simple in po∫se∫sion without any condition trust power of revocation or limitation of any use or Uses or other restraint cause matter or thing whatsoever to alter defeat change charge revoke make void le∫sen or incumber the same And also that he the said Gavin Smith now hath in himself good right full power and lawful and absolute Authority to grant release and confirm the Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted and released with the Appurtenances unto and to the use of thesaid Patrick Kewly and Elizabeth Kewly their Heirs and A∫signs for ever according to the true intent and meaning of these presents And further that in case default shall be made in payment of the said sum of one thousand and five hundred Pounds or the Interest thereof or any part thereof contrary to the aforesaid Proviso and Covenant for Payment thereof that then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for thesaid Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewly their Heirs and A∫signs into and upon all and singular the Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted and released with the Appurtenances to enter and the same from thenceforth peaceably and quietly to have hold and enjoy and the Rents I∫sues and Profits thereof to receive and take to his and their own use and benefit without any lawful let suit or interruption of or by thesaid Gavin Smith his Heirs or A∫signs or any other Person or Persons whomsoever And that free and clear and freely and Clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged or otherwise by the said Gavin Smith his Heirs Executors or Administrators well and sufficiently defended and kept harmle∫s of from and against all and all manner of former and other Gifts grants bargains Sales Mortgages Jointures Dowers right and title Arrears of Rent Annuities Estates Titles troubles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever And further that he the said Gavin Smith and his Heirs and all Persons whomsoever Claiming under him or them shall from time to time and at all times after default shall be made in the Payment of the said sum of one thousand and five hundred Pounds and the Interest thereof or any part thereof contrary to the aforesaid Proviso and covenant for payment thereof upon the request of the said Patrick Kewly and Elizabeth Kewly their Executors Administrators or A∫signs but at the Costs and Charges of the said Gavin Smith his Heirs Executors or Administrators do or cause to be done such lawful and reasonable Acts for the better a∫suring and confirming the Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted and released with the Appurtenances unto and to the use of the said Patrick Kewly and Elizabeth Kewly their Heirs and A∫signs freed and discharged from the said Proviso or Condition hereinbefore contained for redemption of the Premises and all other Equity of Redemption whatsoever And lastly it is agreed between the said Parties that until default shall be made in the Payment of the said sum of One thousand and five hundred Pounds and interest as aforesaid it shalland maybe lawful for the said Gavin Smith his Heirs and A∫signs peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the same Hereditaments and Premises with the Appurtenances and to received and take the rents i∫sues and profits thereof to his and their own use and benefit without any interruption or disturbance whatsoever of or by the said Patrick Kewley and Elizabeth Kewly their Heirs or A∫signs or any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from under or in Trust for him her them or any of them In Witne∫s whereof thesaid Parties to these Presents have hereunto set and subscribed their hands and seals the day and Year being first above written
Gavin ( L S ) Smith # Patrick ( L S ) Kewley # Elizabeth ( L S ) Kewleyby his Attorney by her AttorneyWilliam Kewley William Kewley
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Owsley Rowley
Grenada Acknowledge before me by Gavin Smith the Party executing the within Indenture of Release as and for his free and voluntary Act and Deed this twenty seventh day of November One thousand eight hundred and two
GH Horsley Dep Register
Well no connection apparent to ggg-grandfather James Smith. And so I continue my search and research...and definitely I enjoyed the easy Paella.
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