In my genealogy hunt sometimes I have to go backwards to go forwards to discover that of our ancestors… Researching and searching for documents connected and pertaining to ggg-grandfather Brayton C. Placeway we step back in time to 5 June 1917.
On 18 May 1917, the Selective Service Act was passed immediately after the United States declared war on Germany. The Act authorized the President to increase the military. The First Registration on 5 June was for men aged 21 to 31; men born between 6 June 1886 and 5 June 1896. GGG-Grandfather Brayton definitely was a targeted candidate.
Here are the two pages of the 1917 Registration Card and Registrar’s Report. These pages were downloaded via Ancestry.com from The National Archives. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 and World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C. Source Citation: Registration Location: Livingston County, Michigan; Roll: 1675809; Draft Board: 0.
My transcription -
If ggg-grandfather Brayton completed and signed this Draft Registration on 5 June 1917 Line 10 and 11 above could possibly mean that he was referring to his wife Johanna (née Plischke). The notice of request for divorce was published in The Flint Daily Journal 17 November 1917. (See Part 697p.) There appears to be no reference to either of his children gg-grandmother Edith or gg-granduncle Robert.
The Mystery continues. The next location I find ggg-grandfather Brayton C. Placeway is in Cook County, Illinois. Stay-tuned.
My transcription -
Form 1 1076 REGISTRATION CARD 502 No. 18
1 Name in full – Brayton C. Placeway Age in Years - 29
2 Home Address – Howell, Mich
3 Date of birth – April 17, 1888
4 Are you (1) a natural born citizen, (2) a naturalized citizen, (3) an alien, (4) or have you declared your intention? – Natural Born
5 Where were you born? – Pinckney, Mich
6 If not a citizen, of what nation are you a citizen or subject? - Citizen
7 What is you present trade, occupation, or office? – None 30
8 By whom employed? – Nobody Where employed? –
9 Have you a father, mother, wife, child under 12, or a sister or brother under 12, solely dependent on you for your support? – Wife
10 Married or single? – Married Race? – Caucasian
11 What military service have you had? Rank - Fireman branch - Navy years - 11 months Nation or State – United States
12 Do you claim exemption from draft? – None
I affirm that I have verified above answers and that they are true.
Brayton C. Placeway(Signature or Mark)
1 Tall, medium, or short? - Medium Slender, medium, or stout? Medium
2 Color of eyes - Blue Color of hair - Brown Bald – No
3 Has person lost arm, leg, hand, foot eye, or both eyes or is he otherwise disabled? – None
I certify that my answers are true , that the person registered has read his own answers, that I have witnessed his signature, and that all of his answers of which I have knowledge are true, except as follows –
Oscar Schoninhale
(Signature of Registrar)
Precinct – Genoa
City or County – Livingston
State – Mich
June 5, 1917
(Date of Registration)
If ggg-grandfather Brayton completed and signed this Draft Registration on 5 June 1917 Line 10 and 11 above could possibly mean that he was referring to his wife Johanna (née Plischke). The notice of request for divorce was published in The Flint Daily Journal 17 November 1917. (See Part 697p.) There appears to be no reference to either of his children gg-grandmother Edith or gg-granduncle Robert.
The Mystery continues. The next location I find ggg-grandfather Brayton C. Placeway is in Cook County, Illinois. Stay-tuned.
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