Following up to Part 653am I continue the search and research of the genealogy of the Aldridge Family Line.

I have been able to discover the 30 May 1801 Bond of Marriage of 5-times great-grandparents Thomas and Mary (née Marsingale) Aldridge. From what I read the Marriage took place "in the Minster in Beverley Parish".
The following are images of the two pages as downloaded from Item 1 of the microfilm FHL [1469549] Marriage Bonds and Allegations for the Diocese of York, 1618-1887.
And my transcription... (The English teacher of my past life comes to fore when I found two published typeset typos.)
The thirtieth day of May
in the Year of our LORD One Thousand Eight
Hundred and one
On which Day appeared perſonally Thomas Aldridge
of the Parish of St. Martin in Beverley
and, being Sworn on the Holy Evangeliſts, alledged and made
Oath as follows, That he is of the Age of twenty two
Years, and upwards, and a Batchelor and intends to marry
Mary Marsingale of the Parish of St. Mary
in Beverley aforesaid
Aged twenty one Years, and upwards, and a Spinster
not knowing or believing any lawful let or impediment by Reaſon
of Conſanguinity, Affinity, or any other Cauſe whatſoever, to
hinder the ſaid intended Marriage: And he prayed a Licence to
Solemnize the ſaid Marriage in the Minster in Beverley
aforesaid, in which ſaid
Parish the ſaid Thomas Aldridge further made
Oath, That he the ſaid Thomas Aldridge hath had
his uſual abode for the Space of four Weeks laſt paſt.
On the ſame Day the ſaid Thomas Aldridge
Thomas Aldrige
was Sworn before Me
Robt Rigbey
KNOW all men by theſe Preſents, That we
Thomas Aldridge of the Parish of St. Martin
in Beverley Schoolmaster, and Thomas Whitaker
of the Parish of St. Mary in Beverley Bookseller
are bound and firmly obliged to the Right Worſhipful
SORBORNE MARKHAM, Maſter of Arts Vicar General, and
Official Principal of the moſt Reverend Father in God William
by Divine Providence, Lord Archbiſhop of York, Primare of
Engalnd and Metropolitan, lawfully authorized in the Sum
of Two Hundred Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great
Britain, to be paid to him the ſaid to him the ſaid OSBORNE MARKHAM,
Maſter of Arts, or to his Executors, Adminiſtrators, Succeſſors,
and Aſſigns, for the Payment whereof well and truly to be made,
we oblige ourſelves, and each of us by ourſelves, for the Whole
and the Full, our Heirs, Executors, and Adminiſtrators, firmly
by theſe Preſents, ſealed with our Seals, Given the thirtieth
Day of the Month of May in the Year of our
Lord, One Thouſand Eight Hundred and one.
The Condition of this Obligation is ſuch; That if the above
bounden Thomas Alderidge and Mary Marsingale
now licenſed to be married together, be neither of Conſanguinity
or Aſſinity the one to the other, within the Degrees prohibited for
Marriage: If alſo there be no other Lett, Impediment, or lawful
Cauſe whatſoever, but that they may be lawfully married together,
both by the Laws of God and this Land: Moreover, if the Perſons
whoſe Conſent is required by Law in this Behalf, be thereunto
agreeing; And laſtly, if the ſaid Marriage be done and ſolemnized
in ſuch Manner, as in Licence to them granted is limited, then
this Obligation to be void, or elſe to remain in full Force and
Sealed and Delivered
in the Preſence of
Thomas Aldridge
Robt Rigby
Thos Whitaker
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