Part 773h – Brunhammer Doherty Genealogy – The Mystery of GG-Grandfather Audley Holmes – 1855 – The News Gets Around

01 October 2012

Good Day,

Before I continue with my research and search for the genealogy of gg-grandfather Audley Holmes I have to eat. I have to cook.

Last night's supper was a definite swing to another part of the cuisine globe. Gruibenknoedel, Romanian Cabbage Salad, and Stewed Potatoes. The Gruibenknoedel, (and I really do not know how to pronounce that one), are dumplings made of pork cracklins, aka chicarone de puerco, aka pork rinds mixed with flour, bread, spices, and parsley. The dumplings are simmered in water and then served in beef broth. To compliment the G-knoedel things I made a Romanian Cabbage Salad which is also known as a dry cabbage slaw. And to top it off, the Stewed Potatoes, aren't really stewed but sweet potatoes baked, then sliced, then layered with apples, cinnamon, brown sugar, butter, then baked. Sort of a baked potato casserole. Supper was actually very, very good.

In my journey to discover clues and recreate the history of gg-grandfather Audley's murder and death the next piece of evidence is a short article from The Pittston Gazette. Pittston, Pennsylvania is approximately 9 miles from Wilkes-Barre, north east along the Susquehanna River. Dated 26 January 1855 and on Page 2 a quick clipping, without a heading or title was found.

Here is my highlighted image -

And My transcription -

The Pottston Gazette
January 26, 1855
Page 2

Margaret Burke, who has been in
prison since Holmes was found dead on
the ice, some weeks since, was brought
before his Hon Judge Conyngham, yester-
day, on a Habeas Corpus. The District
Attorney and Woodward for Common-
wealth. C E Wright and Ketcham, for
Margaret. She is twenty-five or thirty
years of age, and of rather pleasant coun.
Tenance, with a bright eye, and does not
look as if there was any great crime on
her conscience.

The hearing was in the Court House,
which was pretty well filled with the cu-

The prisoner was remanded for trial.
Record of the Times.

The above inserted image is a portrait of Judge John Nesbitt Conyngham from the Luzerne's Bank Portrait Show.

Stay tuned to what I think I have found next. Could be a coincidence? Not sure but I think I will also try to find a possible transcript of the Margaret Burke's trial if one exists.




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