As I mentioned I have stumbled upon a good succession of documents relating to the St. Thomas Family. Before I create my new St. Thomas Descendant Chart I thought that I would post and present the next document that I have managed to track down. This is the 1895 Wisconsin State Census – Enumeration of the Inhabitants in the City of Marinette, in the County of Marinette, State of Wisconsin, on the 20th day of June, A.D. 1895.
This State Census only includes the Names of Head of Families, and in this case it is the name of gggg-grandfather Lawrence St. Thomas.
The rest of the information is simply numbers of categories of persons who may have been found at the same residence. In the case of the St. Thomas Family there are six males and 3 females. All-things-being-equal this nine individuals should be: gggg-grandparents Lawrence and Marie Louise; ggg-grandmother Mary Louise; ggg-grandaunt Anna; and ggg-granduncles Joseph, McGuire, Dennis, Francis, and Theodore.
The Census is statistical. Also indicated in the 1895 Census is each individual’s country of birth. The St. Thomas breakdown is: 4 born in British America and 5 born in the United States. British America must have been, at least, Canada. The above inserted 1893 Rand McNally map of British North America may be an aid in trying to discover from where the St. Thomases came.
Here is an image of the page as I have highlighted. The image of this page was downloaded from Family Search.org.
I have entered the information and data into my Clooz 3.0 database under the category of Census Substitutes. A template for State Censuses has not as yet been created. Here is my Clooz CUSWI000020 Report.
And now to continue my search and research.
The Census is statistical. Also indicated in the 1895 Census is each individual’s country of birth. The St. Thomas breakdown is: 4 born in British America and 5 born in the United States. British America must have been, at least, Canada. The above inserted 1893 Rand McNally map of British North America may be an aid in trying to discover from where the St. Thomases came.
Here is an image of the page as I have highlighted. The image of this page was downloaded from Family Search.org.
I have entered the information and data into my Clooz 3.0 database under the category of Census Substitutes. A template for State Censuses has not as yet been created. Here is my Clooz CUSWI000020 Report.
And now to continue my search and research.
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