(The above image of the Beaumaris Court House may have been the very place where a part of this document may have been signed. The image was uploaded by Necrothesp at en.wikipedia.)
There is no apparent and observable link between this William Smith and ggg – grandfather James. But I am curious that the year is 1798 and this William Smith is designated as "of the Island of Martinique Merchant". This of course may be an observation, but there is a coinciding assumption that ggg – grandmother, Mary Ann (née Doret) Smith was possibly from Martinique as well.
My observation is that this document is dated 1798. GGG – grandparents James and Mary Ann began having children in the early 1800s. I know this is a stretch but there could be a relationship between William Smith and ggg – grandfather James only because of the time element and the dates may be compared. Just something to think about.
The countries and colonies involved and included in this document are Wales, Great Britain, Ireland, Grenada, Demerara, Martinique, and Dominique. It also appears that this document and Power Of Attorney may have been written a good time after Last Will and Testament of the late Thomas Morris was actually produced.
I have downloaded the images of the pages 336 to 341 from FHL[1563328], Item 1.
My transcription -
In my search and research for ggg – grandfather James Smith, I will continue to comb and investigate the documents and records of the Grenada Registers of Records. I have found a new online source, which may or may not help my search and research. It is the Digital Public Library of America, and available at - http://dp.la/.336
Entered the 29th May 1798
To all to whom these presents shall come James Knowles of Gwynedd in the County
of Anglesey in North Wales in the Kingdom of Great Britain and Jane his Wife and
Mary Morris of the City of Dublin in the Kingdom of Ireland Spinster send Greeting Whereas
Thomas Morris late of the Island of Grenada Esquire deceased in and by his last will and
Elizabeth Morris and to the Survivor of them the Sum of Five hundred pounds Sterling a Year
for their natural lives and then he gave devised and bequeathed to his Sisters Thesaid Jane
Knowles and Mary Morris and to their heirs forever all the rest residue and remainder of
his Estates both real and personal in the Colony of Demerara and elsewhere to be divided
equally between them as Tenants in Common but it was his will intention and desire
nevertheleſs that his said Sister Jane Knowles and her heirs should first deduct from his
real and personal estates the fair appraisements of his said said Father’s estate in Wales
and he thereby nominated and appointed his Friends Joseph Hamer of thesaid Colony of
Demerara Esquire John Tarleton of Liverpool Esquire Daniel Backhouse of the same place
Esquire Hugh James of the same place Esquire thesaid James Knowles Charles Henderick Anderson
of the Island of Grenada Esquire William Postlethwaite of the same place Esquire and Samuel
Cary Junior of the same place Esquire Executors of that his last Will as in and by the said
Will and Testament on reference being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear
and Whereas thesaid Edward Morris and Elizabeth his Wife are both dead since
the Testator Now know ye that thesaid James Knowles and Jane his Wife and Mary
Morris for divers good causes and considerations there hereunto severally moving Have
and each and every of them Hath made ordained authorized nominated constituted
and appointed and in their and each and every of their place and stead full and
deputed and by these presents Do and each and every of them Doth make ordain autho-
rize nominate constitute and appoint William Smith of the Island of Martinique
Merchant Richard Hooten of the Island of Dominique Merchant John Ferguſson of the
Island of Grenada Merchant and William Heathcote of Demara foresaid Esquire to be
these and each and every of their tried and lawful Attornies and Attorney Agents and Agent
jointly and severally for them and each and every of them to enter into and upon and
by all and every lawful ways means and remedies to recover and get poſseſsion of all and
every the plantations Meſsuages Farms Lands Tenements and hereditaments and all other the
real and personal estate and effects whatsoever which were of him thesaid Thomas Morris
deceased of what nature or kind soever or wheresoever thesame may be and which they or
any of them are or is or shall or may be entitled to under or by virtue of thesaid in
part recited Will of thesaid Thomas Morris deceased for any estate house or interest
wjhatsoever and thesame Meſsuages Homes Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and
all other the real and personal estates and effects whatsoever herein before mentioned and
every or any part thereof to order direct manage and cultivate by such ways and means
and in such manner as they thesaid William Smith Richard Hooton John Ferguſson and
William Heathcote shall in their discretion jointly or severally think neceſsary proper or
adviseable until such Sale or Sales shall be made thereof as are herein after mentioned
and directed and also for them and each and every of them and in their and each and every
of their names and name when and as their said Attornies or any of them shall think proper
to make Sale and absolutely dispose of all and every thesaid plantations Meſsuages Farms Lands
Tenements and hereditaments and all other the said real and personal estate and effects of what
nature or kind so ever or wheresoever thesame may be or any parts or part thereof either
shall seem advisable for the best price and prices and most money which can or
may be reasonably had or gotton for thesame or which they or any of them shall in
their or his judgment think so to any person or persons who shall or may be willing to
become a purchaser or purchasers thereof or of any part thereof and for that purpose for them
and each and every of them and in their and each and every of their names or name or in
their or any of their names or name is Attornies or Attorney as aforesaid to enter into sign
Seal deliver and execute such contracts and agreements for the Sale and Conveyance of
all or any part or part of thesaid Meſsuages Farms Lands Tenements hereditaments and other
real and personal estate and effects and also to have and receive all and whatsoever
purchase money or other consideration they or any of them shall contact or agree for and
thereupon to make and execute good valid and Sufficient receipts and discharges for
what they or any of them shall so receive and also for them and in their each and every
of their names and name or in their or any of their own names as Attornies or Attorney as
aforesaid to Sign Seal deliver acknowledge levy suffer and execute all and every such gifts
grants alienations deeds Conveyances and Aſsurances whatsoever whether thesame be by fines
or other matter of records or otherwise howsoever as shall be proper for granting Conveying
and aſsuring all and every or any part or parts of the said plantations Meſsuages Farms
Lands Tenements hereditaments and other real and personal estate and effects whatsoever
unto any such purchase or purchases his her or their heirs executors administrators or Aſsigns
for all the estate and interest of them the said James Knowles and Jane his Wife and Mary Morris
in the premises to be so Conveyed and to proxy and represent them and every of them before the
proper Register or Registers Officer or Officers and there or elsewhere to do perform and execute all
such acts matters and things as may be neceſsary for the purpose of having such acts deeds
Conveyances and Aſsurances as aforesaid enregistered or recorded in the proper place or places and
the titles to the same plantation Meſsuages Fames Lands Tenements hereditaments and real and
personal estate and effects in every respect fully aſsured and confirmed unto such purchaser
and purchasers his her or their heirs executors Administrators or aſsigns and also to collect get in
and received the yearly and other rents produce proceeds and profits of thesame plantations Meſsua-
ges Farms Lands Tenements hereditaments and real and personal estate and effects whatsoever now
Let or to become due And to give good and sufficient receipts and discharges for what they or any
of them shall so secure and also to commence and prosecute with effects such actions and Suits in
any Court or Cours either of Law or of Equity as the said Attornies or any of them shall think neceſsa-
ry or expedient for the purposes of recovering receiving or getting poſseſsion of thesaid plantations
Meſsuages Farms Lands Tenements hereditaments and real and personal stock and effects or any parts
thereof and also the said rents produce proceeds and profits thereof or for effectuating or accomplishing
the purposes aforesaid and to pursue all neceſsary measures for conveying into execution the judgments
or devices of such Court or Courts and to have the benefit thereof and also for them thesaid James Knowles
and Jane his Wife and Mary Morris to appear to and defend any actions or Suits which may be
commenced or prosecuted against them or any of them in such Courts as aforesaid and to receive from
his executors of thesaid Thomas Morris deceased all or any of them such Sum of money as are done
to their or any of their hands from the estate and effects of thesaid Thomas Morris deceased and which
they or any of them are entitled to receive under or by Virtue of the Will of thesaid Thomas Morris
deceased and to settle all accounts with thesaid executors or any of them And to make and
execute full and effectual releases and discharges to such executors and one or more Substitute or
Substitutes under them the said Attornies or any of them for all or any of the purposes and with
all or any of the powers and authorities aforesaid to Substitute and appoint and such Substitute
and Substitutes from him to _____ at pleasure to revoke and others to appoint so often as _____
may require or to thesaid Attornies or Attorney or any of them it shall seem advisable And
Generally for them thesaid James Knowles and Jane his Wife and Mary Morris and every or
any of them to do preform and execute all and every such further and other lawful and reason-
able acts deeds matters and things whatsoever for accomplishing and carrying int execution all
or any of the purposes aforesaid as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes whatsoever as
they or any of them could or might do if personally present they thesaid James Knowles Jane his
Wife and Mary Morris and each and every of them hereby giving and granting unto thesaid
Attornies and every of them their and each and every of their full and discretionary power
and Authority in and about the premises and ratifying allowing and confirming all and
whatsoever they or any of them shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof And
thesaid James Knowles and Jane his Wife and Mary Morris do hereby expreſsly Revoke and or
make void all and every the powers and authorities by them or any of them heretofore given for
all or any of the purposes aforesaid to any person or persons whosoever In Witness whereof
the said James Knowles and Jane his Wife and Mary Morris have hereunto set their Hands and
Seals this third day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety eight.
Jes Knowles (LS)Jane Knowles (LS)Mary Morris (LS)Sealed and Delivered by the ….}
above named James Knowles (being ….}
full duly stamped) in the presence of ….}
Robt Bowers ---- Rob Prichard
Sealed and Delivered by the above named Jane Knowles in the presence of
Jos Lace ---- Mark Stephinson ----Sealed and Delivered by the above named Mary Morris in the presence of
Willm King ---- Jas Bellow ----Joshua Luce of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster Gentleman maketh Oath that
he did see Jane Knowles one of the persons named in the Letter of Attorney hereto annexed
duly sign seal and as her act and deed deliver thesaid Letter of Attorney And this Deponent
saith that the named Jane Knowles thereto subscribed as the party executing the same and
also the names “Josa Lace” and “Mark Stephenson” thereto subscribed as Witneſses attest-
ing the execution thereof by the said Jane Knowles are of the proper hand writing of thesaid
Jane Knowles and of this Deponent and of Mark Stephenson of Liverpool aforesaid Gentleman
Josa Lace,Sworn at Liverpool aforesaid the third day ….}
of March in the Year of our Lord 1798 ….}
Before T Staniforth Mayor of Liverpool
To all to whom these present shall come I Thomas Staniforth Esquire Mayor of the
Borough and Town of Liverpool in the County palatine of Lancaster and Kingdom of Great
Britain do hereby Certify that on the day of the date hereof personally came and appeared
before me Jane Knowles one of the persons named in the Letter of Attorney hereto annexed and
acknowledged thesaid Letter of Attorney to be her act and deed and that she had executed the same
to the intent that it might be effected to paſs and carry all her estate and interest in
the plantations Meſsuages farms Tenements hereditaments and real estate late of Thomas Morris
of the island of Grenada esquire deceased And I do Certify that the said Jane Knowles was
examined separately and apart from her husband executed thesaid Letter of Attorney and on the
same day personally appeared before me Joshua Lace of Liverpool aforesaid Gentleman the Depo-
nent named in this affidavit on the other side written being a person well known and worthy of
good credit and by Solemn Oath which thesaid Deponent then took before me upon the holy
evangelists of Almighty God he did solemnly and sincerely declare testify and depose to be had
the several matters and things mentioned and contained in thesaid Affidavit..
In faith and Testimony whereof I thesaid Mayor have caused the Seal of
Mayoralty of thesaid Borough and Town to be hereunto affixed and the Letter of
Attorney mentioned and referred to in thesaid affidavit to be hereunto annexed
Dated at Liverpool the thid day of March in the Year of our Lord 1798.
R. Stathame Dep Town ClerkBy order of the Mayor
Robert Prichard of Beaumarie in the County of Anglesey Gentleman maketh oath
and saith That he did see James Knowles one of the Persons named in the Letter of Attorney here-
unto annexed duly sign seal and as his act and Deed deliver thesaid Letter of Attorney and this
Deponent further saith that the Names “Jas Knowles” thereto subscribed as the party executing
the same and also the names “Robt Bowers” and “Robt Prichard thereto subscribed as
Witneſses attesting the Execution thereof by the said James Knowles are of the proper handwriting
of thesaid James Knowles and of Robert Bowers of the City of Chelsea Silversmith and of
this Deponent. –
Robt PritchardSworn at Beaumaris aforesaid the seventeenth….}
Day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand….}
Seven hundred and ninety eight…..}
Before W Williams Bailiff of one of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the
Borough of Beaumaris
To all to whom these presents shall come I Williams Williams one of the Bailiffs and
Chief Magistrates of the Town and Borough of Beaumaris in the County of Anglesey in North
Wales and Kingdom of Great Britain Do hereby certify that on the Day of the Date hereof
personally appeared before me Robert Prichard of Beaumaris aforesaid Gentleman this Deponent
named in the Affidavit on the other side written being a Person well known and worthy of good
Credit and by Solemn Oath which thesaid Robert Prichard then took before me on the Holy
Evangelists of Almighty God he did solemnly and sincerely declare testify and depose to be _____
the several Matters and Things mentioned and contained in thesaid Affidavit…
In Faith and Testimony whereof I thesaid William Williams Bailiff and one
of the Chief Magistrates of the said Town and Borough of Beaumaris have caused
the Corporation Seal of the Town and Borough aforesaid to be hereto affixed and the
Letter of Attorney mentioned and referred to in the said Affidavit to be hereunto
annexed Dated at Beaumaris aforesaid this seventeenth Day of March 1798.
W WilliamsSenior Bailiff and one of the Chief Magistrates of the Town and
Borough of Beaumaris aforesaid.
William King of William Street in the City of Dublin Gentn. Maketh Oath that he did see
Mary Morris one of the Persons named in the Letter of Attorney hereto annexed duly sign
seal and as her act and Deed deliver thesaid Letter of Attorney and the Deponents saith
that the name of Mary Morris thereto Subscribed as the peraty executing the same and also
the names William King and James Bellow thereto Subscribed as Witneſses attesting this
executin thereof by thesaid Mary Morris are of the proper hand writing of thesaid Mary
Morris and of this Deponent and of James Bellow of William St aforesaid Clerk to said
William King,
William KingSworn at the City of Dublin aforesaid the 28th day….}
of March in the Year of our Lord 1798…..}
Before Thos Fleming Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin
To all to whom these presents shall come I The Right Honble Thomas Fleming Lord
Mayor of the City of Dublin in the Kingdom of Ireland do hereby certify that on the day
of the date hereof personally came and appeared before me Mary Morris one of the
persons named in the Letter of Attorney hereto annexed and acknowledged thesaid Letter of
Attorney to be here Act and Deed and that she had executed the same to the intent that
it might be effectual to paſs and convey all her Estate and Interest in the plantations
Meſsuages Farms tenements hereditaments and real Estate late of Thomas Morris of the
Island of Grenada Esquire deceased and I do certify that thesaid Mary Morris was
examined and declared that she had freely And Voluntarily Executed thesaid Letter of
Attorney and on the same day personally appeared before me William King of William St. in the
City of Dublin aforesaid the deponent named in the Affidavit on the other side written being
a person well known and worthy of good credit and by solemn oath which the said Deponent
then took before me upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God he did solemnly and
sincerely declare testify and depose to be true the several matters and things mentioned and
contained in thesaid Affidavit.
In Faith and Testimony whereof I the said Thomas Fleming have
caused Seal to hereunto Affixed and the Letter of Attorney mentioned
and referred to in thesaid Affidavit to be hereunto annexed Dated at Dublin
the 28 of March in the Year of our Lord 1798.
Thos. Fleming
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