Last night I walked Tinker and Bella, Taylor and Tobi for their late night business. On their leashes, Bella the Lizard Killer, her stump of a tail keeping beat to the pace, as usual was pulling forward. Tinker the Prissy One, was trotting quietly to my left, as we both followed Bella. As we passed a parked SUV, Bella immediately swerved to the left and the next thing I heard was the deep rumble of a feline beginning her growl.
Suddenly I was deafened by a blood-curdling scream. Tinker! She spotted the crouched war-monger. She screamed, all 11 pounds of her... And I couldn't hear anything else. Bella's pulling to the left, wanting to get the cat. Tinker is yowling and pulling ahead, wanting to get out of range. We continued on. The feline growl continued at a low moan. Tinker kept looking back, making sure to stay beside me. Bella just kept on foraging forward. When they say that elephants never forget, I guess it's true about 11-pound dogs, especially Tinker.
I was able to locate...

Transcribed --
[Page 313]
BAPTISMS solemnized in in the Parish of Saint George in the Colony of Grenada, in the Year 1885
1. When Baptized - 15 Dec,
2. No. - 57,
3. When Born - 10 Nov,
4. Child's Christian Name - Louise Clare dgter of,
5. Parents' Name - Christian - William James & Ella Margaret Louise,
6. Parents' Name - Surname - Smith,
7. Mother's Maiden Name - Scott,
8. Abode - Town of St. George,
9. Rank, Occupation, or Profession of Father - --, and
10. Minister Officiating - H. Hutson, Rector.
Now to forage through my files to see if in the short past I was able to find a copy of grandaunt Louise Clare's civil birth registration. All-things-being-equal a copy should be on the microfilm FHL[1523169].
I've included the update to the Smith Descendant Chart --

And as a lot of you know, we do quilts... and we're cleaning house. The time has come to get rid of quilts that are stuck and hidden all over the house. I'm going to start putting up a quilt on a sort-of regular basis. The first one is of Egyptian Cats and includes a pillow.
The quilt is 72" (183 cm) by 57" (145 cm). The pillow is 13" inches (33 cm) square. If you're interested, and would like some more information about costs, shipping, and insurance, please get in touch with me via email. There's somewhere about 40 to 50 quilts hiding in the wings. And Tinker has nightmares of cats. (I'm not losing my mind now. It left many moons ago!)
Enjoy the rest of your day,
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