You have to know that my computer area is set up along side a triple set of windows that look out to the pool and the conservation area beyond. It's great in the morning, at times to see the sun shimmering on the wet leaves and poking through the green. The white bird of paradise is blooming and there's a bunch of dwarf bananas that soon will be having to be harvested. It's really nice when the panes of glass are clear... but this morning, it's humid. The windows are opaque. Condensation has distorted my view. Today's gonna be hot!
I've drafted a first effort of my sixteen ancestral lines as I mentioned in Part 57s. Here it is.

And today I've set a number of thoughts into progress today.
- Deborah asked about the meaning of some of the words and phrases in the 1758 Robertson/Lisle marriage registration from Part 55r.
- Toni sent me a tremendous set of pictures of a masterful piece of early work of my Smith lineage that Ray had completed.
- Jenny's catches of my slips of data entry to the Robertson Descendant Chart.
- Bernard confirmed to me that at this point we do not have any source of origination for gg-grandmother Emily (née Boyle/Boyd) Abraham.
- Yann has forwarded some new July documents and photographs.
- Zöe forwarded some online links of some historical pictures of British Guiana (now Guyana).
- Denny responded to my latest Y-DNA results and mentioned sources for the possibility of a Smith and Seymour match.
- Clooz organization is calling me.
- Wendy has my brief summary of notes regarding ggg-grandfather James Smith.
- Ray really sent me a great compliment on the production of the Blog.
- I received some updates to new email addresses.
- Andy's kit had been sent off for the Y-DNA testing.
- I'm waiting updates to my mtDNA results.
- Oh, and Lynn, hope you find the right pasta recipe.
- And a new quilt is on it's way.
Thanks to everyone.
And I'm making chili for supper...
More to come.
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