It rained here last night, and I watched the street flood to at least a foot beyond the sidewalk above the easement. Also, the water in the pool rose to just under the deck lip. I was a bit concerned hearing of the news of the deluge in Georgia. This morning the street was clear and the pool is still high, and there's more chance of rain predicted for this afternoon and evening. I'll have to get out the water-wings. And this morning we attacked and cleared a bit more of the jungle on the side of the house.
I've updated the Robertson Descendant Chart and added the new Merrifield one in the left-hand column. The tally is now four charts of eight. The ones to come: Scott, Abraham, Goodey, and Crossley. Stay tuned.
I'm trying to decide whether or not to recreate this Blog as a website. My main thought is the movement to and access of my different ancestral lines. With eight definitive lines, as well as the other families that I research, it does make sense to have some sort of structural organization that one could follow with some sort of ease. I'll keep thinking, in both English and French. Any thoughts? I know I have the time.
But before I get myself lost along another train of thought, and down a different branch of my family tree, let me get back to my discussions on the Agneses. (I still do not know what would be a correct plural form of the name Agnes. Anyone?)
Part 73r was the last discussion on great-grandaunt Agnes and now comes the part where I, we may have to look at the sources, and make some decisions. I have presented her life from birth and two-months old in 1841, (Parts 68r and 69r), to when she was 10, (Part 71r), to 20 years old (Part 72r) and to her 30th year in 1871, (Part 73r).
I discovered in a page of the 1881 England Census an Agnes Miller Robertson... and this lady may just fit the bill and be great-grandaunt Agnes.
From the 1881 Census the transcribed information is -
As you can see the name of this person, Agnes Miller Robertson, is the same, with the exception of the addition of a middle name, Miller. Her marital status of Unmar(ried) follows her situation when she was 30. The age of 40 works when compared to the definite information in the 1871 Census. The occupation is different; a Nurse at 40 as compared to a Bonnet Maker when she was 20 and 30 years old. But the birth location is right on, North Shields, Northum(berland). So, the question is: Is this great-grandaunt Agnes, daughter of great-great-grandfather John Robertson?
Why all of a sudden does the middle name of Miller appear? It definitely was not included on her 1841 Birth Registration nor the 1841 Birth Index; see the Certified Copy and the Index in Part 68r. It's never used in the 1841, 1851, 1861, or 1871 Censuses. But, I think the clue that may steer me to believing that it may be great-grandaunt is the middle name of "Miller".
Here are my reasons:
1. Great-great-grandfather John Robertson's mother's maiden name was Miller. She was ggg-grandmother Agnes (née Miller) Robertson. My source is of the Old Parochial Register of the birth registration of gg-grandfather John born the 30th of September 1805.
Transcribed -
2. Great-grandaunt Agnes' half-brother, great-granduncle Thomas who was born 28 June 1853, see his Birth Registration in Part 72r, and was baptised the 7th of August 1853, Thomas Miller Robertson. I just discovered the baptismal registration!
Transcribed -
And those are two possible reasons that could lead me to believe that the Agnes Miller Robertson on the 1881 Census may be great-grandaunt Agnes. Her grandmother was Agnes (née Miller) Robertson and her half-brother was Thomas Miller Robertson. Of course, I've got to track down great-grandaunt Agnes' baptismal record, if one does exist. I have just found a possible date of 2 May 1841 entered into the International Genealogical Index. I wonder if I can find her on an 1891 or later census? Also, where and when did she pass away?
As a bonus I was also able to stumble upon great-grandfather Alexander Pirie Robertson's 1855 baptismal entry.
Transcribed -
And with that I close for right now.
I discovered in a page of the 1881 England Census an Agnes Miller Robertson... and this lady may just fit the bill and be great-grandaunt Agnes.
From the 1881 Census the transcribed information is -
Page 34] The undermentioned Houses are situate with the Boundaries of the
Civil Parish [or Township] of Marylebone of Portland Place
Parliamentary Borough of Marylebone
Ecclesiastical Parish or District of Trinity
No. of Schedule 108
ROAD, STREET, &c., and No., or NAME of HOUSE 140 Harley
HOUSES Inhabited 1
NAME and Surname of each Person Agnes Miller Robertson
RELATION to Head of Family do (Serv)
CONDITION as to Marriage do (Unmar)
AGE last Birthday of Female 40
Rank, Profession, or OCCUPATION Nurse
WHERE BORN North Shields Northumd
As you can see the name of this person, Agnes Miller Robertson, is the same, with the exception of the addition of a middle name, Miller. Her marital status of Unmar(ried) follows her situation when she was 30. The age of 40 works when compared to the definite information in the 1871 Census. The occupation is different; a Nurse at 40 as compared to a Bonnet Maker when she was 20 and 30 years old. But the birth location is right on, North Shields, Northum(berland). So, the question is: Is this great-grandaunt Agnes, daughter of great-great-grandfather John Robertson?
Why all of a sudden does the middle name of Miller appear? It definitely was not included on her 1841 Birth Registration nor the 1841 Birth Index; see the Certified Copy and the Index in Part 68r. It's never used in the 1841, 1851, 1861, or 1871 Censuses. But, I think the clue that may steer me to believing that it may be great-grandaunt is the middle name of "Miller".
Here are my reasons:
1. Great-great-grandfather John Robertson's mother's maiden name was Miller. She was ggg-grandmother Agnes (née Miller) Robertson. My source is of the Old Parochial Register of the birth registration of gg-grandfather John born the 30th of September 1805.
Transcribed -
Extract of entries in an OLD PAROCHIAL REGISTER
Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriage (Scotland) Act 1965, s.47 69943
Parish of Glasgow County of Lanark
276 Glasgow 29th September 1805.
Thomas Robertson, Weaver & Agnes Miller, a L. Son, John, bo: 30th
Witn: William, & John Dudgeon.
2. Great-grandaunt Agnes' half-brother, great-granduncle Thomas who was born 28 June 1853, see his Birth Registration in Part 72r, and was baptised the 7th of August 1853, Thomas Miller Robertson. I just discovered the baptismal registration!
Transcribed -
Page 25
BAPTISMS administered in the District Chapelry of Christ Church Hoxton
in the County of Middlesex in the Year of 1853
When Baptised. 1853 August 7 born 28 June 1853 No. 196
Child's Christian Name. Thomas Miller
Parent's Name.
Christian. John & Margaret
Surname. Robertson
Abode. 27 Forston Street
Quality, Trade, or Profession. Iron moulder
By whom the Sacrament was administered. William Henry Milmans?
And those are two possible reasons that could lead me to believe that the Agnes Miller Robertson on the 1881 Census may be great-grandaunt Agnes. Her grandmother was Agnes (née Miller) Robertson and her half-brother was Thomas Miller Robertson. Of course, I've got to track down great-grandaunt Agnes' baptismal record, if one does exist. I have just found a possible date of 2 May 1841 entered into the International Genealogical Index. I wonder if I can find her on an 1891 or later census? Also, where and when did she pass away?
As a bonus I was also able to stumble upon great-grandfather Alexander Pirie Robertson's 1855 baptismal entry.
Transcribed -
Page 57
BAPTISMS solemnized in the District Chapelry of Christ Church Hoxton
in the County of Middlesex in the Year of 1855
When Baptised. 1855 June 24 born 21 Feby 1853 No. 454
Child's Christian Name. Alexander Pirie
Parent's Name.
Christian. John & Margaret
Surname. Robertson
Abode. 11 Parr Street
Quality, Trade, or Profession. Iron moulder
By whom the Sacrament was administered. William Henry Milmans?

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