As always the search and the finds in this science of genealogy is continuous. Donald Lines Jacobus in his essay, “Is Genealogy An Exact Science?”, published in The American Genealogist, Volume 10, Page 65 in October of 1933, wrote that “It must be confessed, in view of such chaotic conditions, that genealogy in this country is very far from being an exact science, although many workers in this field who now employ scientific methods are doing much to make it one.” He never could have believed or actually realized what the modern computer and Internet technology could and would have done to promulgate and advance the field of genealogy.

The digitizations of these Transcripts are a part of the Family History Library project that will have the tremendous proponent of making their collections available via the Internet to researchers and all persons alike. Their title for this specific data is England, Diocese of Durham Bishops’ Transcripts ca. 1700-1900. It is available online at Family Search Record Search. To this date there are 165 Collections completed or in progress that are available for immediate online access.
Well as luck would have it, I chanced upon the Baptism Entry in the Tynemouth Parish Register in the County of Northumberland for great-grandaunt Agnes Robertson. I had previously written about her life and discovery in Parts 68r, 69r, 71r, 72r, 73r, 75r, and 86r. And now I’ve got a new source and document to add to her collection.
The 1841 Baptism Entry, as highlighted –
Transcribed –
And now to keep searching…
Well as luck would have it, I chanced upon the Baptism Entry in the Tynemouth Parish Register in the County of Northumberland for great-grandaunt Agnes Robertson. I had previously written about her life and discovery in Parts 68r, 69r, 71r, 72r, 73r, 75r, and 86r. And now I’ve got a new source and document to add to her collection.
The 1841 Baptism Entry, as highlighted –
Transcribed –
[ Page 123 ]The majority of the information provided in the Baptism Entry can be cross-referenced to other documents attributed to great-grandaunt Agnes Robertson. But you should note that the date of birth in the far right-hand column is different by one day; 17 versus 16 as entered in the Certified Copy of her birth. (See Part 68r.)
BAPTISM solemnized in the Parish of Tynemouth
in the County of Northumberland
in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty One
When Baptised. – 184 (1 May) 2nd, No. 980
Child’s Christian Name. – Agnes
Parents’ Name.
Christian. – John and Margaret
Surname. – Robertson
Abode. – Milbourn Place
Quality, Trade, or Profession. – Founder
By whom the Ceremony was Performed. – Christn. Reed, Vicar
Born March 17th 1841.
And now to keep searching…
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