In the following Indenture dated 21 January 1791 and sworn and entered 27 April 1798 there are a number of coincidences or possible leads.
- One of the main parties is one William Smith. Presently I have not been able to find any conclusive detail that could link a William Smith to my ggg-grandfather James Smith. The first occurrence of the name William that I have chanced upon is that of my great-grandfather William James Smith, son of my gg-grandfather James Smith, Junior and grandson of ggg-grandfather James Smith, the senior.
- The William Smith in this Indenture is identified as a Merchant of the island of Grenada. I have discovered references that my ggg-, gg-, and great- grandfathers were also Merchants in Grenada.
- The Witness of this Indenture is one William Steil. The surname Steil is close in spelling to the surname Steele which was a family surname that I have noted associations.
- It should be noted that the occupation designation of William Steil of the Town of Saint George is that of Mason. Both my ggg-grandfather James and gg-grandfather James, Junior are also designated as Masons.
Here are the three pages of the Indenture -
And my transcription -
290Entered 27th April 1798.This Indenture made the Twenty first day of January in the Year of
Our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Ninety one Between William Smith
of the Town of Saint George in the Island of Grenada Merchant of the one part
and Felicité Boisfermé of the said Town and Island a free Mulatto Woman of the
other part Witneʃsth that for and in Consideration of the Sum of Ninety-nine
pounds Current Money of the said Island to the said William Smith in the hand well
and truly paid by the said Felicité Boisfermé at or before the Sealing and delivery
of those presents (the Receipt whereof the said William Smith doth hereby acknowledge
and thereof and forever discharge the said Felicité Boisfermé her heirs Executors and
Administrators by these presents) He the said William Smith Hath Granted
Bargained Sold Aliened Enʃsoffed Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents Doth
Grant Bargain Sell Alien Enʃsoff Convey and confirm unto the said Felicité Boisferme’
her Heirs and Aʃsigns forever A Certain female Negro Slave named Lucy with her future
Iʃsue and Increase And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders
Rents Iʃsues Services and Profits of the said Slave and also all the Estate Right Title
Interest Use Trust poʃseʃsion property Benefit Claim and demand whatsoever both
at Law and in Equity of him the said William Smith of in to or out of the said female
Negro Slave named Lucy together with all Deeds Evidences and writings relating to or
concerning the same Slave To Have and to Hold the said female Negro Slave named
Lucy herein before mentioned with her future Iʃsue and Increase as aforesaid unto
the said Felicité Boisfermé her Heirs and aʃsigns forever and the said William
Smith for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth Covenant promiseand291and agree to and with the said Felicité Boisfermé her Heirs and aʃsigns the he
the said William Smith now hath in himself good Right full power and lawful
Authority to Grant Bargain Sell Alien Enʃoff Convey and Conform the said female Salve
before named unto the said Felicité Boisfermé her Heirs and Aʃsigns to the only proper use
benefit and behoof of the said Felicité Boisfermé her Heirs and Aʃsigns forever according
to the true intent and meaning of these presents And Also that she the said Felicité
Boisfermé her Heirs and Afsigns shall and may from time to time and at all times
hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold Occupy poʃseʃs and enjoy the said female Slave
hereinbefore mentioned without the Let Suit Trouble hindrance Molestation or Interruption
of him the said William Smith his Heirs or Aʃsigns or of any other person or persons whatsoever
And Lastly that he the said William Smith and his Heirs the said female Slave herein
before mentioned unto the said Felicité Boisfermé her Heirs and Afsigns against him the
said William Smith his Heirs and Aʃsigns and against all and every other person and
persons whatsoever shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these presents In
Witneʃs whereof the said parties have hereto set their Hands and Seals respectively the day
and year first above written.Wm Smith LSSealed and Deliveres}
The Mark X of Felicite Boisferme LS
In the presence of
Rd. Owen Wm Steil
Received on the day of the date of the above written Indenture of and from the above
named Felicité Boisferme the sum of Ninety nine Pounds Current Money of the said
Island being the Consideration Money above mentioned to be by her pair to me. I say
ReceivedL.GG CurryWitneʃs
Wm Smith
Rd. Owen Wm Steil
Be it Remembered that on the Twenty-first day of January In the Year of our
Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety one peaceable and quiet poʃseʃsion
Livery and Seizin of the female Negro Slave named Lucy in the preceding Indenture
particularly mentioned was delivered by the before named William Smith to the also
before named Felicité Boisfermé according to the tenor and effect of the before written
Deed or Feoffment. In the presence of us whose Names are hereunto SubscribedRd OwenGrenada Before the honorable Thomas Bridgwater Esquire Chief Justice of
Wm Steil
his Majesty’s Court of Common pleas for said Island established.
Personally appeared William Steil of the Town of Saint George on the said Island
Mason one of the subscribing Witneʃses to the within Indenture who being duly Sworn on
the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Maketh Oath and saith That he was present and did one William
Smith one of the partied to the said Indenture sign Seal and deliver the same asand292and for his free and voluntary Act and Deed; And that he also saw them
sign the Receipt for the Consideration Money written at the foot of the said
Indenture And the Deponent further saith that he also saw Felicité
Boisferme the other party to the said Indenture sign the same by making a
Croʃs opposite the second Seal at the foot of the same Indenture and also saw
her Seal and deliver the same as and for her free and voluntary Act and Deed.
And the Deponent also saith that he was also present with the said Richard
Owen and did see peaceable and Livery and Seisin of the
within mentioned female Negro Slave Lucy delivered by the said William
Smith to the said Felicité Boisfermé according to the Tenor and Effect of the
said Indenture And the Deponent lastly saith that in Testimony of such
Execution and Livery and Seizin as beforementioned the said Richard Owen
and the Deponent did subscribe their Names to the said Indenture as Witneʃses
thereto.Wm. SteilSworn to before me the 27th day of April 1798
Thomas Bridgwater
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