This next transcription is that of what appears to be the assignment of Power of Attorney from one James Park of Belfast to a Benjamin D’hariet Smith of Grenada. Both as merchants appear to represent the Firm of Park and Smith. At this point of my research I do not have any distinct connection between Benjamin D’hariet Smith and ggg-grandfather James Smith, shy of the fact that both are located in Grenada and both are considered as Merchants.
On the inserted globe map from Bing, I have attempted to flag points at Belfast, Ireland; Liverpool, Great Britain; and St. George, Grenada; the three locations and countries thus far alluded to in the past documents I have transcribed. (See Parts 61s, 165s, 168s, 169s, and 170s.)
The next record follows:
My attempt at transcribing -
This concludes those documents and Indentures I was able to extract from the microfilm FHL [1563328], Grenada Register of Records, Item 1, 1797-1798. GGG-Grandfather James’ Last Will and Testament was found on the microfilm FHL [1563330]. (Please note that the dates in the title reference may not always correspond to the actual dates on the documents and Indentures.)
And I continue to search. My next records from the Grenada Register include, I believe, at least five set of documents as found in Item 2, 1799-1801.
My attempt at transcribing -
Focusing on the surname Smith, I have now come across, cross-referencing these past documents, three gentleman who may have been peers or not, and who may have been related or not. They are William, Benjamin D’hariet, and ggg-grandfather James, the senior.446
Entered the 29th October 1798Know all Men by these Presents that I, James Park, at present residing in
the Town of Belfast in the County of Antrium and Kingdom of Ireland, Merchant and
Partner in Trade with Benjamin D’hariet Smith of the Island of Grenada in the West
Indies, Merchant, under the Firm of Park and Smith, Have made, ordained authorized,
447Constituted and appointed, and by these presents Do make, ordain, authorize,
constitute and appoint the said Benjamin D’hariet Smith, my true and lawful Attorney
irrevocable, for me in my Name, Place, and Stead, and to my use, to grant, bargain,
sell, alien, release, confirm, aʃsign, transfer and make over all my right, Title, Property,
Estate, and Interest of in and to certain Dwelling, House, Meʃsuage or Tenement, and
two Lots or Parcels of Ground, all situate lying and being in the Carenage, in the Town
of St. Georges and Island of Grenada, in the West Indies; and to Sign, Seal, deliver and
execute all Deed, Conveyances, Receipts and Writings which may be needed and
neceʃsary in the Premiʃses; and to give poʃseʃsion of same Premiʃses to the Purchaser or
Purchasers thereof; and generally to do act and perform all and whatsoever shall
appear to him my said Attorney needful and proper to be done in and about or con-
cerning the Premiʃses, as fully in every respect; as I myself might or could do were I
personally present and did the same: Hereby ratifying confirming and allowing all and
whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully do, or cause or procure to be done, by virtue of,
these Presents. In Witneʃs whereof I the said James Park have hereunto set my hand and
Seal the thirty-first Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and Ninety-eight at Belfast aforesaid, in the Presence of John Tisdall, Notary Public
residing there and of the other Witneʃs where name is under written.
Signed Sealed & Delivered (being first duly stamped)}
in the Presence of Alexander Boyd.}
James Park L.S.L.S. John Tisdall Notary Publick, Belfast
Borough of Belfast in the County}
of Antrium and Kingdom of Ireland.}
John Tisdall of Belfast and County of Antriumbefore me the Revd William Bristow, Sovereign of said Borough and one of his Majesty’s
aforesaid, Notary Publick, Maketh oath this Day
Justices of the Peace for said County and Saith that he his Deponent is a subscribing Witneʃs to
the within Letter of Attorney, and saw the same duly signed, sealed, delivered and executed by
James Park the executing Party thereto; and saith, that the name John Tisdall subscribed as
a Witneʃs to said Letter of Attorney is this Deponent’s proper name and Hand writing.
John Tisdall
Sworn before me at Belfast aforesd the 1st Day of September
1798. In Testimony whereof I the sd. Sovereign have hereunto to sub-
subscribed my name and can the Corporation Seal of said Borough
to be hereunto affixed.
Willm Britsow Sovn of Belfast Will. Atherson
Town Clerk
This concludes those documents and Indentures I was able to extract from the microfilm FHL [1563328], Grenada Register of Records, Item 1, 1797-1798. GGG-Grandfather James’ Last Will and Testament was found on the microfilm FHL [1563330]. (Please note that the dates in the title reference may not always correspond to the actual dates on the documents and Indentures.)
And I continue to search. My next records from the Grenada Register include, I believe, at least five set of documents as found in Item 2, 1799-1801.
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