The more and more I work on the transcriptions of these old records the more and more I become enthralled with the associations and inter-relationships that could be a part of my genealogy in the tracing of the ancestry of my Smith Family. Again there has been no guarantee that any of these documents are related to my ggg-grandfather James Smith except I am able to hold fast to the facts that he was in Grenada in the early 19th Century and he could have been there in the latter part of the 18th Century.
GGG-grandfather James was a Merchant on an island or islands in the sweep of the Antilles and the West Indies. The method of travel and movement was by ship. The involvement with Great Britain, Scotland, France, and America is undeniably evident. Communication was very, very slow. Inter-country and inter-family conflicts and associations may be keys to finding clues of genealogical-worth. And still Smith appears to be one of the most common of surnames.
The inserted image is a home, the Savage Smith House in Georgetown, South Carolina which is number 18 on the Online Tour of Georgetown’s Historic District.
The 1803 record I worked on last night and this morning, found on the microfilm FHL [1563328] in Item 4 – Grenada Register of Records 1797-1817 (v.G2-R2) relates to one Savage Smith.
It appears that Mr. Savage Smith is looking for a cargo of rice and juices. It also seems that communication from eight years earlier, 1795, may have been misplaced as has the Sloop Polly Samuel Wardwell. He also seems to be offering lumber and supplies to help rebuild buildings from over the island of Grenada as of the result of the conflict between the British and the French. Again all I can write is that I am astounded at what I seem to be discovering in my overall research.
In this case, here are the images of the two pages, 39 and 40 of the 17 November 1803 record.
And here is my attempted transcription.
In this case, here are the images of the two pages, 39 and 40 of the 17 November 1803 record.
And here is my attempted transcription.
Please note that apart from the name of Savage Smith, there is a copy of one, I believe Elisha Smith, who is a signer of a part of the documents. To date and from this record I am not aware of any viable connection to ggg-grandfather James.39Entered 17 Novr 1803Know all Men by these presents that I Savage Smith of
George Town South Carolina Merchant partner in the firm of Savage Smith & Co. of
said Place and sole conductor of the Busineʃs under the said Name do for and on behalf
of myself and those concerned make constitute and appoint and by these presents do
make constitute and appoint George Brown of the Island of St. Kitts Merchant to be
my true and lawful Attorney for and in my Name but for the use of the said Concern
of Savage Smith & Co. To use for recover? or in any Manner He the said George Brown
may think proper settle with the House or firm of Thornton Campbell & Co of the Island
of Grenada Merchants, or either of them for a cargo of Rice, consisting of one hundred
and twenty five whole and twenty six half Juices shipped thereon consignment on
board the Sloop Polly Samuel Wardwell which said cargo _____ and there _____
appears by a copy of their Letter to Savage Smith & Co. dated 29th August 1795 annexed
to this Power and I hereby do agree to confirm any thing done by my said Attorney
In Witneʃs whereof I have Hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twentieth day ofApril One thousand eight hundred and three Savage Smith LSSignd, Seal’d, deliver’d in the presence of Jer? Cotaine? Elisha SmithSouth Carolina }
Georgetown district }Be it known that on the twentieth day of AprilPaior Esquire Notary Public by Lawful authority, duly sworn admitted and
On thousand eight hundred and three before me David
Commiʃsioner by Letter patent under the great Seal of the State residing and
practising in Georgetown and State aforesaid came Mr. Savage Smith within named
and acknowledged the annexed power of Attorney to be his Act and Deed.
L.S.In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand, and affixedMeʃsr Savage Smith & Co.
my seal of Office at Georgetown, and State aforesaid the day and Year
above written. David Prior Notary Public
Grenada 29th August 1795
We are but just favoured with Your Letter of 29th May and
observe with concern that You had neither received nor Account Late? of the Shipment
of Rice of Polly Wardwell or been informed of the Misfortune that this _____ be said
has experienced The former must no doubt have miscarried we therefore beg
leave to have You a Copy of the sales, and long are this you must have learned
of the almost total destruction of this colony in consequence of an _____ action
of the French and free coloured Inhabitants that commenced on the second day of
March and is still existing, every kind of Busineʃs had of Course been at attached?
ever since and from the waste And loʃs of property few of the Inhabitants have it in
their power to pay their Debts We enclose Your Copy of a few lines we wrote Your
friends in London to account for the failure in our promise of Permitting the _____
of Your Rice and we have only not to aʃsure You that the Moment Tranquility
and good Order is established here We will Collect and forward Your Friend with
All the Expedition in our Power
We are respectfully
Gentlemen (signed Thornton Campbell & Co.As40As its probable the force expected from England will soon push an
End to our troubles and that the General destruction of the Buildings all over the
Island Pitch Pine Lumber will be very much in Demand a few Months hence
We would recommend Your sending a Cargo or two of well aʃsorted Lumber fit
for Buildings such as dwelling Houses Sugar works etc. as we are persuaded
it will be _____ high? here for some time.
T.C. & Co.
Personally appeared before me Savage Smith who being duly sworn
Maketh oath that the foregoing is a true Copy of the Copy of a Letter rec’d from
Thornton Campbell & Co. of Grenada the original of which has never come to hand
And I further Certify that I have examined said Letter and find it a correct
Copy.Savage Smith.Sworn before me this 20 April 1803 J. Chapman & Co,
South Carolina }
George Town District }Be it Known that I Davidlawful Authority, duly sworn, admitted and commiʃsioned, by Letter Patent
Prior Esq. Notary Public by
under the Great Seal of the State, residing and practicing in Georgetown and
sate aforesaid Do herby Certify and make known to all to whom
it may or? anywise concern That Thomas Chapman Esquire before whom these
annexed copy of a Letter and Affidavit was taken touching the truth thereinso?
mentioned it lawfully appointed commiʃsioned and duly qualified Justice of
the Peace for the district and State aforesaid, and that to all Acts or Judgments
in writings by him the aforesaid Thomas Chapman Esq. attested, due faith
and Credit is and? ought to be given
LSIn Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and
affixed my Seal of Office, at Georgetown and State aforesaid this
20th day of April 1803.
David Prior Notary Public.
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