And at times there are two Records that appear in the Grenada Register of Records that are connected. This is the case of the next two documents both entered 30 April 1807. The documents are, from what I can read, dated 14 April 1805, 15 April 1805, and 12 April 1807.
My source is the microfilm FHL [1563328] and Item 5, of the Register of Records 1797-1817 (v. G2-R2).
The Smith in these documents is one George Smith, Esquire, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicative for the Island of Grenada at the dates on record in 1805 and 1807. As far as I can read, and transcribe I do not see any explicit clue that would connect George Smith to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The documents of pages 268, 269 and 270 follow:
My attempted transcriptions:
My attempted transcriptions:
268GrenadaEntd 30th April 1807Know all Men by these Presents that We Robert Hazen and
Mary Hazen of the Island aforesaid for and in Consideration of the ʃum of
One hundred and thirty two Pounds Current Money of the Island aforesaid
to us in hand paid by Ousley Rowley of the Island aforesaid at or before the
_____ and delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof we do hereby acknow-
ledge, have granted bargained sold released enfeoffed conveyed and confirmed And
by these Presents Do grant bargain sell release enfeoff convey and confirm un to the
said Ousley Rowely his heirs and Aʃsigns a certain Negro Woman Slave named
Hannah Dunbar. And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders
Receipts Iʃsues and Profits thereof To have to hold the said Slave Hannah
Dunbar unto thesaid Ousley Rowley his heirs and Aʃsigns to the only proper _____
and Behoof of the said Ousley Rowley his heirs and Aʃsigns forever And We the said
Robert Hazen and Mary Hazen do for ourselves and our heirs Executors and Adminis-
trators covenant and agree to and with the said Ousley Rowley his heirs Executors Ad-
ministrators and Aʃsigns to warrant and forever defend the ʃale of the said Slave
Hannah Dunbar against the Claim or Claims of all Persons? whatsoever In Witneʃs
whereof We have hereunto set our hands and ʃeals this fourteenth day of April in
the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and fiveRobt Hazen LSSealed and delivered in the Presence of }
Mary Hazen LS
D Gibbs, Danl Gibbs }
Received on the day of the within Bill of Sale of and from the therein
named Ousley Rowley the ʃum of One hundred and thirty two Pounds Current
Money of the Island being the full Consideration Money? therein mentioned and?
be by him paid to us We say received £132 _____ byRob HazenWitneʃs D Gibbs
Mary Hazen
Danl Gibbs
Be it? Remembered that on the day of the day of the within deed
Poll quiet and peaceable Poʃseʃsion Livery? and Seizin of the within mentioned Slave
Hannah Dunbar was had and delivered to the also within named Ousley Rowley
by the therein named Robert Hazen and Mary Hazen in _____ ______ _____ _____
are hereunto subscribed D Gibbs Danl Gibbs
Be it Remembered that on this fourteenth day of April One Thousand
eight hundred and five Personally came? and appeared before me The Honorable
George Smith Esquire Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicative for the Island
of Grenada and its Dependencies Robert Hazen and Mary Hazen his Wife who
severally and respectively acknowledge that they signed sealed executed and
delivered269delivered the with Bill of Sale of their respective and free and voluntary Act and
_____ And _____ Mary Hazen being by me privately and apart from her said
Husband _____ did acknowledge that she so signed sealed and executed the said
Bill of Sale of her own free will and Accord and with any threat fear or
_____ used by here said Husband to compel here theretoGeorge Smith.
GrenadaEnjoy,Entd 30th April 1807Know all Men by these Presents that I Ousley Rowley of the
Island aforesaid for and in Consideration of the firm of One hundred and thirty
two Pounds Current Money of the Island aforesaid to me in hand paid by the
Honorable George Smith esquire of the Island aforesaid at or before the sealing and
delivery of these Presents, the Receipt whereof O do hereby acknowledge have granted
bargained sold released enfeoffed conveyed and confirmed And by these Presents do
grant bargain sell release enfeoff convey and confirm unto the said George Smith
his heirs and Aʃsigns a certain Negro Woman Slave named Hannah Dunbar
and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Receipts issues and
Profits thereof To have and to hold unto George Smith his heirs and Aʃsigns the said
Slave Hannah Dunbar to the only proper use? and behoof of the said George Smith
his heirs and Aʃsigns forever And I the said Ousley Rowley do for myself my heirs
Executors and Administrators covenant and agree to and with the said George Smith
his heirs Executors Administrators and Aʃsigns to warrant and forever defend the
Sale of the said Slave Hannah Dunbar against the Claim or Claims of all
Presents whatsoever In Witneʃs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this fifteenth day of April in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight
hundred and five. Ousley Rowley LS
Sealed and delivered In the Presence of G. Turnbull, George Whitfield
Received on the day of the within Bill of Sale of _____ from the _____
_____ George Smith the ʃum of One hundred and thirty two pounds Current money
of the said Island of Grenada being the _____ Consideration Money therein _____ _____
_____ ______ _____ paid to me I say received £132 _____Ousley RowleyWitneʃs
J Turnbull & George Whitfield
Be it Remembered That on the Day of the Date of the within did
see quiet and peaceable Poʃseʃsion Livery and Seizen of the Slave Hannah Dunbar
therein mentioned and had and delivered by the also within named Ousley Rowley to
the therein named George Smith in Our presence where Names are hereunto
subscribed. J Turnbull George Whitfield
Before the Honorable Richard Manly Esquire one of the _____
Justices of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the said Island and
its Dependencies.
Personally came and appeared Gordon Turnbull of the Island aforesaid
Esquire270Esquire one of the subscribing Witneʃses to the within Deed of Feoffment who
being duly sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God Maketh Oath that
he was present with George Whitfield Esquire of the said Island Barrister at Law and
did see Ousley Rowley the Party executing the same Deed of Feoffment duly
sign seal and execute and as and for his free and voluntary Act and Deed in
due form of Law deliver the same. And the Deponent further saith that he was
present as aforesaid and did see the said Ousley Rowley sign the Receipt for the
Consideration Money therein mentioned. And lastly this Deponent saith that he was
also present with the said George Whitfield and did see quiet and peaceable Poʃseʃsion
livery and Seizen of the Negro Slave named Hannah Dunbar on the said Deed
of Feoffment mentioned in due _____ of Law delivered by the said Ousley Rowley
to the therein named George Smith and according to the true Intent and Meaning
of the same Deed of Feoffment. G. Turnbull
Sworn this 12th day of April 1807 Before me Richard Manly.
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