Can anyone tell me when is it a good time to dismantle a Christmas tree that sits in the front window of a living room? One of my neighbors on my street still this January 28, 2010 has a visible and physically displayed Christmas tree showing at their main bay window and I see at each night when I walk the dogs. I'm not complaining, cause it is their business, but I'm just wondering. I think to recall that they set the tree up around the beginning of November and remember that they were the first ones on the street that had lights shining brightly welcoming the joy of the electric season. And now it's the end of January. Christmas and the Day of Kings both have come and gone. Am I missing something? I'm just curious. Does anyone know of such a thing called a Valentine tree?
Anyway so much for Christmas trees, now to continue on with my transcription work.
The first document today is from the Grenada Register of Records 1797 to 1817, (v. G2-R2), Item 5. This short document was downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563328] and appears to be an assignment of the power of attorney from one Andrew Smith who is acting on behalf of a client who had previously given him power of attorney. It is confusing, but then again so is any of the legal jargon. Previous reference was made to Andrew Smith, who I believe is the same one as mentioned in Part 187s. As far as I can read there is no hint of connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Following are the images of the two pages 286 and 287:
My transcription:
Following are the images of the two pages 286 and 287:
My transcription:
One would think that after this research project and all the transcriptions involved of the legal documents I may be well on the way to some sort of legal baccalaureate.286GrenadaEntered 23rd of June 1807
To all to whom these Presents shall come I Andrew
Smith of the island of Grenada Merchant Send Greeting Whereas
John Cock of the City of London Merchant in Partnership with Robert
Farquhar of the same City Merchant and also with John Farquhar of the
Island of Grenada Merchant trading in London with the firm of "J.
Farquhar" and "J. Cock" and in Grenada under the firm "John
Farquhar and Co." did by a certain Letter of Attorney or Deed Poll bearing date
the nineteenth day of November One thousand eight hundred and six and
duly recorded in the Register's Office of the said Island of Grenada consti-
tute and appoint me Andrew Smith his true and lawful Attorney
to _____ and sue for recover and receive the Debts and Specialties of the said
true? several firms and each of them and also to attach or cause to be attached
the Monies And Goods of any Person or Persons indebted to them or to
said John Cock. And also to give Receipts and enter? Satisfaction and also
to sell Aʃsets and Goods and to charter or let to a hire any Ships or Veʃsels and
also to manage and conduct all the Affairs And Concerns of thisunto? several
Partnerships or Firms with full Power to appoint as Substitute or Substitutes As
by the said Deed Poll or Letter of Attorney remaining of Record as aforesaid
Relation being thereunto had will more fully and at-large appear?
Now know ye that I the said Andrew Smith for divers good Causes
and valuable? Considerations me thereunto moving have authorized nominated
substituted and appointed and in my place and Stead put And by these
Presents do authorize nominate substitute and appoint and in my place
and stead put Nathaniel Merriman and Henry Hammell? Davis both
of the Island of Grenada Merchants jointly and severally my full true
and lawful Attorney and Attornies Substitute and Substitutes for me and in
my Name or in their own Names or the Name of either of them but for the
Use of the said John Cock, Robert Farquhar and John Farquhar under their
said several firms to manage do transact and perform all and all Manner of
all Acts Deeds Matters and Things whatsoever in Relation to the Premises
and under the said Deed Poll or Letter of Attorney _____ _____ _____ I myself might or
could do under and by Virtue of the same Hereby delegating deputing and
bestowing my full and absolute Power and Authority in the Premises unto the
said Nathaniel Merriman and Henry Hammell? Davis and each of them
severally or jointly And hereby Ratifying and confirming all and _____
my said Attornies and Substitutes or either of them shall do in thePremises287Premises as fully and effectually as if I myself was present and did
the same in my own proper Person. In Witneʃs whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and Seal this fifteenth day year one thousand
Eight hundred and seven. Andrew Smith LS
Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of George Whitfield
Grenada Acknowledged for me by Andrew Smith Esquire the
Party executing the within Deed Poll or Letter of Attorney as and for his
free and voluntary Act and Deed this Twenty third day of June One
thousand and eight hundred and seven.Ousley Rowley
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