No Christmas trees this posting. I just got in early from my shift at the FHC, and I just put away, i.e. reviewed six microfilms all of Bordeaux, France. This review project is the search for Birth Registrations for the Collomiere, Dubuc, July, and Merle. The ranges of my search included 1819-1822 and 1837-1840.

The next work of my transcribing is of the Document on Page 287 as found in Item 5 of microfilm FHL [1563328]. The Smith, this time is Gavin Smith the Surveyor. My previous references to Gavin Smith are included in Part 131v and Part 174s.
The Document is extremely short.
My eyes are given a rest, but I had to check out the reference to the “Levera Estate”. I discovered two cross-references in my stash, thanks to Steve. Both are publications by the Surveyor Gavin Smith. The publications are:
1801 Map of The Island of Grenada, and
1824 Reference To The Plan of The Island of Grenada.
The information is extremely interesting and the above inserted clipping from the 1801 Map highlights Levera in the Parish of St. Patrick. Once again, no hint of a connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The Page 287 Document appears to be a Letter of Certification; as follows:
And my transcription:
1801 Map of The Island of Grenada, and
1824 Reference To The Plan of The Island of Grenada.
The information is extremely interesting and the above inserted clipping from the 1801 Map highlights Levera in the Parish of St. Patrick. Once again, no hint of a connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The Page 287 Document appears to be a Letter of Certification; as follows:
And my transcription:
A point of information - Charles Ashwell, who is noted in the Letter, passed away in 1798. The next transcription should be interesting. Stay tuned.287Entered 26th June 1807These are to Certify that the Admeasurement of the
Land of Levera Estate made by me and which was sold by the
late Charles Ashwell Esquire to Meʃss Fraser Stuart & Lackey
containing as by the Diagram annexed to the said Sale 257 ½
acres (and which Diagram is copied in the Secretary’s Office) is to
the best of my knowledge and Judgment correct and I am of Opinion
that the Seller of the said Land has a Right according to the Customs
and Usages of this Island to include the King's fifty Paces in the said
Sale and to receive the Money from the Buyer for the same fee which
Reason (and not by mistake) I did include the said King's fifty Paces
in the above 257 ½ Acres. St. George's Grenada 26 June 1807
Gavin SmithGrenada Acknowledged before me by the above named Gavin Smith
the sworn Colony Surveyor of this Island the Party signing and executing
the above Certificate as his Act and Deed this twenty sixth day
of June One thousand Eight hundred and Seven.
Ousley Rowley, DRegr
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