I can’t find my Access database! It’s the database that I created last year to record the microfilms and microfiches that I have reviewed. And the collection is extensive.

And I can’t find it. And I thought I was so, so organized. BS!
I know it is somewhere on my PC in one of my hard-drives, and I know I have it backed up on Carbonite. But I have no clue what the file is called, let alone titled or what the new extension is.
And now I skulk behind the screens of my monitor. I found the file. Believe it or not it was right where I put it, in the most logical folder on my C Drive. In a folder called Research Tools and a sub-folder of my prime folder – Genealogy… and the file name – Microfilm Database.
At times I really scare myself.
At times I really scare myself.
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