I haven’t gone anywhere. I’m still here. Did a bit of volunteering this morning and I spent a bit of time trying to trace down a physical copy or image of gg-grandfather James Smith’s 1876 Obit... (Thanks Jill, Daphne, and Bernie.) I’ll get back to you on that later.

And again there is no clue or hint in this document that there is any connection between George Smith and ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Here are the two pages; 594 and 595.
And my transcription –
Item 5 completed. Now on to Item 6, and I think six new documents.
Oh and fyi if you click on any of the images in a Posting the image should increase to a size where you should be able to read it.
Here are the two pages; 594 and 595.
And my transcription –
GrenadaEntd 30th July 1808Know All Men by these Presents that I the Honorable George
Smith of the Island of Grenada Esquire Chief Justice of the said Island and
being about to depart therefrom Have made Ordained nominated constituted
and appointed And by these Presents do make ordain nominate constitute
and appoint George Whitfield Esquire Attorney General of the said Island of
Grenada to be my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my Name and for
My Use and benefit to manage and transact all my Affairs and Busineʃs what-
soever in the said Island of Grenada, And also for me and in my Name and
for my Use to receive from the Public Treasurer of the said Island of Grenada all
Sum and Sums of Money that now is or may hereafter accrue due and payable
to me for or on Account of Salary in my said Capacity of Chief Justice or for
or on any other Account whatsoever And also for me and in my Name and
for my Use and Benefit to ask demand have receive and take of and from
all and every other Person or Persons whatsoever all and every Sum and Sums
of Money debts dues or fees that now is or shall or may become due and payable
to me for or on Account of any Matter Cause or thing whatsoever. And upon
Receipt thereof or of any Part thereof for me and in my Name and on my behalf
to make give sign and execute all neceʃsary and proper Receipts Acquittances
and discharges in the Law for the same as my said Attorney shall think proper
And upon Non Payment or Non delivery thereof or if any Part thereof for me
and in my Name and on my Behalf to me commence and prosecute and
to carry in all Actions and Suits whatsoever either at Law or in Equity, and
to take and use all and every such further and other Lawful Ways and Means what-
soever for the speedy and Effectual Recovery thereof or of any Part thereof as my
said Attorney shall think proper; And also to defend any Action or Actions
Suit or Suits that may be brought against me or able? Adjust or compound, my
such Account or Accounts Actions or Suits as to my said Attorney shall now meet?
or proffer And one or more Attorney or Attornies under him the said George Whitfield
from time to time to substitute and appoint and again at this Pleasure to revoke as
Occasion may require or he shall deem neceʃsary and expedient - And generally for
me the said George Smith and in my Name or in his own Name to use and
take all such lawful Ways and Means for the Management of my Affairs and
Busineʃs and the Recovery of my debts and Salary aforesaid And to do all lawful
Acts Deeds Matters and things whatsoever as fully and effectually to all Interests
and Purposes as I the said George Smith could if personally present hereby
Ratifying and confirming all and whatsoever the said George Whitfield or his
Substitute or Substitutes shall lawfully do or cause to be done In the Presence
by Virtue of these Presents. In Witneʃs whereof I the said George Smith
my hand and Seal have hereto set and affixed this Twenty fourth day of
September One Thousand Eight hundred and ʃeven. George Smith LS
Sealed and delivered In the Presence of Ousley Rowley & George Robinson?595Grenada Acknowledged before me by George Smith Esquire the
Party executing the within Deed Poll or letter of Attorney the Twenty fourth day
of September One thousand eight hundred and Seven.Ousley Rowley DRegGrenada
Know all Men by these Presents that I the Honorable George
Whitfield of the Island of Grenada Esquire the Attorney named in the within
written Deed Poll or Letter of Attorney of the Honorable George Smith Esquire
the Party granting and executing the same and intending shortly to depart from
the said Island of Grenada Have by Virtue of the Power of Substitution con-
tained in the said Letter of Attorney nominated substituted and appointed Ousley
Rowley of the said Island Esquire And by these Presents do nominate substitute
and appoint the said Ousley Rowley to be my Substitute And the true and
lawful Attorney of the said George Smith during my Absence or until the said
George Smith should nominate some other Person to act in the Premises to execute
fulfil and perform all and every the Matters and things in the said Letter of
Attorney contained as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purposes as the said
George Smith or I myself as his Attorney or any other Attorney or Attornies might
or could do if personally present Giving and herby granting unto the said substi-
tuted Attorney all Authority and Power in the Premises to all Intents and
Purposes whatsoever which I myself now have of and in all or any of the Matters
or things mentioned and contained in the said Letter of Attorney. In
Witneʃs whereof I the said George Whitfield have hereunto act my hand and
Seal this ʃixteenth day of June In this Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight
hundred and Eight. Eight Whitfield LS
Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of J. Baldwin
GrenadaBefore the honorable Francis McMahon Esquire _____Personally appeared John Baldwin of the Island of Grenada the
of the Aʃsistant Justices of the Supreme Court of Judi-
capture for the said Island of Grenada and its dependencies
subscribing Witneʃs to the within Deed Poll or Letter of Substitution who being
duly sworn or the holy Evangelists of Almighty God made Oath that he was
present and did see George Whitfield of the Island of Grenada Esquire (the
Party executing the said Deed Poll or Latter of Substitution) duly sign seal
execute and deliver the same as and for his free and voluntary Act and
Deed And that the Name or Signature “J Baldwin” set and subscribed
as a Witneʃs attesting the due Execution thereof is of the proper hand
Writing of this Deponent.J. BaldwinSworn to before me this 20th }
day of July 1808 }Francis McMahon
Item 5 completed. Now on to Item 6, and I think six new documents.
Oh and fyi if you click on any of the images in a Posting the image should increase to a size where you should be able to read it.
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