It is amazing how working together in this pursuit of genealogy and ancestry search and research that the transfer of information is so, so instantaneous. The speed and transfer of information today certainly boggles my mind as I work on the Transcription Project and realize how slow information did move. I am thrilled with the connects that I have made through my Blog and how the work is helping to continue to amass and gather pertinent family data. Thank you Jill, Daphne, Ray, Bernie, Zoë, and Toni.
As everyone knows I have the most common name in the English language, Jim, James Smith. So did my gg-grandfather and his father, my ggg-grandfather. It is also somewhat frustrating to say that at least every Tom, Dick, and Harry or Harriett may have the surname Smith.
A short bit back I was able to find an entry from the Parish Registers of the Anglican Church of the Parish of St. George in Grenada that listed the Burial of one James Smith.
The detail of the information provided by the entry is limited. The Burial Entry is for one James Smith of the Town of St. George who was buried on 6 November 1876 at the age of 59 years. The person who conducted the Ceremony was the Rector I.A. Anton. I was able to run this information, included an image of the Register page previously in Part 104s. But the question is of course “Is this of my gg-grandfather James Smith?”
Early this morning I received an image file of a “Deaths” notice copied from the 11 November 1876 issue of St. George’s The Chronicle. The copy is from the Newspaper Archives of the British Library.
Transcribed –
Okay, but are these two pieces of documentary evidence in reference to my gg-grandfather James Smith? All-things-being-equal they are. But I do not have any other physical proof that they are.
There is another obituary that I have received in transcript, but have not yet received or seen actual copy. The obituary reads:
Please be aware that I treasure family history and family records. The nature of my overall genealogy project is to gather as much information as feasibly possible to get to that point or points where there is no doubt as to the authority of an event. I, as long as I can, intend to open as many doors as possible.
And I continue to search.
Early this morning I received an image file of a “Deaths” notice copied from the 11 November 1876 issue of St. George’s The Chronicle. The copy is from the Newspaper Archives of the British Library.
Transcribed –
The Chronicle.This Death Notice most assuredly corresponds with the Burial Entry from the Parish Register. (See Part 104s.)
Died, in town, on Monday morning, the 6th instant,
from heart disease, the result of repeated attacks of
gout, JAMES SMITH, Esquire, Architect, - aged 59
years; leaving a disconsolate widow and grown up
sons and daughters to deplore his death.
Okay, but are these two pieces of documentary evidence in reference to my gg-grandfather James Smith? All-things-being-equal they are. But I do not have any other physical proof that they are.
There is another obituary that I have received in transcript, but have not yet received or seen actual copy. The obituary reads:
“Occurred at his residence at Tyrrel St. Mr. Smith was an architect by profession, he returned to his native country after a thorough training in England, and at once exhibited talent. No building of any kind was undertaken except his advice and assistance were first obtained, the impression of his genius may be seen throughout the country. He was always ready to aid and improve Public works – notably of York House. In many cases his services were gratuitous. Socially he was jovial and kind, a man of much intelligence, perseverance and energy.I have just received confirmation from The Library and Museum of Freemasonary in London, England that
He was a member and staunch supporter of the Free and Accepted Masons. His remains were followed to the tomb by brethren, who performed simple but impressive ceremony.”
“Further to your enquiry, we have checked our records for the name James Smith in lodges in Grenada without success. Please note that, for certain periods, our records are incomplete. It may be that this gentleman was a freemason but without a lodge name or number we cannot locate him in our records. However please also note that the two English lodges established in the island in the nineteenth century were both very shortlived and did not survive beyond the 1840s. There were lodges there established by the Grand Lodge of Scotland and it may be that he was a member of one of those. You will need to contact that Grand Lodge for details.”My next step is to contact the Grand Lodge of Scotland. I also need to get a hold of an image or copy of the second Obituary as well as a possible copy of a Death Registration. Also I would like to get information of the source of his training as referenced to the transcribed Obituary.
Please be aware that I treasure family history and family records. The nature of my overall genealogy project is to gather as much information as feasibly possible to get to that point or points where there is no doubt as to the authority of an event. I, as long as I can, intend to open as many doors as possible.
And I continue to search.
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