From the same 11 November 1876 issue of The Chronicle of St. George’s, Grenada, I have transcribed the write-up and very nice remembrance piece from The Chronicle.
“Death still continues its ravages in our midst, robbing us of our choicest and most brilliant ornaments.Thank you Jill.
“The young heart hot and restless
And the old subdued and slow,”
Alike have fallen beneath the strokes of the impartial monster, within the last months. Last Saturday’s issue announced the death of an old and respected inhabitant of the island, Joseph Purcell, Esquire; - and today it becomes our most painful duty to chronicle the departure of another respected and highly talented of Grenada’s sons – James Smith, Esquire, - which sad event occurred at his residence in Tyrrel Street, on Monday morning, the 6th instant, and which will be heard of with sorrow in many of the other colonies, to which his fame had reached. Mr. Smith, who was an architect by profession, returned to his native country after having undergone a thorough training in England, and at once exhibited great talent. No building of any kind was ever undertaken except his advice and assistance were first obtained; the impress of his genius may be seen throughout the country. He was one of Nature’s gifted children, and whilst we bow with resignation to the Divine will, it is to be regretted that we have so soon been deprived of his valuable services. He was always ready to aid in the erection and improvement of Public Works; notably, among others, we may mention the completion of York House. In many cases his services were gratuitous, and he deserved a far more substantial recognition of them than he ever received. Socially, he was jovial and kind, and he will long live in the memory of those who knew him intimately. In few words – he was a man of much intelligence, perseverance, and energy, and one of whom Grenada should ever be proud and will ever deplore, for he has left no one of his countrymen to fill the blank which his death, at the comparatively early age of 59 years, has left in the community. A member and staunch supporter of the order of Free and Accepted Masons, his remains were followed to the tomb by his brethren, who performed the usual simple but impressive ceremonies. To his wife, children, and other relatives, we offer our sympathy and condolence in their bereavement.”
I searched through the microfilm FHL [1523637] Items 8-10 Civil Registration, Register of Deaths Jan 1866 – Jan 1878, St. George, Grenada. To date I have not been able to locate a registration entry for gg-grandfather James' death. I did note that the pages at some times were out of sequence.
I did find a number of entries that may be of interest and may be of ancestors. My work is to follow, and I continue.
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