It’s raining and it is overcast and at least I’m not in the Washington, DC or Baltimore, Maryland area where they are expecting two feet of snow. The insert is a captured image from the CNN Weather Center. And I continue to work on my Indenture Project.
This afternoon I’ve discovered two new Smiths, Isaac and Isabella. But no clue this time to ggg-grandfather James, that is, unless he may have a connection, as does this Isaac Smith to Belfast, Ireland.
This image of the Document from the Grenada Register of Records 1797-1817 (v. G2-R2) that I was able to download from the microfilm FHL [1563328] is somewhat difficult to read. As you can see the actual copy on the image is somewhat blurred and bespattered with stains.
First part of your post goes here!
The two pages of this Document are 47 and 48.
My attempted transcription; I can only record that which I can read and make out. I may make some mistakes in my transcription but I do not include any judgment calls as to the intent or the content of the written material. My sole purpose is to find some hint or clue as to the origins and/or connections to my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
My attempted transcription; I can only record that which I can read and make out. I may make some mistakes in my transcription but I do not include any judgment calls as to the intent or the content of the written material. My sole purpose is to find some hint or clue as to the origins and/or connections to my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Thank you to all who have provided me with feedback. Please feel free to comment or email me.47Entered 15 June 1808In the Name of God Amen I Isaac Smith born in the Town of Belfast
in the County of Antrim in that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland best at
Present residing in the Town of Saint George in the Island of Grenada West Indies
being of sound Mind and in Good Health of Body Yet ignorant how long these Bleʃsings
may be indulged me do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following
First I do desire that my Body may be deposited in the Common Manner I should
wish that Meʃsr John Ryburn William Mitchell George Wilson Benjamin Hayear
& James Stuart to see me interred desently . Secondly I give & bequeath all what
I may be worth at Death to Rosie Williamson a Mulato Girl a Slave the Property of
Sally Bridgwater rather Sally Mitchell & John Guthrie at Present in the
City of Glasgow & Thomas Huie at Present of the Island of Jamaica William
MacKie & James Stewart to look after this last Busineʃs & that it is my wish that
the said Mulato Girl should immediately after my Death be Purchased & made free
Her Mistress offered her to me once for Fifty Pounds & I do not expect she will take
the advantage of my Death But of this nothing but the want of Friends is to impede
the Purchase & Imancipation of Rosie. As there will be no difficulty
in Proving this my Last Will to be my Hand Writing I have not put any Witneʃs
to this Instrument of Writing.Isaac SmithSt. Geo Grenada Sunday 3 oClock PM 23d Septr 1804
St Geor Grenada
20t Octr 1804 – 9 oClock PM. In the foregoing I forgot to mention that
the Child Isabella Smith which stays with its Mother Elizabeth a free Mestee
or Mulatto I resign my Right of a Negro Wench named Harriot With her Progeny?
_____ borne? in Feby or March 1797 or _____ from John One? Esqr in Isabella’s name
_____ the Receipt for said Negro Wench is in Poʃseʃsion of its Master Elizabeth Smith
I mention this Circumstance as she may probably say this Wench is hers I declare
Solemnly she never Paid a Penny of the Value of the Negro Wench My _____ I
have to request is to be Sent to Mr John Sinclair in Belfast or if _____ instead
to his son John.Isaac SmithFrom my not mentioning any of my Relations in this Will is not from any
Disrespect or Contempt or any Kind of Malice.Isaac Smith48NB the Price I paid for above negro Wench Harriot I think was 22 or 23 Pds
Grenada 13 Oct 1805
The forgoing Mulato Slave named Rosie is now sold by Sally Bridgwater
alias Mitchell to a Negro Woman Pigot for Fifty Pds of which Forty Pds have been paid said
Woman named Pigot she has also said she would not ask more than the fifty Pds for
the said Mulatto Slave Rosie the ten Pds Remaining due I have Promised to pay the
said Negro Woman PigotIsaac SmithGrenada 7th April 1806
the foregoing I have Carefully perused & am Still of Opinion & Certainly
wish the foregoing to be fulfilledIsaasc Smith15 Nov 1806
I have again opened this Will no alteration to take Place but every thing to be
fullfilled to the Utmost particularly to that part repecting Rosie she it will appear
is already Emancipated by the Records of His Secretary’s Office 22 OctrIsaac SmithGrenada 24 June 1807 Instead of the _____ to be given to he John Sinclair
I request it with its appendages to be deliver to Mr. Jas. Atkins Master of H.M.B.
GrenadaIsaac SmithGrenada Before His Excellency Major GeneralPersonally appeared John Requeart who being duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelists
Frederick Maitland Esquire Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over the Island of Grenada and the Grenadines
thereto annexed Chancellor Vice Admiral and Ordinary of
the same’
of Almighty God Maketh Oath and saith that he well knew Isaac Smith late of the
Island of Grenada Merchant since deceased in his lifetime and hath often seen him
Write and that the Signatures or Name “Isaac Smith” set or subscribed near
the Bottom of the Second Page of the Paper Writing hereunto annexed Purports _____ to
be his last Will is as this Deponent Verily believe the proper hand writing of the said
Isaac Smith and also that all the Subsequent Signatures of the name Isaac Smith
herein and on the said annexed Paper Writing set and Subscribed are in like manner
as this Deponent Believes of the Proper Hand Writing of the said Isaac Smith.John RequaertSworn before me this 7th day of June 1808 }
Frederick Maitland _____}
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