This Indenture Project is certainly straining the lengths and depths of my optic nerves… My brain cells seemed to have given up some time ago.
Presently the historic content of the research is extremely interesting; especially for someone like me who hated and detested the study of history in my school-daze gone by. But for all intents and purposes the search and research of my genealogy has most definitely got me following down paths and learning so much that I’m sure that I paid no mind to when I was in class.
At times I am enthralled with that which I am finding out, to the point I have to keep reminding myself that I will never find a connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith unless I just keep trucking, and searching.
Again I am still paddling through the waves of documents in Item 6 in the microfilm [1563328], the Grenada Register of Records, 1797-1817 (v. G2-R2). This new one is the Record of pages 221 and 222 and dated 8 May 1809, and entered to Register 9 May 1809.
The pages are:
And my transcription –
The pages are:
And my transcription –
Oh and by-the-way, no stand-out hint to ggg-grandfather James Smith.221ExaminedEntered May 9th 1809To all to whom these Presents shall come George Smith at present In the Island of Grenada
Esquire sends greeting Whereas in the end by a Certain Deed Poll or Instrument of Proxy made and
executed by John Dimsdale Thomas Dimsdale and Britiffe Skottowe in the said Deed Poll
ascribed reciting as therein is recited bearing Date the twenty third day of February last past
and duly proved under the seal of the Lord Mayor of the City of London and Recorded in the
Registers Office of the said Island of Grenada in the twenty second day of April last past the said
George Smith or his lawful Substitute or Substitutes is and are in the names of the said John
Dimsdale Thomas Dimsdale and Britiffe Skottowe Nominated Constituted and Appointed
of amongst other things to appear Ecclesiastical Judge of the said Island of Grenada
His Surrogate or any other Competent Judge in that Behalf and Exhibit the said Instrument of Proxy
and to Pray? and procure the same to be admitted and enacted and for them and in their names
to pray and procure Letters of Administration of the goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of James
Taylor deceased in the said Deed Poll mentioned to be committed and granted to any person or
persons the said George Smith or his lawful Substitute or Substitutes should see fit for the special
purposes in the said Deed Poll or Instrument of Proxy Mentioned specified and Contained
as in and by the same so executed proved and recorded as aforesaid will fully Appear And Whereas the
said George Smith being about to Depart this Island for the Island of Trinidad Hath nominated
constituted and Appointed and by these presents doth nominate constitute substitute and Appoint
Henry Bridgwater all of the said Island of Grenada Esquire his true and lawful Substitute and the
Proxy of the said John Dimsdale Thomas Dimsdale and like Britiffe Skottowe for the Purpose of
Obtaining Letters of Administration to the said James Taylor and for all and every purpose and
Purposes Mentioned Contained specified and set forth in and by the said in Part recited Instrument
of222Of Proxy and the said George Smith doth hereby give and grant unto the said Henry Bridgwater
all and Singular the Powers and Authorities Vested in and Granted to him the said George Smith by the
said Instrument and which he can or may lawfully give under and by virtue of the same and doth
hereby Promise to ratify allow and Confirm all and Whatsoever said Henry Bridgwater or
his Proctor or Proctors shall lawfully do or cause to be done in the Premises by virtue of the said
Deed Poll or Instrument or of these Presents In Witneʃs whereof the said George Smith had hereunto
set his hand and Affixed his Seal this Eighth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and Nine.George Smith LSSealed and delivered in the Presence of WH Taynton.
Acknowledged before me by the Honorable George Smith Esquire the Party
executing the with deed Poll or Power of Substitution As and for his free and Voluntary Act and
Deed this ninth day of May One thousand eight hundred and nine.Owsley Rowley, D. Regr.
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