Four days pass and George Smith is now in Trinidad, and his Document is now entered to the Grenada Register of Records on the 15th of May 1809. This subsequent Document reads to me, that he is somewhat a bit more “forceful” in tone. What that means, I would not venture a guess.
And there is still no hint of a connection with ggg-grandfather James Smith.
This Document comprises of pages 231 and 232 of the Grenada Register of Records and from the microfilm FHL [1563328] in Item 6.
And for the sake of expediency of the transcription I used the software Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS). DNS allows me to dictate directly into my word processing program and it causes my PC to automatically key the words to a document. It certainly helps the process of transcribing and I would definitely recommend a similar process to anyone.
And my transcription, but as you can see there still are blanks and question marks at those points of words that I cannot visually make out. I do not have any surrogate doing the work for me.
One more document to transcribe in Item 6, and then it’s on to Item 7.231ExaminedEntered May 15th, 1809Grenada.
Know all Men by these Presents That I George Smith late Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature within this Island but now of the Island of Trinidad
for Divers Causes and Considerations me hereunto moving Have made ordained
Authorized and Appointed and in my place and stead put and deputed and by
these Presents do make ordain authorize and Appoint and in my Place and stead
Put and Depute The Honorable George Whitfield of the Town of Saint George within
this Island my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my Name and for my use to
ask demand sue for recover and receive of and from all manner of Persons whomsoever
all and Singular Goods Chattels Debts or Sums of Money which may belong to or be
Due to me from such Persons and to compound Accept and agree for the same and on
Receipt Compensation or agreement acquittances releases or other sufficient discharges for the
same for me and in my Name to make sign seal execute and deliver and one or more
Attorney or Attorneys under him to make and again this Pleasure to revoke and _____
_____ substitute and Appoint from time to time as often has he my said Attorney
shall think Proper but on refusal or non-payment or nondelivery of what is or shall
appear to be due owing or belonging unto me as aforesaid such Person or Persons _____
to sue arrest imprison Implead and prosecute for the same in any Court or Courts of
Law or Equity and to Proceed to Judgment and Execution and again out of _____ _____
Discharge and Free and if Need be for me and in my Name to defend and Plead to any
Action or Actions to be brought or Prosecuted against me by any Person Or Persons in any Court?
of Record or elsewhere And also for me and in my Name to sign seal and deliver or accept
or otherwise execute and also to acknowledge all Deeds Mortgages Leases releases _____
_____ Writings or Instruments either for the Conveyance or Aʃsurance of _____ _____ _____
to any other Persons or from any other Person to me and also to state? settle _____ _____ _____
amounts and reckonings now or hereafter to be open or defend? _____ between me and any other
Person or Persons whomsoever and Generally to act and_____ ____ in the _____ _____ _____and232And effectually to all Intents and Purposes as I might avoid or ought to do it personally
Present Giving and by these Presents granting unto my said Attorney will or his substitute
full and absolute Power And Authority in the Premises hereby ratifying allowing and
confirming All and what so ever my said Attorney or his Substitutes shall lawfully do or
Cause to be done in Pursuance and_____ the hereof In Witneʃs whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and Seal this twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and nine.George Smith LSSealed and Delivered }
In the Presence of }Robert CrosbyGrenada
James Baldwin
Acknowledged before me by George Smith Esquire the party executing
the above Deed Poll or Letter of Attorney as and for his free and Voluntary Act and deed
this twelfth day of May One thousand eight hundred and nine.Ousley Rowley. D. Regr.
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