The next Record that I transcribed last night does include a James Smith and a James Smith, Junior; as well as an Archibald Smith and one John Smith. The date of entry to the Grenada Register of Records is 19 December 1812. That’s 139 years and one day before I made my grand entry to this planet.
But on the other hand, based on the mode of the transfer of communications then, the Document, possibly proof of Bill of Sale, records that the transaction occurred on the 20th February 1812, was signed on the 22nd February, sworn to on the 17th of December, and entered to the Register the 19th all of the same year. Damn! Can you imagine the organizational skills the office clerks would have to employ?
And in that same year, 1812, everyone thought that they heard a loud canon fire in the distance.
Quoting from Frederic Bayley’s book “Four years’ residence in the West Indies” published in London in 1833 from page 244,
And business carried on as usual during the course of 1812. The pages from the Grenada Register of Records, 46 and 47 follow as downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563328] and Item 8:
The pages are beginning to fade, and my transcription talents are not from the planet Krypton. I do not believe that I’m missing any clue that could possibly provide that ethereal connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith. All-things-being-equal, the four Smiths; Archibald, John, James, and James Junior are the same persons who I have documents in Part 192s.
“The last and most terrific of its eruptions was on the night of Thursday, the 30th of April, 1812 and a brief account of so memorable an event may not be unacceptable to my readers.And from page 647 from the Chapter "Chronology of Grenada",
Ever since noon on the preceding Monday strong symptoms had been observed of the approaching crisis; and, even before that period, numerous earthquakes had prepared the inhabitants of St. Vincent to expect some extraordinary event.
On that day, however, a violent concussion of the earth, and unusual sounds and noises in the air, in the vicinity of the mountain, were succeeded by the appearance of hug columns of smoke rising from the volcano, and by the falling of sundry showers of light pebbles, stones, sand, and ashes, on the lands around…
The huge mountain shook from its foundation: and the protracted trembling of the earth was terrific in the extreme. It was, indeed, a dreadful night!
… At three o’clock, A.M. on the morning of the first of May…”
“1812. Eruption of the Souffrière at St. Vincent mistaken for distant cannon, militia turned out in consequence.”La Souffrière in St. Vincent is about 26.3 miles or 42.3 kilometers, about eight hours, away from St. George’s, Grenada. (The inserted image is courtesy of MS Bing.)
And business carried on as usual during the course of 1812. The pages from the Grenada Register of Records, 46 and 47 follow as downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563328] and Item 8:
The pages are beginning to fade, and my transcription talents are not from the planet Krypton. I do not believe that I’m missing any clue that could possibly provide that ethereal connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith. All-things-being-equal, the four Smiths; Archibald, John, James, and James Junior are the same persons who I have documents in Part 192s.
Enjoy, the Olympics,46Grenada
Entered 19th December 1812Know all Men by these presents That I Walter McInnes of the
Island of Martinique Merchant for and in consideration of the Sum of five hundred and
Seven pounds ten shillings current money of Grenada to me in hand well and truly
paid by Archd Smith John Smith Jas Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James
Smith Junior Andrew Rankin and John Lindsay of the said Island of Grenada Merchsts
at or before the Sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby and acknowledge
have granted bargained Sold enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents do grant
bargain sell enfeoff and confirm unto the said Archibald Smith John Smith James Smith
Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junr Andrew Rankin and John
Lindsay their Heirs and Aʃsigns _____ certain Male Slaves names Louis, Alexis Brutus
and Sampiere and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders _____ iʃsues
and profits thereof and all the estate right title and interest use trust property claim made
_____ and whatsoever _____ at Law or Equity of one the said Walter McInnes of unto
the said Slaves to have and to hold the said Slaves named Louis Alexis Brutus and
Sampiere and all and Singular other the premises to the said Archibald Smith John
Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junr
Andrew Rankin and John Lindsay their Heirs and Aʃsigns to the only proper use
and behoof of the said Archd Smith John Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John
Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junr Andrew Rankin and John Lindsay their
Heirs and Aʃsigns for ever And I do hereby warrant and defend? the said Slaves against
the claims or demands of all person or persons whomsoever unto and to the use of
the said Archd Smith John Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John
Ryburn James Smith Junr Andrew Rankin and John Lindsay their Heirs and
Aʃsignes forever In witneʃs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this
twenty second day of February in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred
and twelve.
Walter McInnes LSSealed and delivered in the presence of John Raymaent, Thos Gregory
Received on the day of the written Bill of Sale of and from the therein named
Archibald Smith John Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn
James Smith Junr. Andrew Rankin and John Lindsay the Sum of five hundred and
Seven pounds ten shillings Currency being the full consideration money therein
mentioned to be by therein to me paid I say received Walter McInnes
Witneʃs John Raymaent Thos Gregory
Be it remembered that on the twenty day of February On thousand
Eight47eight hundred and twelve Livery Seizen and Poʃseʃsion of the Slaves within
mentioned was made and given by the said Walter McInnes the Feoffer in the foregoing
Feoffment named to the said Archibald Smith John Smith James Smith Adam
Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Junr Andrew Rankin and John
Linsday according to the _____ _____ and effect of the same Indenture in the
presence of John Reynaert Thos Gregory
Before His Honor Henry Bridgwater Esquire ChiefPersonally appeared John Reynaert of the Island aforesaid Testimonies?
Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature for the said
Island & its dependencies
who being duly Sworn On the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God made Oath that he
together with Thomas Gregory the other subscribing witneʃs to the annexed Bill of
Sale were present and did See Walter McInnes the party writing the _____ duly sing
Seal execute and deliver the same Bill of Sale as and for his free and Voluntary
Act and deed and this deponent further saith That he together with the said Thomas
Gregory were also present and did See the said Walter McInnes the feoffer in this
received deliver quiet and peaceable poʃseʃsion livery and Seizen of the Slaves named
Louis, Alexis, Brutus and Sampiere to the also their mentioned Feoffers according
to the_____ interest and meaning of the within deed of Feoffment And the deponent
lastly saith the in Testimony of such due Execution and livery and Seizen as
aforesaid him this deponent and the said Thomas Gregory did severally _____ transfer? _____
hereby subscribe their names as witneʃses thereto John Reynaert
Sworn to before me this 17th day of December 1812 HJ Bridgwater
It may be a bit late but this is a very valuable transcript since Walter Mcinnes is someone fairly important if you are interested in the history of slaveownership who is very difficult to trace and pin down. Thank you for the posting
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