My next transcription of a Smith-related record is from the microfilm FHL [1563328] and of Item 8, of the Grenada Register of Records, 1797-1817 (v. Gr-R2).
This is another document of originating of an Elizabeth Smith. I cannot say that this is the same Elizabeth Smith as of the one from the record in Part 208s.
You’ll note that I use an “X” in the Posting title. My rational is the indication “Her Mark” included as her signature in the record. This may mean that Elizabeth Smith, in this incidence is illiterate.
The images of the pages 459 and 460 continue.
The transcription –
The transcription –
Any ideas of the above-indicated blanks or questions of my transcription please feel to comment or contact me.459Examined
Entered 9th July 1814Know all men by these Presents That
I Elizabeth Smith of the Town of St. George of the Island of Grenada
for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred and Thirty two pounds
current money of the Island of Grenada aforesaid to me in hand well and
truly paid by Polly Cussinall? of the parish of Saint George and of the said
Island aforesaid at in before the sealing and actions of these presents to the
Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained sold
enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain ^ sell enfeoff
and confirm unto the said Polly Cussinall? her Heirs and aʃsigns a
certain Negro Boy Slave of mine called Charles and the reversion and
reversions _____ _____ and ______ _____ and profits thereof and all
the estate rights title and interest _____ _____ property claim and demand?
whatsoever either at Law or equity of me the said Elizabeth Smith of _____
_____ the said Slave to have and to hold the said slave and all and _____
_____ the premises to the said Polly Cussinall? her heirs and aʃsigns to the
only proper use and behoof of the said Polly Cussinall? her heirs and
aʃsigns forever And I do hereby warrant and defend the said Slave
aforesaid the claim or demand of all person or persons whomsoever unto and
to the use of the said Polly Cuʃenall? her heirs and aʃsigns forever…
In Witnesswhereof O have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this First
day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand and eight hundred
and Thirteen
HerSealed and Delivered in the presence of
Elizabeth X Smith LS
Henry Roche… Charles H. FraserReceived on the day of the within Bill of sale of and
from the therein named Polly Cussenall the Sum of One Hundred and
Thirty two Pounds Current money of the Island of Grenada being the
full Consideration money therein mentioned to be _____ transferred? to me
I say received £132. of by
Elizabeth X Smith
Henry Roche
Charles H. Fraser
Be it remembered That on the First day of February
One Thousand eight hundred and Thirteen Livery Seizen and Posseʃsion
of the said Slave in therein mentioned was made and given by the said
Elizabeth Smith the Feoffer ^_____ ______ In _____ named? to the said Polly
Cuʃsenall?460Cuʃsenall? according to the force form and effect of the said Indenture
in the presence of Henry Roche Charles H. Fraser.
Before the Honorable John Hayes EsquirePersonally appeared Henry Roche of the Island of Grenada
Aʃsistant Justice of His Majestys Supreme
Court of Judicature held in and for the Island
of Grenada and its Dependencies _____ ______ _____
Carpenter one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the within Deed or Instrument?
and being duly sworn taketh? Oath that he together with Charles H. Fraser
the other subscribing Witneʃss was present and did see Elizabeth Smith
within named Sign by making her mark seal and as her free and Voluntary
Act and deed deliver the said deed or Instrument and the Deponent
further Maketh Oath that the names of Henry Roche and Charles H. Fraser
subscribed as the persons attesting such Execution of are ^ of the proper hand
writing of the said Charles H. Fraser and this deponent Respectively
Henry RocheSworn before me this 9th day of July 1814
John? HayesAʃsist Justice.
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