In years gone past, living in Tampa and with the forecasted threat of frost on the ground I would have rushed around like a chicken without its head looking for sheets and similar type modes of coverings to place over and protect my garden. Well not this time. The plants have already had their damage. There’s nothing much left to protect. This Florida winter has been the end of my well-intentioned gardening. There was frost on the ground this morning, but the sun is shining, and all-things-being-equal we’re supposed to hit about 70°F.
The next Record transcribed from the Grenada Register of Records has mention of one Isabella Smith. There are no clues that may point to ggg-grandfather James Smith. And in the search of my genealogy and ancestry this Document closes Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563329].
The page 170:
My transcription –
And now on to Item 5.
My transcription –
(170)ExamdEntered 7th August 1823Know all Men by these presents That I Malcolm
Fraser of the Island of Grenada for and in Consideration of the sum of eighty four
pounds 3ʃ Current Money of the Island of Grenada aforesaid to me in hand with
and truly paid by Isabella Smith of the Island aforesaid at or before the Sealing
and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge
have granted bargained Sold enfeoffed and confirmed an by these presents
do grant bargain enfeoff and confirm unto the said Isabella Smith her heirs
and aʃsigns a certain Negro Boy Slave called Henry and the reversion and
reversions remainder and remainders rents iʃsues and profits thereof and all
the estate right Title and Interest use trust property Claim and demand whatsoever
either at Law or Equity of one the said Malcolm Fraser of in or to the said Isabella
Smith to have and to hold the said Slave Henry and all and Singular other
In premises the said Isabella Smith her heirs and aʃsigns for ever And I
do hereby warrant and defend the said Slave Henry unto and to the use of
the said Isabella Smith her Heirs and Aʃsigns for ever In Witneʃs whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Seventh day of August in the
Year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and Twenty three.Malcolm Fraser (LS)Sealed and delivered in the presence ofLoftus H. OtwayGrenada Received on the day of the within Bill of Sale
of and from the therein named Isabella Smith the Sum of eighty four
pounds three shillings Currency being the dull consideration money therein
mentioned to be by him to me say received £84.. 3ʃ CurrencyMalcolm FraserWitneʃs Loftus H. Otway
Be it remembered That on the Seventh day of August One Thousand
eight Hundred and twenty three Livery Seizen and peaceable poʃseʃsion of
the Slave within mentioned was made and given by the said Malcolm
Fraser the feoffer in the foregoing deed named to the said Isabella Smith
according to the force form and effect of the same deed in the presenceLoftus H. OtwayGrenada Acknowledged before me by Malcolm Fraser the
party executing the foregoing Deed or Bill of Sale as and for his free and
Voluntary Act and deed this Seventh day of August in the Year of our
Lord One Thousand eight hundred and twenty three.John Douglas D. Reg
And now on to Item 5.
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