This transcription is somewhat more difficult to previous ones, and it is long. As far as I can tell it is an assignment of Power of Attorney on behalf of Richard Oliver Smith. Previous Transcription works and Postings relating to Richard Oliver Smith include Parts 197s, 213s, and 224s.
The insert is a print from an 1837 publication of Mansion House the Lord Mayor of London’s residence where I believe the following Document was presented at in 1823 for signature and seal. The Mayor at the time of 1823 was William Hegate.
I have struggled with the transcription this time as the scribe’s penmanship is somewhat small and tight and the copy of the record especially towards the center of the Grenada Register of Records is sort of smudged. The images of the four pages; 75 through 78 were downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563329] of Item 4.
The pages are:
And my transcription –
The next Smith-related Record from Item 4 is Page 170.
The pages are:
And my transcription –
All assistance with the transcription is most certainly invited.(75)AEntered 27 May 1823
To all to whom those Presents shall Come Richard Oliver Smith
of G_____ Street in the County of Middlesex Sends Greeting Whereas the said
Richard Oliver Smith is seized of all? Sugar Plantations Lands and Hereditaments
with the Appurtenances called Revolution Hall in the Parish of Saint John in the
Island of Grenada as _____ is now or lately _____ Managed for him by William Mitchell
Esquire of the same Island and the said Richard Oliver Smith is desirous of having? the
_____ Manages for him by William Cockburn of Revolution Hall aforesaid instead
of the said William Mitchell Now Know Ye therefore and these Presents witneʃs
that he the said Richard Oliver Smith Conflicting in the skills diligence and integrity of the
said William Cockburn and Hath named ordained authorized Constituted and appointed and
in his place and stead put and deputed and by these Presents Doth name ordain
Authorize Constitute and appoint and in his pace and stead put and depute the
said William Cockburn the true and lawful Attorney for him the said Richard
Oliver Smith and also the true and lawful Attorney Agent and Manager of ______ _____
for ______ aforesaid Plantation Lands and Appurtenances called Revolution Hall in the
said Parish of Saint John as in the said Island of Grenada and for an in the name of
him(76)Him the aid Richard Oliver Smith or in the said William Cockburn as own _____
as Attorney as aforesaid as may be thought now & proper immediately upon the excess? _____
of these Presents to enter upon and take poʃseʃsion of the said Sugar Plantations Lands?
Hereditaments and Premises of him the said Richard Oliver Smith called Revolu-
tion Hall and also to take Poʃseʃion of all and or any the Negro and other Slaves ______
Cattle Stock furniture utensils goods Chattels effects and things upon the same Planta-
tions Lands? and Premises or _____ the same or to him the said Richard Oliver Smith _____
respect thereof belonging or appertaining and to keep and continue such Poʃseʃs and
for and in the name of the said Richard Oliver Smith and to keep in repair
carry on cultivate _____ and Manage all the same Plantation Segar works Lands
and Premises and to order direct and Manage the Slaves Cattle and all other live and
dead Stock thereon and to do Act and transact all matters and things relating there
So in the same manner in all respects as he the said Richard Oliver Smith would do
were he present to do the same and to ship and consign the produce to arise? or be made
from the said Plantation and premises to Meʃsrs Evan Baillie Sons and Company
of the Part of Trust? & in England Merchants for or an Account of the said
Richard Oliver Smith or otherwise In Ship Consign or dispose of the same as he the
said Richard Oliver Smith shall direct or appoint and also for him the said Richard
Oliver Smith and in his name or in the name of the said William Cockburn as Attorney
as aforesaid or otherwise as may be most expedient to ask demand and receive of and
from all persons whomsoever whom it doth or may Concern all and every Accounts
reckonings Sum and Sums of Money property and effects whatsoever due or to become
due or owing o belonging to whim the said Richard Oliver Smith for or in respect form?
account of the aforesaid Plantation Lands Slaves and premises and upon receipt
thereof or of any part thereof for him the said Richard Oliver Smith good and sufficient
Receipts acquittances or other discharges to make give sign and _____ and for him
the said Richard Oliver Smith in his name or otherwise to appear in all and every
Courts at Law or in Equity and before all Judges and other Officers in the said Island
of Grenada and to Commence prosecute? carry on and defend any Action or Actions
Suit or Suits as well at Law or in Equity for the enforcing recovering getting in and
recovering? all and every such Accounts reckonings Sums of money or other property
of him the said Richard Oliver Smith for in respect of the said Plantation Hereditaments
and Premises or of or the support maintenance or defense of him the said Richard Oliver
Smith’s right belonging thereto or to him the said Richard Oliver Smith in respect
thereof and from time to time to substitute and appoint one or more Attorney or Attornies
Substitute or Substitutes under him the said William Cockburn for all or any of the
purposes aforesaid and at will and pleasure to revoke the such substitution and appoint-
-ment and again to Substitute and appoint as often as shall thereto _____
notwithstanding and such Substitution or appointment to execute and perform?
_____ any of the _____ and _____ activities? herein before expreʃsed and contained and _____
to his or And generally for him the said Richard Oliver Smith act and _____
act or cause to be done acted and have acted all such other affairs or _____ _____ _____
and things as may happen or _____ or become neceʃsary or expedient to be done for and?
on behalf of him the said Richard Oliver Smith for offer? _____ _____ _____ _____
or foresaid or otherwise in the care? and management of the said Plantations and Premises?
or any affairs or Concerns refuting? Hereto? and that as fully and effectually as he the
said(77)Said Richard Oliver Smith could do if he were personally present and did the
same He the said Richard Oliver Smith giving and hereby granting unto the said
William Cockburn his full and whole Power and Authority in the premises and hereby
ratifying confirming and allowing and promising further to ratify Confirm and
allow all and whatsoever the said William Cockburn and those to be employed by him
shall lawfully do or cause to be done in and above the Premises by virtue of these
Presents Nevertheleʃs the said William Cockburn is to render? to the said Richard
Oliver Smith or his Consignees annually or oftener if required true and faithful accounts
of all his receipts and payments dealings and transactions in respect of the Premises
hereby or intended to be hereby intrusted? to his care as _____ the proper vouchers for the
same? and also here and faithful lists and Schedules when required of the Negros
and other Slaves Cattle and Stock in _____ or belonging to the said Plantation and
premises In witneʃs whereof the said Richard Oliver Smith hat hereunto set his
hand and Seal this third day of April in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hun-
-dred and twenty three
R. O. Smith (LS)Signed Sealed and Delivered}
in the presence of }
Robert Heath Edwd Jns Carlos Lord Mayor’s Court OfficeRobert Hearth of the Lord Mayor’s Court Office Royal Exchange London in
Royal Exchange London
that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England Gentle
-man Maketh Oath and saith that he together with Edward John Carolos of the Lord
Mayor’s Court Office aforesaid was present and did see the Deed Poll hereunto annexed
market with the letter A bearing date the third day of this instant April and purporting
to be a power of Attorney from Richard Oliver Smith of Gower Street in the County of
Middlesex to William Cockburn of Revolution Hall in the Island of Grenada duly
signed sealed and delivered by him the said Richard Oliver Smith for the _____ and purposes
therein mentioned and that the name or Signature “R.O. Smith” be & or subscribed there to
as the party executing the same is the proper hand writing of him the said Richard
Oliver Smith and this Deponent further saith that the names or Signatures “Robt
Heath” “Edwd Jns Carlor”” also set and subscribed to the said Deed Poll affifavit witneʃsed to
_____ Execution thereof by the said Richard Oliver Smith are of the respective proper
handswriting of the said Edward John Carlos and this Deponent
Robt HeathSworn at the Mansion House London }
This 3d day of April 1823 Before me }
W HeygateTo all to whom it be Presents shall Come I William Heygate Lord Mayor
of the City of London In pursuance of an Act of Parliament made and paʃsed in the
fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the second Instituted and Act of
for the more easy recovery of Debts in his Majesty’s Plantations and Colonies and
Americas Do hereby Certify that on the Day of the Date hereof personally came and
appeared before me Robert Heath the Deponent named in the Affidavit hereunto an-
nexed being a person well known and worthy of good Credit and by solemn Oath which
the said Deponent then took before me upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Did
solemnly and sincerely declare testify and depose the several matters and things
mentioned and contained in the said annexed affidavit
In Faith and Testimony where of I the
said Lord Mayor have caused the Seal of the
Office of Mayoralty of the said City of London
to be hereunto put and affixed and the Deed Poll
marked A mentioned and referred to in and by
the said Affidavit to be hereunto also annexed
Dated in London the third Day of April in the
Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred
and twenty three.
The next Smith-related Record from Item 4 is Page 170.
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