Last night’s supper; home-made conch chowder. Real good… and real conch. Definitely transported me back my mid-teen, and my falling in love with the, oh so versatile conch. Conch chowder, salad, fritters and even steak. Ingredients: conch; bacon; tomatoes; potatoes; carrots; celery; jalapeño and chili peppers; onion; red wine; chicken stock; thyme; salt; pepper. And there are leftovers.
And I just had to let you know that I also do fit cooking and eating at times in-between my genealogy and ancestry research and work. Also, the C&N Quilt is finished and a companion one based on the old Brick Quilt pattern is on the wall and should be finished by week’s end.
The next Smith-related Document from the Grenada Register of Records 1817-1837 (v. R2-Z2) and first one from Item 5 of the microfilm FHL [1563329] is next. This 1827 Record is related to one Elizabeth or Eliza Smith and to a late Mary Ann Smith. Obviously both names caught my attention but from the actual Record I cannot make a judgment that there is any distinct connection of these two ladies to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
The pages 466 and 467:
And my transcription -
And to continue with Item 5; 12 more pages.
And my transcription -
(466)ExamdEntered 27th March 1827To all to whom these presents shall come Know Ye That we
Thomas Otway of the Town of Saint George in the Island of Grenada Merchant
and Elizabeth Smith of the same place Spinster Executor and Executrix
of the last Will and Testament of Mary Ann Smith late of the said
Town and Island deceased by virtue of the said last Will and Testament
and in pursuance of the directions therein contained Have given and
granted and by these presents Do give and grant unto a certain Negro
Woman Slave named Rose her full absolute and entire Manumiʃsion
and freedom To have and To hold by the said Rose and her future iʃsue
and increase her and their full absolute and entire Manumiʃsion and
freedom from henceforth for ever subject to no service labour or servitude
right title claim or demand of service or servitude or any advantage or
emolument there from to or for the benefit of us the said Thomas Otway
and Elizabeth Smith as such Executor or Executrix as aforesaid or of any
other person or persons claiming or to claim by from or under the said
MaryAnn Smith deceased. In witneʃs whereof we have hereunto
respectively set our hands and seals this Fifteenth day of March in the
Year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Seven.Thomas Otway (LS) Eliza Smith (LS)Signed sealed and delivered in the presence ofJohn Andw BredinBefore me John Hoyes one of His Majesty’s Justices
of the Supreme Court of Judicature in and for the
Island of Grenada and its Dependencies.
Personally came and appeared John Andrew Bredin of the Town of
Saint George writing Clerk who having been duly sworn on the Holy Evange-
lists of Almighty God Maketh Oath and saith that he was personally
present and did see Thomas Otway and Eliza Smith the parties named
in the annexed Deed of Manumiʃsion sign seal and as and for this
Act and Deed acknowledge and deliver the same That the names? andsignatures(467)Signatures “Thomas Otway” and “Eliza Smith” set and subscribed
to the said Deed of Manumiʃsion as the parties executing the same are the
true and faithful signatures of the said Thomas Otway and Eliza Smith
and that the signature “John Andw Bredin”” set and subscribed to the
attestation of the said Deed is the true & faithful signature of this deponentJohn Andw BredinSworn before me this Twenty seventh Day of March 1827Jno. Hoyes
S. A. Judge
And to continue with Item 5; 12 more pages.
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