That damn cat has been back again! This time the devil-feline dug up sprouting beans and peas. And I have to maintain some sort of level of composure, but its waning fast. I’ve got the spray and the pellets, and they are a waste of money, that didn’t work. The next, thanks Judith for the suggestion, is the chicken wire. And my next suggestion is a moat of fire.
And thanks to the Heritage Springs Genealogy Club for inviting me to speak at your monthly meeting. I was sure that my droning would have lulled everyone into an immediate and assured slumber. Your choice of topic “How to use what you find” certainly was a good one and I really hoped that my story-telling provided the necessary impetus to incite your genealogy search ideas. Thanks to every one for the great questions regarding the search of your family histories and ancestries.
Continuing with my Transcription Project I’ve stumbled upon a new Smith from the Grenada Register of Records. From Item 7 of the microfilm [1563329] the “new” Smith is one Joseph Smith.
The Document is a Manumission document and all-things-being-equal there is no immediate and obvious connection to my ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Here are the copies of pages 439 and 440:
My transcription and a quick point of note… At times there may be what appears to be a legitimate error; spelling, construction, or grammar in my transcription. I attempt to transcribe the content of the document exactly as it is written. And even though I was an English teacher, at one point of time in my career, I try to make sure that I do not make any corrections to the content of my transcription.
Here are the copies of pages 439 and 440:
My transcription and a quick point of note… At times there may be what appears to be a legitimate error; spelling, construction, or grammar in my transcription. I attempt to transcribe the content of the document exactly as it is written. And even though I was an English teacher, at one point of time in my career, I try to make sure that I do not make any corrections to the content of my transcription.
Stay-tuned. Three more documents in Item 7.(439)ExamdEntered 15th November 1830Grenada
Know all men by these presents that I Joseph
Smith of the town of Saint George in the said Island of Grenada Cooper? That for
natural love and affection and also for the good and faithful Services of my Mu-
latto Slaves hereinafter named may by the enjoyment of their freedom be enabled tobecome(440)Become useful and industrious member of Society Have manumitted enfranchised and
for ever set free and by these presents Do manumit enfranchise and for ever set free my Mulatto
Woman Slave named Hellen and her two children named Clotide and Joseph and the
future issue and increase of the said Hellen and Clotide and I the said Joseph Smith
have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Hellen,
Clotide and Joseph and the future issue and increase of the said Hellen and Clotide
his her and their full freedom and and manumission To have and To hold
by the said Hellen Clotide and Joseph and the future issue and increase of the
said Hellen and Clotide his her and their full free and absolute enfranchisement and free-
dom from the day of the date hereof to his her and their own proper use and behoof forever
Subject to no service labour or servitude right title claim or demand of Service or servitude to
or for the benefit of me the said Joseph Smith my Heirs Executors and administrators at
any time thereafter So that neither I the said Joseph Smith nor any of my heirs Executors or
administrators shall can or may at any time to come have or claim any estate right title or
interest upon? to the said Mulatto Slaves Hellen Clotide and Joseph and the future issue
and increase of the said Hellen and Clotide or to his her or their servitude or any benefit
advantage ______ whatsoever from his her or their labour or employment But that
from henceforth I myself my heirs Executors Administrators or assigns and each of us shall
be therefrom barred and forever utterly excluded by these presents and the said Hellen
Clotide and Joseph and the future issue and increase of the said Hellen and Clotide
shall forever hereafter by free to all intents and purpose whatsoever In witness
where of I the said Joseph Smith have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Eight
day of November in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirtyJoseph his X mark Smith (LS)Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence ofDaisey Simmonds – Jno. RougetGrenadaBefore the honourable John Hoyes Senior assistantPersonally appeared Daisey Simmonds of the town of Saint
Justice of his Majesty’s Supreme Court of Judicature
held in and for the said Island of Grenada and its
George and in the said Island who being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty
God Maketh Oath and saith that he was present together with John Rouget the other subscrib-
ing Witness to the foregoing paper writing purporting to be a deed of Manumission and did
see Joseph Smith therein named as the party executing the same duly sign Seal and execute
the said deed as and for his free and voluntary Act and deed in due form of law deliver
the same and previous to its execution the same was read over and explained to and fully un-
derstood by the said Joseph Smith And in Testimony of such due Execution thereof he this
deponent and the said John Rouge did Subscribe their names as witnesses respectively thereuntoDaisey SimmondsSworn to before me this Fifteenth day of November in the year of Our Lord 1830Jno Hoyes – S Assistant Judge.
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