Today I’m working on some entry finds from the Old Parochial Records of Logie of the County of Perth in Scotland, as a follow up to the work I began in Part 178s. The records which were found in the Grenada Register of Records 1797 - 1817 (v. G2-R2) from Item 3 in the microfilm FHL [1563328] prove a relationship of one James Smith, a brother William Smith, and his son James Smith.
Inserted 2007 Map of Logie, Scotland
My analysis work does not necessarily prove that there is a definitive connection between GGG-Grandfather James Smith and the three Smiths of, what I'm calling, the Logie record. I am attempting to search for and see if there may be a genealogy and ancestry relationship. To date I have been able to find at least 38 pages from the Old Parochial Records of Logie, that are Smith related. The Old Parochial Records include baptisms, banns, and marriages.
From the Logie records and the relationship of the three men, James Smith, his deceased brother William, and his deceased son James, I think I have found parochial entries that may, and then again may not, be applicable.
I located three James Smiths in the Logie Old Parochial Records that appear to fit the parameters. There also appears to be a relationship between the three James Smiths; father, son, and grandson. All-things-being-equal, these Smith could be of the same generation of GGG-Grandfather James, or maybe one generation removed.
The first, of interest, is of a James Smith who married a Margaret Reid on 4 June 1733 at Logie. According to the Banns there are two more Smiths included in the entry; William Smith, Schoolmaster and Charles Smith, Wright. And of course my eyes immediately focused on the word “Wright”. All things being equal this James Smith could be either the Smith at the top of “Possible Smith Descendant Chart” of the James Smith, the Weaver.
Here is the page of the Banns and the Marriage entry from the Old Parochial Register for Logie, 1688 to 1855. It was found in Item 2 of the microfilm FHL [1040124].
My transcription --


The first, of interest, is of a James Smith who married a Margaret Reid on 4 June 1733 at Logie. According to the Banns there are two more Smiths included in the entry; William Smith, Schoolmaster and Charles Smith, Wright. And of course my eyes immediately focused on the word “Wright”. All things being equal this James Smith could be either the Smith at the top of “Possible Smith Descendant Chart” of the James Smith, the Weaver.
Here is the page of the Banns and the Marriage entry from the Old Parochial Register for Logie, 1688 to 1855. It was found in Item 2 of the microfilm FHL [1040124].
My transcription --

May 29th, 1733 Saturday
The which day James Smith and Margaret Reid both in
this parish enrolled their names to be proclaimed in order
to Marriage, and William Smith Schoolmaster in Logie be
came Cautioner for their person’s which is ten shilling sterling
Before these witnesses John Bryce cordiner in Blair and
Charles Smith Wright in Logie & C.
June 4, 1733 MondayThis is quite a bit to take in and I will pause here and continue in my next posting. I will then present the eight children of James and Margaret (née Reid) Smith.
The which day James Smith and Margaret Reid
both in this parish were married.
Mr. Patrick Drichal minister.
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